Name ______-

Science Final Review


Scientific Method- organized ways of finding answers and solving problems.

Water Cycle- the movement of water from Earth’s surface into the air and back again

Water Vapor- water in the form of invisible gas

Weather- what it’s like outside including temperature, wind, clouds, and precipitation.

Athmosphere- the blanket of air that surrounds the Earth

Ecosystem: all the living things and nonliving things that interact with each other in a given area

Vertebrate: animal with a backbone

Invertebrate: an animal without a backbone

Adaptations: trait that helps a living thing survive in its environment

Instinct:a behavior an animal was born able to do

Inherited Trait:something that is passed on

Hibernate: animals have the instinct to sleep during the cold winter months

Why is the earth called the Blue Planet?

three fourths, or 75 percent of Earth’s surface is covered in water. Most of the Earth’s water is saltly ocean water.

What are the three forms in which water exists?

Liquid (water) Soild (ice) Gas (wator vapor)

What are some dangerous types of storms? (be able to name a few examples)
Some examples: hurricane, tornado, flood, typhoon, earthquake, tsunami, blizzard

The four basic needs of all animals:

All animals need water, food, shelter, oxygen


The four ways animals protect themselves: (be able to give one example of each)

Camouflage- example: animals changing color to blend in with surroundings. chameleon (Changes colors to blend in,

, armor: some animals have shells, teeth, claws, hooves and bills to protect themselves: Example: turtle (shell) porcupine (quills)

, mimicry- animals have colors or markings that help them look like a dangerous animal. a harmless hover fly looks like a dangerous hornet


poison- spraying a bad-smelling liquid (skunk) somesnakes bite with poisonous teeth.

What are the main parts of a plant? Explain what each part does?

1.)leaves- use energy from the sun to make food for the plant

2.) roots-hold up the plant and take in water and minerals from the soil to the stem

3.) stems- hold up the leaves, flowers and fruits. A plants stem has tubes that move water and minerals to the plant.

4.) flowers- flowering plants make seeds


Seeds scatter by: wind, water, carried by animals, or eaten by animals

Forces and Motion:

Force- a push or a pull that makes an object move or change direction

Energy- the ability to do work

Friction-is a force caused when two objects rub against each other. Friction causes objects in motion to slow down.

Would a marble roll faster and further on sand or ice? Why?

Would a marble roll down faster on a tall ramp or a short ramp? Why?

Know the following diagrams:

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Life Cycle of a Plant

1.seed2. germinating seed3. Seedling 4. Adult Plant

(stem grows up roots (grows leaves and can make food)

grow down)

Water Cycle

Short Answer: Describe what happens in these stages.