CNDV 5323 Career Development and Exploration

Logue Sewell 4 Week 4 Application Assignment

1. Please watch the video and answer the accompanying questions.

a. Kirkpatrick discusses the clients that he has on his first job in a group home. What conditions do they have that qualify them as a special population?

Kirkpatrick describes the teenagers that he worked with in the group home as having multiple issues, including developmental disabilities, behavior problems, or both.

b. Kirkpatrick's next job is as an employment specialist. What does he do on the job with these special-needs clients?

Kirpatrick would meet a client, help to evaluate their skill, interests, and what they liked to do. He would encourage them to sample different jobs. He would work with the professional community and place the person on the job, try them out on a trial basis, and help determine whether that job was appropriate for the individual.

c. What are the interventions used for the clients once they are tried out on the job?

Kirkpatrick would work with the clients and help them learn things necessary for the work force, such as anger management, punctuality, and appropriate dress for work.

2. Please watch the video and answer the accompanying questions.

a. According to Kirkpatrick, who, along with the client, is involved in a career decision for a person with special needs?

Kirkpatrick worked with the job professional community, hiring managers, and supervisors to determine what their needs were and whether an individual was suitable for a position. He also discusses the treatment team and their role in helping the client. The treament team would include people such as the therapist, vocational trainer, and a physical therapist.

b. According to Kirkpatrick, what is important to balance out in the vocational training of a person with a special need?

It is important to balance what the client wants with what the treatment team feels is the best decision for their vocational plan.

c. What are examples of people who work on a team to help a person with a special need obtain the knowledge and skills required for a job?

There are many people who are involved in helping people with special needs to acquire their vocational goals: family, therapist, vocational trainer, physical therapist, and the client themselves.

3. Read the vignette and answer the accompanying questions.

a. What makes Mark belong to a special population?

Mark is considered a member of a special population because of his physical disabilities. It does not say whether he will recover fully or partially, but at present he is using a wheelchair.

b. What federally funded program did the career counselor assist Mark with accessing?

Mark is using the GI Bill to help pay for his career training.

c. What other services are available for Mark through his choice of a technical training school?Mark’s program is providing him with assistance in balancing the time required for his medical needs and his classes. Additionally, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires the school to provide services that will assist him in obtaining digital files and the school facilities being wheelchair accessible.

4. Read the vignette and answer the accompanying questions.

a. Why do professional counselors use person-first language?

By using terms such as “a person who has a hearing impairment” or “a person that has limited vision,” the professional counselor is emphasizing that the client is formost a person and their special needs are secondary considerations. It a subtle, yet important, reminder that the client is a person above all else.

b. In what type of situation is it especially important to use person-first language to show respect and dignity to clients?

It is important in all situations to show respect and dignity to a client; however, it is essential in cases involving mental health because of the social stigma associatd with these types of diagnosis.

c. How can you rephrase the following sentence to person-first language? "This bi-polar kid's borderline mom drives me nuts with her constant calls to the office."

The mother of the child with bi-polar tendencies frequently calls the office.

5. Read the vignette and answer the accompanying questions.

a. Since which decade have Computer-Assisted Career Guidance Systems been used, and to support what type of client activity.

Computer-Assisted Career Guidance Systems have been used since the 1960’s to support a client’s career search and planning for the future.

b. Where are Computer-Assisted Career Guidance Systems usually used?

Computer-Assisted Career Guidance Systems are usually used in municipal workforce centers, university career centers, and schools.

c. Where do counselors who use Computer-Assisted Career Guidance Systems obtain training?

Training for Computer-Assisted Career Guidance Systems is usually obtained through webinars, videos, workshops, and manuals designed by publishers of the software.

6. View the video and answer the accompanying questions.

a. What is the biggest change that is occurring in our society today?

The biggest change that has occurred in our society today is the information revolution.

b. What types of skills do most people learn today?

Most peoplel today learn skills that involve brain work, such as creating and manipulating ideas and symbols.

c. What kinds of skills do workers of today need for tomorrow's economy?

Skills needed for workers today for tomorrow’s economy include computing, composing, editing, speaking, and critical reasoning. A second language is an advantage, while competency in international diplomacy and world trade will be important because most companies will be international. Cultural competencies will be more important than ever before. Quantitative literacy will be needed and a strong understanding of communication systems and technology will be of increasing importance.

7. View the video and answer the accompanying questions.

a. The counselor shows empathy with Melanie when she shares what feelings?

The counselor shows empathy when he converts what she said into feelings in that she worked hard and spent a lot of time there and then was dropped cold.

b. Describe the counseling tool that the counselor introduces to Melanie during the counseling session.

The counselor shares a wheel that diagrams the different aspects of career decisions: skills, interets, values, lifestyle, significant others, education, and experience with the choice of career in the center as a result of all of those factors.

c. Discuss the activity the counselor uses with Melanie at the end of the clip.

The counselor asks Melanie to reflect on each of the aspects listed on the wheel in order to help her define which direction she wants to take in her career search.

8. Watch the video then answer the subsequent questions.

a. What does Hall mean when he refers to a passive job search?

He is speaking of the online job search process searching for vacancies and openings.

b. How does Hall suggest supplementing passive job searching?

He recommends that she begins talking to people to put her in direct contact with with prospective employers.

c. What could the client do to augment her online job search, which is an important skill?

Hall recommends that she utilizes networking to augment her job search.

9. How did you locate your current job? What has changed with respect to job searching since this time?

My husband and I found our current jobs through registering with a recruiting agency that specializes in international educators. We attended a job fair and were offered jobs at that fair. Changes in this procedure since that time include an increase in Skype interviews which allows schools and teachers to avoid the expense of the job fairs. Additional changes include the need to begin the job search as early as October for the following school year. We have to file an unofficial letter of intent to return in October with an official and binding letter of intent in November. We will be sending out letters of interest directly to schools in hopes that they have openings that our qualifications will satisfy. The job fairs will be attended if necessary in January and February.

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