National 5 Modern Languages


Assessment task

Valid from session 2017–18 and until further notice.

This edition: June 2017 (version 1.0)

The information in this publication may be reproduced to support SQA qualifications. This publication must not be reproduced for commercial or trade purposes. This material is for use by teachers and lecturers.

© Scottish Qualifications Authority 2012, 2017



Recording documentation

Marking instructions

Instructions for candidates


This document contains instructions for candidates for the National 5 Modern Languagesperformance–talking. It must be read in conjunction with the
course specification.

This performance–talkingis worth 30 marks out of a total of 120 marks available for the course assessment.

This is one of five course assessmentcomponents. The other components arequestion papers covering reading, writing, and listening, and an assignment–writing.

This performance–talking has onesection, with two subsections.

Subsection 1 titled ‘presentation’ has10 marks.

Subsection 2 titled ‘conversation’ has20 marks.

The instructions for candidates can be printedandshared with candidates.

This document also contains an assessment record which can be used to record the results awarded for the performance–talking.

Version 1.01

Recording documentation

The following recording document can be used by assessors to record the marks awarded to candidates. The format can be adapted to suit the needs of individual centres.

Version 1.01

National 5 Modern Languages:performance–talking assessment record

In the case of assessment by observation or oral questioning, evidence should include assessors’ comments and other relevant supporting evidence that shows clearly the basis on which assessment judgements have been made.

Centre: ______Candidate number: ______Class/group: ______

Candidate name: ______Candidate signature:______

My chosen contexts are ______(presentation) and ______(conversation).

Subsections / Contexts/
topics / Mark / Assessor’s comments
(first context) / /10
Subsections / Contexts/
topics / Total / Assessor’s comments
Conversation (different context from that used in the presentation) / /15
(ability to sustain the conversation) / /5
Total for the performance–talking / /30
Internal verifier comments: / Date:

Candidates should note that marks awarded may be subject to external verification by SQA.

Version 1.01

Marking instructions

The marking instructions for the National 5 Modern Languages performance–talkingcan be found in the course specification.

Instructions for candidates

This assessment applies to the performance–talking for National 5 Modern Languages.

This performance–talking is worth30 marks out of a total of 120 marks available for the course assessment.

It assesses the following skills, knowledge and understanding:

the ability to usedetailed spoken language as part of a presentation and conversation on the chosen topics

the ability to use language accurately to convey meaning

the ability to maintain interaction as appropriate to purpose

This performance–talking has onesection, with two subsections.

Subsection 1 titled ‘presentation’ has10 marks.

Subsection 2 titled ‘conversation’ has20 marks.

Within subsection 2, marks are awarded as follows:

15 marks for the conversation

5 marks for sustaining the conversation

Your teacher or lecturer will let you know how the assessment will be carried out and any required conditions for doing it.

In this assessment, you have to carry out a spoken presentation and conversation in the modern language from at least two of the following contexts:





You must identify the contexts/topics for the presentation and conversation beforehand, and communicate these to your teacher or lecturer before the performance–talking is undertaken.

Thisperformance-talking is a one-off assessment, and should last approximately 6–8 minutes in total. It will be audio or video recorded.

Prior to the assessment you may find it useful to ask your teacher or lecturer to share the general and detailed marking instructions with you.


You should be prepared to carry out a spoken presentation in the modern language, using detailed language, on a topic chosen from one of the contexts above.The presentation should last approximately 1–2 minutes to allow demonstration of language resource, accuracy, and pronunciation and intonation. During the presentation, you may refer to up to five headings of no more than eight words each as prompts, and/or use visual aids. These headings may be in the modern language or English.


Following the prepared presentation, you will take part in a conversation and respond to some questions in the modern language, following on from the presentation topic chosen. The conversation must move on to cover a topic from a different context of your choice and you should be prepared to respond to questions in the modern language on that secondcontext. The conversation should last approximately 5–6 minutes to allow you to demonstrate your ability to take part in a conversation in the modern language, using detailed language. The information to be exchanged is mainly of a factual nature and includes some ideas and opinions. You may also ask questions where appropriate.

How to cover different contexts in the performance–talking

This is one example:

You give a presentation on the topic of your holidays (culture context) and in the conversation section you respond to questions on the impact of film/TV/cinema and other media on your daily life (society context). In this way you cover a context in the conversation (society) that is different to that covered in the presentation (culture).

Version 1.01

Administrative information

Published:June 2017 (version 1.0)

History of changes

Version / Description of change / Date

Security and confidentiality

This documentcan be used bypractitioners in SQA approved centres for the assessment of National Courses and not for any other purpose.


This document may be reproduced in whole or in part for assessment purposes provided that no profit is derived from reproduction and that, if reproduced in part, the source is acknowledged. If it needs to be reproduced for any purpose other than assessment, it is the centre’s responsibility to obtain copyright clearance.

Re-use for alternative purposes without the necessary copyright clearance may constitute copyright infringement.

© Scottish Qualifications Authority 2012, 2017

Version 1.01