Early Fall Tournament (Koo/Teitler – Packet 4)
1. He arrives at a town plagued by the title creatures on Dead Man's Day and introduces himself as Philebus in a play by Sartre. In other works, he shows mercy to a Phrygian slave before being stopped from killing his future wife by Apollo, and pretends to be carrying his own ashes or lays a lock of his own hair on a tombstone when he first encounters his sister. The equivalent of this character kills Adam Brant upon the urging of Lavinia in a trilogy by Eugene O'Neill. Often accompanied by his friend from Phocis, Pylades, on his vengeful quest, FTP identify this man who kills Aegisthus and his mother Clytemnestra for their murder of his father Agamemnon.
Answer: Orestes
2. The first count of this region eloped with Judith, a daughter of Charles the Bald, and his successor was also nicknamed “the Bald.” Its counts included Arnulf I the Great, Thierry of Alsace, and Baldwin IX, the first emperor of the Latin Empire of Constantinople. William the Conqueror’s wife Matilda hailed from here, and Henry VIII supposedly referred to Anne of Cleves as the Mare of this region. The modern provinces of Limburg and Antwerp can be found in, FTP, this region of Belgium which saw some of the bloodiest battles of WWI, leading John McCrae to compose a poem in its fields.
ANSWER: Flanders
3. The dominant cation in the outer regions of protostellar disks is thought to consist of three of these atoms. It is destroyed by fusion in contracting young stellar objects, and there is no known post-Big Bang nucleosynthesis process for producing it. Its primordial abundance is a sensitive function of the baryon-to-photon ratio and is constrained by spectra of certain distant quasars showing its weak Lyman-alpha absorption line. It is produced in the first step of the proton-proton chain, which involves the weak force as one proton turns into a neutron. FTP name this isotope of hydrogen with atomic mass 2.
ANSWER: deuterium (do not accept or prompt on hydrogen; in case anyone asks, all of the deuterium produced in the proton-proton chain is immediately destroyed by the next reactions in the chain)
4. A "Song of " this is the title of an operetta by Kabalevsky. This word is also applied to Beethoven's fifth violin sonata in F major, and to a symphony by Britten featuring a whistling chorus and a setting of Auden's "Out on the lawn I lie in bed." An Adolph Burtger poem provided the inspiration for another symphony given this name, the first symphony of Schumann. Also giving its name to the first of a set of twelve violin concertos entitled The Trial Between Harmony and Invention, FTP identify this word associated with a Vivaldi work accompanied by a sonnet describing the singing birds and flowering meadows often associated with this season.
ANSWER: Spring
5. A diptych in its Main Gallery uses dihedral composition and reserves to suggest the perspective. The Main Gallery is connected by the Lateral Passage to the Chamber of Engravings, whose rotunda is home to more than 600 engraved figures arranged in three themed tiers. The same geometric theme can be found at the ends of the Chamber of Felines and the Shaft of the Dead Man. The Great Hall of the Bulls contains a composition involving a unicorn, balanced by a group of three aurochs. Discovered by 4 teenagers in 1940, FTP name this complex noted for its Upper Paleolithic cave paintings, located in Dordogne, France.
ANSWER: Lascaux cave, France
6. In the first act of the play in which she appears, she and a black woman share a laugh after she catches a package of meat. Her brother-in-law left a casino in the middle of the Varsouviana to commit suicide after a drunken remark by her sister. On her honeymoon, her husband used her shoe to smash all the lightbulbs, and at one point her husband throws a radio out a window, then chases her offstage and beats her. She is shocked by news that her family has lost Belle Reve, and that her sister had to leave Laurel due to sexual improprieties. FTP name this wife of Stanley and sister of Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire.
ANSWER: Stella Kowalski
7. An accident on the USS Princeton during this man's presidency killed his Secretary of State Abel Upsher and his would-be father-in-law David Gardiner. He approved the Preemption Act, but failed to send federal troops to put down the Dorr Rebellion and was reviled for vetoing a "Fiscal Corporation" Bill, resulting in the resignation of his entire Cabinet except for the man negotiating the end of the Aroostook War, Daniel Webster. Responsible for the acquisition of the Mesabi Range in Minnesota and the annexation of Texas at the end of his presidency, FTP identify this man who briefly served as vice president before succeeding William Henry Harrison as president.
ANSWER: John Tyler
8. Resonant scattering of Lyman-alpha photons raises the spin type of this property above the kinetic variety. The Saha equation is used to define the ionization type, while the brightness type is given by equating the specific intensity at one wavelength to the Planck function. The effective type is proportional to the surface flux to the one-fourth, from the Stefan-Boltzmann law. Equality of this property is transitive according to the zeroth law of thermodynamics, and the heat flow in a reversible process equals the entropy change times this quantity. FTP name this property measured by the absolute Rankine and Kelvin scales.
