Appendix 1 List of algal species isolated from the soils on copper tailing dumps (Anhui province, China) and the reference site nearby. SB, BT, AC, AMC, MC, and V refer to the sampling series of bare tailings in Shuimuchong tailings dumps, bare tailings, algal curst, mixed algal-moss crust, moss crust, and vegetation stage in Yangshanchong tailings dump, respectively. CK refers to the reference site.

Recorded species / SB / BT / AC / AMC / MC / V / CK
Anabaenopsis sp. / +
Anabaena flos-aquae(Lyngb.) Breb. / + / + / + / + / +
Anabaena oscillarioidesBory. / + / + / +
Anabaena sp. / + / +
BorziatrilocularisCohn / + / +
Calothrix sp. / + / + / +
Chroococcuscohaerens (Breb.)Näg. / +
ChroococcushelveticusNäg. / + / +
ChroococcuslithophilusErcegovic / + / +
Chroococcusminutus (Kütz.) Näg. / + / + / +
Chroococcusturgidus(Kütz.) Näg. / + / +
Chroococcus sp. / +
Cyanotheceaeruginosa(Nägeli) Komárek / + / + / +
Cylindrospermumstagnale (Kütz) Born. et Flah / + / + / +
Entophysalis sp.1 / + / +
Entophysalissp.2 / +
Entophysalissp.3 / +
Gloeobactersp. / + / + / + / + / +
Gloeothecesp. / +
Leptolyngbyalaminosa(Gom.) Anagn / + / + / + / + / + / +
Lyngbyaaerugineo-coerulea (Kütz) Gom. / + / + / + / + / +
LyngbyaallorgeiFremy. / + / + / +
LyngbyadiguetiHieron. / + / +
MerismopediapunctataMeyen / + / +
NostoccarneumAg. / + / + / +
Nostoc communeVauch / + / + / + / + / +
Nostocsp. / + / +
Oscillatoriaannaevan Goor / + / + / +
OscillatoriarupicolaHansg / +
OscillatoriaschultziiLemm. / + / + / + / + / + / +
OscillatoriatenuisAg. / + / +
Oscillatoriasp. / +
Phormidiumacutissimum(Kuffer) Anagn. et Kom / + / + / + / + / +
PhormidiumambiguumGom. / + / + / +
PhormidiumanabaenoidesJao et Li / + / +
Phormidium corium Gom. / + / + / + / +
PhormidiumgelatinosumWoronichin / + / + / +
PhormidiumjenkelianumG. Schmid / +
PhormidiumlaminosumGom. / + / + / + / +
PhormidiumramosumBoyePet. / + / + / +
PhormidiumtenueGom. / + / + / +
Phormidiumuncinatum(Ag.) Gom. / + / + / +
Phormidiumvalderianum(Delp.) Gom. / +
Phormidiumsp.1 / +
Phormidiumsp.2 / +
Phormidiumsp.3 / +
Phormidiumsp.4 / + / + / + / + / + / +
PlectonemarugosumJao / + / + / + / + / + / + / +
Pseudanabaenasp.1 / + / + / + / + / +
Pseudanabaenasp.2 / + / + / +
Pseudanabaenasp.3 / + / + / + / + / + / +
Pseudanabaenasp.4 / + / +
Pseudanabaenasp.5 / + / +
ScytonemahofmanniAg. / + / + / + / +
ScytonemamilleiBornet / +
ScytonemaorientaleJao. / + / +
Spirulinasp. / +
Stigonemasp. / + / + / +
Synechococcussp.1 / +
Synechococcussp.2 / + / + / + / + / + / +
Synechococcussp.3 / + / + / +
Synechococcussp.4 / + / +
Synechocystissp.1 / +
Synechocystissp.2 / +
Chlamydomonassp.1 / + / + / + / + / +
Chlamydomonas sp.2 / +
Chlamydomonassp.3 / + / +
Chlorella ellipsoideaGerneck / + / + / + / +
Chlorella vulgarisBeijerinck / + / + / + / + / + / +
Chlorella sp. / + / + / +
Chlorococcumhumicola(Näg.) Rabenhorst / + / + / + / + / + / + / +
Chlorococcumsp.1 / + / + / + / + / + / + / +
Chlorococcumsp.2 / + / + / +
Chlorogoniumsp. / + / + / + / +
Cosmarium angulosum Brébisson / +
CosmariumgranatumBrébisson ex Ralfs / + / + / +
Cosmarium laeve Rabenhorst / + / +
Crucigenia sp. / +
Fritschiella tuberosa Iyengar / + / + / + / + / + / + / +
GloeotilopsisplanctonicaIyengar et Philipose / + / + / + / + / + / + / +
Monoraphidium sp. / + / +
Mougeotia sp. / + / +
OocystisellipticaW. West / + / + / + / + / + / + / +
Scenedesmusobliquus (Turp.) Kützing / + / + / + / + / +
Scenedesmus sp. / +
Trentepohlialagenifera(Hildebrand) Wille / +
Trentepohlia sp. / +
Klebsormidiumdissectum (Gay) Ling / + / + / + / + / + / +
Klebsormidium sp. / +
Zygnema insigne (Hass.)Kützing / + / +
Achnantheslanceolata(Bréb.) Grunow / + / + / + / +
Achnantheslinearis(W.Smith) Grunow / + / + / +
Achnanthessp. / +
Cocconeissp. / + / +
Diploneissp. / +
Eunotiasp.1 / +
Eunotiasp.2 / +
Fragilariaintermedia(Grun.) Grunow / + / +
FragilariapinnataEhrenberg / + / +
Fragilariasp.1 / +
Fragilariasp.2 / + / +
Fragilariasp.3 / +
Gomphonemaangustatum(Kütz.) Rabenhors / + / + / +
Gomphonema intircatum Kützing. / +
Gomphonema sp.1 / +
Gomphonema sp.2 / + / + / +
Hantzschia amphioxys f. capitataO.Müller / +
Melosira sp. / + / + / +
Navicula nivalis Ehrenberg / +
Navicula sp1. / +
Navicula sp2. / + / +
Nitzschia amphibia Grunow / + / +
Nitzschia microcephala Grunow / +
Nitzschia palea (Kütz.) W. Smith / + / + / +
Nitzschia stagnorum Rabenhorst / + / + / + / +
Pinnularia divergentissima (Grun.) Cleve / +
Pinnularia sp. / +
BotryococcusbrauniiKütz. / + / + / + / + / +
Euglena viridisEhrenberg / +
Euglena sp. / +