Name ______Period ______

Midterm Review

Unit 1 Review

____ 1. Which of Earth’s spheres includes the oceans, groundwater, lakes, and glaciers?

a. / the atmosphere / c. / the biosphere
b. / the hydrosphere / d. / the geosphere

____ 2. On the global grid, the prime meridian is at ____.

a. / 0 degrees latitude / c. / 0 degrees longitude
b. / 90 degrees latitude / d. / 90 degrees longitude

____ 3. How could two points 35 degrees north of the equator—one in North America and the other in China—be distinguished using map coordinates?

a. / by their elevation / c. / by their longitude
b. / by their map projection / d. / by their latitude

____ 4. A preliminary untested explanation that tries to explain how or why things happen in the manner observed is a scientific ____.

a. / law / c. / fact
b. / theory / d. / hypothesis

____ 5. A scientific idea that is well tested and widely accepted by the scientific community is called a scientific ____.

a. / hypothesis / c. / theory
b. / inquiry / d. / method

Unit 2 Review

____ 1. The geocentric model of the universe stated that ____.

a. / Earth revolved around the celestial sphere
b. / the sun was the center of the universe
c. / Earth was a “wanderer”
d. / Earth was the center of the universe

____ 2. Using Tycho Brahe’s data, which scientist proposed three laws of planetary motion?

a. / Newton / c. / Galileo
b. / Kepler / d. / Copernicus

____ 3. The first early astronomer to propose a sun-centered solar system was ____.

a. / Galileo / c. / Copernicus
b. / Newton / d. / Brahe

____ 4. Earth’s axis slowly but continuously points in different directions, a movement known as ____.

a. / retrograde motion / c. / rotation
b. / revolution / d. / precession

____ 5. The turning or spinning of a body on its axis is known as ____.

a. / rotation / c. / precession
b. / revolution / d. / apogee

____ 6. Seasons are caused by ____.

a. / Earth’s rotation / c. / Earth’s tilted axis
b. / precession / d. / Earth’s distance from the sun

____ 7. How old is the moon?

a. / much older than Earth / c. / much younger than Earth
b. / about the same age as Earth / d. / older than the sun

____ 8. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of the Jovian planets?

a. / large size / c. / thin atmospheres
b. / composed mainly of gases and ices / d. / located beyond the orbit of Mars

____ 9. The formation of the solar system from a huge cloud of dust and gases is called the ____.

a. / protoplanet theory / c. / planetesimal theory
b. / nebular theory / d. / solar theory

____ 10. The planet with the greatest temperature extremes is ____.

a. / Earth / c. / Mars
b. / Venus / d. / Mercury

____ 11. Using the Doppler effect, astronomers can determine a star’s ____.

a. / temperature / c. / movement toward or away from Earth
b. / chemical composition / d. / age

____ 12. The layer of the sun that radiates most of the light that reaches Earth is the ____.

a. / photosphere / c. / chromosphere
b. / corona / d. / ionosphere

____ 13. Sunspots appear dark because they are ____.

a. / relatively cool / c. / deep holes
b. / relatively hot / d. / solid areas

____ 14. The source of the sun’s energy is ____.

a. / chemical burning / c. / nuclear fusion
b. / nuclear fission / d. / photosynthesis

____ 15. Our galaxy is called the ____.

a. / Local Group / c. / Andromeda
b. / Orion / d. / Milky Way

Unit 3 Review

____ 1. In Figure 3-1, what type of rock should occur in the part of the rock cycle labeled B?

a. / igneous / c. / lava
b. / metamorphic / d. / Sedimentary

____ 2. In Figure 3-1, what type of rock should occur in the part of the rock cycle labeled F?

a. / igneous / c. / lava
b. / metamorphic / d. / sedimentary

____ 3. What type of rocks are formed by processes powered by the sun?

a. / metamorphic rocks
b. / sedimentary rocks
c. / igneous rocks
d. / No rocks are formed by energy from the sun.