ANSWER: temperature
9. He ended his career after noting that “when the third baseman has to do my work for me, it’s time to quit.” He was moved to St. Louis, leaving Cleveland to compile the worst season in baseball history. He is known for out-dueling Rube Waddell after Waddell had called him a “hayseed,” pitching a perfect game in the midst of 24 consecutive no-hit innings. Commissioner Ford Frick commemorated his achievements the year after he died. Given his nickname while pitching on a minor league team in Canton, Ohio, FTP identify this baseball player who earned his 511th win in 1911 and who gives his name to an award for each league’s most outstanding pitcher.
ANSWER: Denton True “Cy” Young
10. The antithesis of this concept is sometimes subcategorized according to the presence or absence of four or more pranas. It is typically listed as the first of the yamas, and is the subject of the first anuvrata, which places ekendriyas and Sthavara-Jivas in a separate category. Eating and drinking only during the daytime is one manifestation of adherence to this principle, which appears as the first of the four restraints of Parshvanatha. Other manifestations include the use of mukhavastrika and whisk brooms to avoid stepping on insects. FTP name this central tenet of Jainism.
ANSWER: ahimsa or nonviolence
11. This man admonishes his cousin Richard Simpson for spelling a name with an "n" rather than the correct "r." He becomes acquainted with a man who lost his promotion to a less-qualified son of Libertina during an excursion from Maldonada and meets a man who attempts to extract sunshine from cucumbers at the academy of Lagado. A mutiny on the Adventure results in his being left on an island populated by wise horses and yahoos. Used as a weapon in a war against Blefuscu, FTP identify this ship's physician whose four voyages include visits to the flying island of Laputa and the land of Lilliput, the hero of a book by Jonathan Swift about his "travels."
ANSWER: Lemuel Gulliver
12. This process may be initiated in RecBC-lacking strains of Gram-positive cells by forming protoplasts and incubating with polyethylene glycol. This process may also be achieved by using coated tungsten particles, or treating yeast with lithium salts. It naturally occurs in Haemophilus and Streptococcus pneumoniae, but its effectiveness in other prokaryotes may be enhanced by cold incubating with calcium chloride and application of a heat shock. Studied by Avery, MacLeod, and MacCarty, who determined that the causative agent of Griffiths’ virulence experiment was DNA, FTP identify this process by which a cell takes up free foreign genetic material from its environment.
ANSWER: transformation
13. Benno Landsberger wrote an influential monograph on the Cappadocian trading colony, or karum, of this civilization. Its forces fought in two battles at Karkar, the first against a coalition led by Irhuleni of Hamath and Ben-Hadad I of Damascus. Gyges of Lydia fell to the Cimmerians after he lost this empire’s support for aiding the revolt of Psamtik I, who expelled their forces from Egypt to found the 26th dynasty. A palace in one of its capitals was home to many human-headed bull statues and a library of over 20,000 tablets. FTP name this empire whose rulers included Shalmaneser III, Esarhaddon, and Sennacherib.
ANSWER: Assyria
14. One character mentions that his current client shot his wife six times in the head for changing the channel during a ball game. That character’s mother finds that her livestock won’t eat the feed she got from Fred, and suspects foul play. She visits Fawcett Farm to check with Dan Fawcett, but finds his corpse with its eyes gouged out. Soon after, teacher Annie Hayworth falls to an attack that gathers on a jungle gym, and Melanie Daniels is temporarily trapped in a phone booth while attackers fly into the glass. FTP, name this Hitchcock film in which a visit to BodegaBay coincides with a series of avian attacks.
ANSWER: The Birds
15. Rousseau, in his Reveries of the Solitary Walker, attacked this man’s erotic novel, The Temple of Cnidus. In another of his novels, Solim discovers an adulterous tryst, leading to a final assertion of independence by Roxana. Many articles in the Nakaz derived from a treatise in which he lists the spirits of inequality and extreme equality as two paths to ruining a democracy. That treatise argues that geography and climate influence the form of government among the three possibilities of despotism, monarchy and republic. FTP name this author of The Persian Letters who argued for separation of powers in The Spirit of the Laws.
ANSWER: Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de la Brede et de Montesquieu (accept Secondat, if anyone says it)
16. This artist’s enthusiasm for Memling’s works, seen during a 1928 trip to Munich to oversee the making of a stained-glass window, is reflected in a portrait of his mother, the aptly-titled Woman with Plant. Protests over his foreign-made window led him to paint a faded copy of Leutze’s Washington Crossing the Delaware behind three of “those Tory gals” in his Daughters of Revolution. He depicted a cottage in West Branch in The Birthplace of Herbert Hoover, and was inspired to create another painting by a brothel with a gable window in Eldon. FTP, name this artist who depicted his sister and his dentist in American Gothic.
ANSWER: Grant DeVolson Wood
17. One character in this play is delighted by a present of old morning-slippers from his aunt, who has bought a beautiful bonnet so the title character need not be embarrassed by her company. The maidservant Berta worries about the invalid Miss Rina, while Mademoiselle Diana is a source of consternation for Thea Elvsted. Mademoiselle Diana’s boudoir is the site of one man’s beautiful suicide using a pistol supplied by the title character. The death of Eilert Lovborg gives Judge Brack a hold over the title character of, FTP what Ibsen play focusing on George Tesman’s wife?
