On the 7th of June my mind blurred, a shiver went up my spine and butterflies fluttered in my stomach as my sports team, The Navy Avengers, followed the Pink Punk Rockers and The Green Hulks down onto the oval ready for a day on the field.

When all the teams reached the oval we started the march past, my team won. After that the team captains held up the banners, Harrison & Cassandra from the pink, Tatiana & Isaac from the green and the one and only Marley & Savanah from the Navy. Then the teams loudly shouted out their war cries, they were that loud I thought my ears were going to explode.

The nerves started to really kick in when I was warming up for the 200m race. After waiting and waiting it was finally time for my race. I felt as if I was going to pass out because I was ssssssssooooooooo nervous.

Beep went the whistle as the race began. Afterwards I didn’t know why I was so nervous because I won the race easily. My nerves started to settle before the 100m sprint, I was actually pretty confident because I won the 200m but turns out I only got 2nd .

Finally it was time to eat my favourite morning tea, cupcakes with blue icing. After that it was time for middle session rotations shot put, long jump and high jump. My team had shot put first. I wasn’t very good but it was loads of fun watching my team mates. Then we had high jump and I got really embarrassed because everyone got over the practise jump and I didn’t, but what made it really embarrassing was that I was the tallest. After high jump we went to long jump, my favourite. I thought I did well but the main thing was to just have fun.

After lunch it was time for ball games and relays. The green team won the ball games and relays overall. In the younger grade’s relays, our team was winning by a whole length and then Bryce, our last runner, was reaching the finish when he dropped the baton and Mason from the pink team overtook us.

Finally, it was my favourite part of the day. Ms Van Wyk announced the winners for 2013. I was so nervous I couldn’t think straight. After many seconds of waiting in suspense Ms Van Wyk finally announced the overall winner….


My team cheered, screamed and carried on like we’d just won the lotto.

Of all the seven sports days I have been to this was by far the best. Not because my team won, that’s just an added bonus.

This sports day was one to remember.

By Amy N 