EECE Application for Professional Sequence

Updated 01/16

Application for Admission

Queens College Undergraduate NYS Initial Certificate Program

Childhood Education Grades 1-6

Cover Sheet

The deadline for application to the program is March 15 for entrance in the Fall semester and October 15 for entrance in the Spring semester.

Your completed application MUST include the following:

Application for Admission (NOTE: You must submit the fouritems listed below.)

  • 1. Signed and dated cover sheet and application checklist (white sheet)
  • 2. Completed Qualifying Courses Lists (LASAR or PLAS or PATHWAYS as appropriate)(all blanks filled in):
  • LASAR (pink sheet) or PLAS (yellow sheet) or PATHWAYS (green sheet)
  • Completed Co-Major/MinorList with co-major/minor advisor’s SIGNATUREor List of coursework equaling 30 credits in a single department
  • 3. Student copy of QC transcript printed from CUNYFirst (with qualifying courses highlighted for students presenting 30 credits in a single department)
  • 4. Completed Documentation of 100 hours experience with children in a group setting (blue sheet)

Important Note to all Applicants: Due to fingerprinting requirements currently being implemented by the New York City Department of Education, your ability to student teach and complete the New York State Initial Certification program may be impacted if you are not a citizen or legal resident of the United States.

Applications must be reviewed by an Undergraduate Advisor before being submitted for consideration.


Applicant NameCUNY First ID#


Applicant Signature




Student Name:______Any previous names:______

DOB: ______Student SS# (last four digits):______CUNY ID:______

Home Phone:( ) Work Phone:( )______Cell:( )______

Address: Apt.# ______

City State: ZipCode:______

Please note that email correspondence from the Department will be sent to your QC email address. Please check your QC email.

Additional email address (optional):______

Important Note to all Applicants: Due to fingerprinting requirements currently being implemented by the New York City Department of Education, your ability to student teach and complete the New York State Initial Certification program may be impacted if you are not a citizen or legal resident of the United States.

LASARS or PLASor PATHWAYS completed: YES______NO______

  • If NO, please indicate number of LASAR or PLASor PATHWAYS courses remaining and in which areas:



  • Number of Credits remaining in co-major/minor after this semester:______

Are you a transfer student: YES______NO______; If yes, previous college ______

*100 Hours Experience with children is completed and form is included in application packet: YES______NO______

If NO, Please explain:______


If hours not completed, number of hours completed so far:______

*Prior to admission to the intensive professional preparation sequence, students must complete 100 hours of supervised work with children in a group setting. The blue EECE form verifying and briefly evaluating your work must be completed by the supervisor, or be accompanied by a letter from the supervisor on institution letterhead.

PLEASE NOTE: EECE checks your coursework for the purposes of readiness to enter the EECE Professional Sequence. This does not confirm that you have meet QC graduation requirements. You are responsible for making sure you have fulfilled all requirements for graduation.

Qualifying Courses

Primary College Competencies / Course / Term / Credit / Grade
English 110* (B required)
Foreign Language
(or exemption) / 1.
PhysEd (FNES 11-30)
Writing Intensives
**EECE majors required to have a B in each writing course / 1.

*A grade of B in English 200 may be substituted for the grade of B in English

110 for EECE admission. This does not change QC PCC requirements.

List all courses that qualify:

LASAR / Course / Term / Credit / Grade
Humanities 1 Tier 1
Tier 2
Humanities II / Music 261
Humanities III
Physical & Biological Sciences / Physics 001
Sci Meth/Quant Reasoning / Math 119
Soc Sciences / History 103
History 104
Pre-Ind/Non-West Civ

Grade of B or better in each of the following NY State Core Areas (List course that qualifies):

Area / Course / Term / Grade
Social Studies
Eng. Lang. Arts

Important Note to all Applicants: Due to fingerprinting requirements currently being implemented by the New York City Department of Education, your ability to student teach and complete the New York State Initial Certification program may be impacted if you are not a citizen or legal resident of the United States.