____ 4. Where is the energy source found that drives the processes that form igneous and metamorphic rocks?

a. / the sun / c. / Earth’s interior
b. / the wind / d. / moving water

____ 5. Which of the following represents the correct order of the processes involved in sedimentary rock formation?

a. / erosion, weathering, compaction, cementation, deposition
b. / compaction, cementation, deposition, weathering, erosion
c. / deposition, cementation, compaction, erosion, weathering
d. / weathering, erosion, deposition, compaction, cementation

____ 6. Which of the following is NOT an agent of metamorphism?

a. / heat / c. / pressure
b. / running water / d. / a hydrothermal solution

____ 7. Whenever the characteristics and chemical composition of weathered materials have been altered, they have undergone ____.

a. / chemical weathering / c. / mass movement
b. / mechanical weathering / d. / frost wedging

____ 8. Which of these factors affects the rate of weathering?

a. / climate
b. / chemical composition of the exposed rock
c. / surface area of the exposed rock
d. / all of the above

____ 9. The factor that has the greatest effect on soil formation is ____.

a. / climate / c. / time
b. / parent material / d. / slope orientation

____ 10. What are the proportions of clay, silt, and sand shown at point B?

a. / clay: 40 percent; silt: 30 percent; sand: 30 percent
b. / clay: 60 percent; silt: 20 percent; sand: 20 percent
c. / clay: 10 percent; silt: 80 percent; sand: 10 percent
d. / clay: 20 percent; silt: 40 percent; sand: 40 percent

____ 11. The process responsible for moving material downslope under the influence of gravity is called ____.

a. / erosion / c. / mass movement
b. / weathering / d. / soil formation

____ 12. Which of the following is a landform created by wave erosion?

a. / estuary / c. / sea arch
b. / tombolo / d. / breakwater

____ 13. What feature connects an island to the mainland or to another island?

a. / jetty / c. / sea stack
b. / tombolo / d. / breakwater

____ 14. Which of the following is designed to prevent or slow shoreline erosion?

a. / groin / c. / seawall
b. / beach nourishment / d. / all of the above

Unit 4 Review

____ 1. When an earthquake occurs, energy radiates in all directions from its source, which is called the ____.

a. / epicenter / c. / fault
b. / focus / d. / seismic center

____ 2. Most earthquakes are produced by the rapid release of which kind of energy stored in rock subjected to great forces?

a. / chemical / c. / elastic
b. / thermal / d. / mechanical

____ 3. A seismogram shows that P waves travel ____.

a. / at the same speed as surface waves
b. / more slowly than S waves
c. / at the same speed as S waves
d. / faster than S waves

____ 4. What is the minimum number of seismic stations that is needed to determine the location of an earthquake’s epicenter?

a. / two / c. / four
b. / one / d. / three

____ 5. According to Figure 8-1, when will the first P wave be received, if an earthquake epicenter is approximately 1800 kilometers from the seismic station?

a. / 3.5 minutes after the earthquake
b. / 5.5 minutes after the earthquake
c. / 6.6 minutes after the earthquake
d. / 10.5 minutes after the earthquake

____ 6. In areas where unconsolidated sediments are saturated with water, earthquakes can turn stable soil into a fluid through a process called...

a. / tidal effect / c. / liquefaction
b. / fault creep / d. / underwater landslide

____ 7. One kind of evidence that supports Wegener’s hypothesis is that ____.

a. / the same magnetic directions exist on different continents
b. / major rivers on different continents match
c. / land bridges still exist that connect major continents
d. / fossils of the same organism have been found on different continents

____ 8. A tectonic plate consists of ____.

a. / the crust and uppermost mantle
b. / the oceanic and continental crust only
c. / the crust and entire mantle
d. / the asthenosphere only

____ 9. What kind of plate boundary occurs where two plates grind past each other without destroying or producing lithosphere?

a. / divergent boundary / c. / transitional boundary
b. / convergent boundary / d. / transform fault boundary

____ 10. A divergent boundary at two oceanic plates can result in a ____.

a. / rift valley / c. / continental volcanic arc
b. / volcanic island arc / d. / subduction zone

____ 11. What type of boundary occurs where two plates move together, causing one plate to descend into the mantle beneath the other plate?

a. / transform fault boundary / c. / convergent boundary
b. / divergent boundary / d. / transitional boundary

____ 12. New ocean crust is formed at ____.

a. / divergent boundaries / c. / continental volcanic arcs
b. / convergent boundaries / d. / transform fault boundaries

____ 13. What type of plate boundary is illustrated in Figure 9-1?

a. / transform fault boundary
b. / divergent boundary
c. / convergent oceanic-oceanic boundary
d. / convergent oceanic-continental boundary

____ 14. What layer of Earth is labeled C in Figure 9-1?

a. / asthenosphere / c. / oceanic crust
b. / continental lithosphere / d. / continental crust

____ 15. Oceanic lithosphere is destroyed at ____.

a. / transform fault boundaries / c. / ocean ridges
b. / divergent boundaries / d. / convergent boundaries