Online Resource 3

"Plastic" and "static" behavior of vessel-anatomical features in Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) in view of xylem hydraulic conductivity

Reza Oladi, Achim Bräuning, Kambiz Pourtahmasi

Supplementary Table 2 Spearman rank correlation coefficients between each pair of measured traits at the two studied sites

Site A / TRW / TRA / VF / Porosity / TVD / RVD / DHP / AVLA / VInx / RSC / RTC
TRW / .62** / -.68** / -.38** / .14** / .27** / .21** / .25** / .58** / -.10* / .57**
TRA / -.6** / -.43** / .01 / .06 / .08 / .11* / .49** / -.34** / .79**
VF / .63** / -.13** / -.28** / -.24** / -.26** / -.85** / .16* / -.44**
Porosity / .57** / .41** / .42** / .49** / -.18** / .77** / .09
TVD / .79** / .87** / .93** / .49** / .81** / .64**
RVD / .93** / .92** / .60** / .79** / .62**
DHP / .87** / .66** / .81** / .56**
AVLA / .65** / .78** / .55**
VInx / .10 / .53**
RSC / .34**

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Site B / TRW / TRA / VF / Porosity / TVD / RVD / DHP / AVLA / VInx / RSC / RTC
TRW / .61** / -.63** / -.22** / .29** / .38** / .33** / .37** / .60** / .06 / .53**
TRA / -.45** / .11* / .43** / .62** / .45** / .56** / .54** / .30** / .91**
VF / .44** / -.46** / -.43** / -.46** / -.48** / -.91** / -.05 / -.38**
Porosity / .48** / .53** / .43** / .52** / -.01 / .79** / .38**
TVD / .83** / .83** / .94** / .70** / .78** / .64**
RVD / .91** / .96** / .69** / .81** / .86**
DHP / .91** / .76** / .89** / .75**
AVLA / .72** / .84** / .79**
VInx / .42** / .58**
RSC / .45**

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).