ANSWER: Hedda Gabler
18. The virial theorem implies that this quantity must be negative for a self-gravitating system. One model for it assumes a three-dimensional quantum harmonic oscillator with a characteristic frequency, and was modified to better fit the low-temperature T-cubed dependency by treating variations as phonons. At high temperatures, the models of Einstein and Debye approaches the value of three times the ideal constant given by the Dulong-Petit law. For an ideal gas, the universal constant is equal to the difference between the constant pressure and constant volume values for, FTP, this quantity defined as the amount of heat needed to change an object's temperature.
ANSWER: (specific) heat capacity
19. This period officially ended when Zhu Wen deposed the last emperor and established the Liang Dynasty. One of this dynasty’s rulers founded the short-lived Zhou Dynasty in an attempt to be a female Emperor. Another of its rulers, Xuanzhong (read “shuan chong”), fell in love with a woman that was about forty years younger than he was; that woman, Yang Guifei (read “gway fay”) had as a favorite an Iranian-Turkish general who would lead a rebellion against this dynasty, An Lushan. Xuanzhong also founded an academy for poets, in which Li Po served. FTP identify this Chinese dynasty lasting from 618 to 906 AD and preceded by the Sui Dynasty.
ANSWER: Tang dynasty
20. Her brother Phoroneus founded the first market-town, which later became the city of Argos. She suffered as a result of a spell cast by the daughter of Pan and Echo, the Oread Iynx, who was turned into a wryneck for meddling. That suffering came in part at the hands of the killer of Echidna, and began after a magical cloud dispersed, exposing her to her jealous rival. Her rescue by Hermes resulted in the enhancement of the plumage of the peacock. FTP name this woman who was turned into a cow by Zeus to conceal an affair, then placed under the watch of the hundred-eyed jailor Argus.
Catalysis by this molecule has been investigated by Harry Noller. Picornavirus and hepatitis C virus both possess internal entry sites that allow this molecule to function in the absence of 7-methylguanosine in the substrate. This molecule can also bind to the Shine-Dalgarno sequence in prokaryotes. Macrolides such as erythromycin block this molecule’s exit tunnel, while aminoglycosides bind to this molecule’s 30S subunit. With an RNA component that is processed in the nucleolus, FTP identify this organelle consisting of large and small subunits that form E, P, and A sites and that is responsible for mRNA translation to synthesize protein.
ANSWER: ribosome
1. This bonus is brought to you by the Greek letter sigma. FTPE:
[10] Sigma factor binds to the Pribnow box and must dissociate from the other subunits of the prokaryotic version of this enzyme before enzymatic activity can proceed. This enzyme’s activity may be terminated by rho factor.
ANSWER: RNA polymerase (prompt on “polymerase”; do not accept “DNA polymerase”)
[10] Sigma replication, also called rolling-circle replication, initiates at a single-stranded break in the plus-strand of these circular pieces of extrachromosomal DNA. They often carry genes for antibiotic resistance.
ANSWER: plasmids
[10] A sigma bond can rearrange in this type of organic reactive intermediate to form a more substituted compound. This reactive intermediate is implicated in the mechanism of unimolecular substitution and elimination reactions.
ANSWER: carbocations
2. In 1915, the government of the Young Turks decided to deport this entire population, resulting in the first genocide of the 20th century. FTPE:
[10] Name these people whose namesake country has its capital at Yerevan.
ANSWER: Armenia
[10] The short-lived Democratic Republic of Armenia, established in 1918 by the Treaty of Sèvres, was effectively ended by this treaty between Turkey and the TranscaucasianRepublics which replaced the treaty of Alexandropol.
ANSWER: the Treaty of Kars
[10] This enclave was the subject of armed dispute in the early 90’s between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and is currently occupied by Armenian troops.
ANSWER: Nagorno-Karabakh
3. His plays include The Affected Young Ladies and The Learned Ladies. FTPE:
[10] Identify this author who collapsed on stage while playing the title role of Argan in his play The Imaginary Invalid.
Answer: Moliere or Jean-Baptiste Poquelin
[10] In this Moliere play, Arnolphe decides to marry his ward Agnes because he thinks she is too innocent to cuckold him. Horace falls in love with Agnes and confides in Monsieur de la Souche, who is actually Arnolphe.
Answer: The School for Wives or L'Ecole des femmes
[10] The title character almost succeeds in fooling Orgon into giving him Orgon's worldly possessions and Orgon's daughter Mariane in marriage, but he gets his comeuppance.
Answer: Tartuffe, or The Imposter; accept Le Tartuffe, ou l'imposteur
4. This man sealed his own doom when he killed Pallas, the young son of King Evander. FTPE:
[10] Name this prince of the Rutuli and suitor of Lavinia whose death is described in the last lines of the Aeneid.
ANSWER: Turnus
[10] This river nymph, the sister of Turnus, tried to spare him his fate by disguising herself as his charioteer and driving him away from Aeneas.
ANSWER: Juturna
[10] Juturna was said to be the wife of this Roman god of doorways. He was often depicted with two faces and, as the god of beginnings, gave his name to the first month of the calendar.