5thGrade Spiraling HW # 16 Week of: November 16

☺ / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
Place Value(5.1a-b, 5.2a-d) / Write the following number in word form.
1,587,025,621 / Write the following number in word form.
3,258.02 / In 1996, the people in the United States ate between 3,200,000,000 and 3,300,000,000 pounds of chocolate. Which of the following could be the number of pounds of chocolate eaten in the United States during that year?
A.  3,668,295
B.  3,388,753
C.  3,382,879,000
D.  3,279,000,129 / What number is in the tenths place?
Numbers & Operations (5.3a-e, 5.4) / The table below shows the historical populations in the United States.
Census Year / Population
1980 / 226,545,805
1990 / 248,709,873
2000 / 281,421,906
2010 / 308,745,538
According to the table, how much did the population increase from 1990 to 2010?
A.  82,199,733
B.  557,455,411
C.  60,035,665
D.  140,044,345 / Kevin ate 4/6 of his candy bar. Antonio ate 5/12 of his candy bar. Axel ate less than Kevin. Which fraction represents an amount of chocolate Axel could have eaten?
A.  6/4
B.  5/9
C.  ¾
D.  8/12 / The model is shaded to show 3/5. Which decimal represents the shaded part of the model?

A.  0.2
B.  0.3
C.  0.6
D.  0.8 / Graham has 28 stickers. He has 12 less than Albert. Fernando has four times as many stickers as Albert. How many stickers does Albert have?
A.  16
B.  56
C.  40
D.  160
Patterns & Relationships (5.5a-b, 5.6) / Which number should be placed in the box in the equation below?
7  =
8  56
A.  45
B.  48
C.  49
D.  46 / The chart below shows the number of crates and the number of books in each crate in the Willbern Elementary Literacy Library.
# of Crates / # of Books
5 / 25
7 / 35
8 / 40
12 / 60
What is the relationship between the number of crates and the number of books?
A. The number of books is 20 more than the number of crates.
B. The number of books is 5 times the number of crates.
C. The number of crates is 20 less than the number of books.
D. The number of crates is 5 times the number of books. / Complete the pattern.
40, 120, 360, ___, ___ / Complete the pattern.
72, 288, 1,152, ___, ___
Geometry(5.7, 5.8 a-b, 5.9) / What is the name of this shape?
/ What is the name of this shape?
/ What is the name of this shape?
/ What is the name of this shape?

☺ / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
Measurement(5.10 a-c, 5.11 a-b) / Marcus walked 10 kilometers during the week. How many meters did Marcus walk?
(Use the Math Chart in your reference book)
A.  10,000 m
B.  1,000 m
C.  0.1 m
D.  0.001 m / Tracy’s bag weighed 32 ounces. How many pounds did it weigh?
A.  1 pound
B.  2 pounds
C.  3 pounds
D.  4 pounds / John measured his square bathroom rug and found that it had an area of 334 square inches. Which of the following could not be the length and width of his rug?
A. Length= 27 in, Width= 16 in
B. Length= 18 in, Width= 18 in
C. Length= 36 in, Width= 9 in
D. None of these / Linda is buying a new area rug for her living room. The rug measures 6 feet long by 8 feet wide. She is putting it in a room that is 15 feet long by 12 feet wide. When comparing the area of the rug with the area of the room, which of the following is true?
A. The rug covers at least half of the total area of the room.
B. The rug covers more than half of the total area of the room.
C. The rug covers less than half of the total area of the room.
D. The rug covers exactly half of the total area of the room.
Probability(5.13 a-c, 5.12 a-c) / Each student in Mrs. Ramirez’s class voted for their favorite carton character. The results of the vote are shown on the chart.
Power Puff Girls / 12
Sponge Bob / 9
Mickey Mouse / 6
Woody / 9
Based on these results, what fraction of the votes did Woody get?
A.  ½
B.  1/3
C.  ¼
D.  1/6 / The second grade students are surveying the types of pets their classmates own. The table shows the data they collected.
Pets / Hamster / Cat / Snake / Dog / Fish
# of Pets / 3 / 5 / 2 / 6 / 2
Which fraction represents the number of dogs that the students have as pets?
A.  1/6
B.  ¼
C.  1/3
D.  ½ / Students in the classroom took turns drawing colored chips from a paper bag.
Red / 5
Blue / 3
Yellow / 10
Green / 4
Purple / 8
For what fraction of chips was yellow drawn?
A.  2/5
B.  2/3
C.  4/5
D.  1/3 / The students have been working extremely hard on problem solving all week. They all kept a record of how many problems they got correct on the 1st attempt and how many problems they completed. The chart shows how each student did.
Name / # of problems completed / # of problems correct on 1st attempt
Jane / 24 / 12
Sue / 16 / 12
Billy / 12 / 9
John / 15 / 10
Based on the results in the table above, what is the probability that Billy will get the next math problem he attempts correct on the 1st attempt?
A.  1/3
B.  ¼
C.  2/3
D.  3/4
Process / The employees at Chuck E. Cheese ordered 42 twenty-pound bags of cheese to put on the pizzas they were making for the week. Chuck E. Cheese makes the same amount of pizzas everyday of the week and each pizza has the same amount of cheese. What is the answer to the number of pounds of cheese that are used each day?
A.  3 lbs.
B.  6 lbs.
C.  120 lbs.
D. none of these / The cruise ship traveled 529 kilometers in a 24-hour period. Which statement could be used to find the number of kilometers the ship could travel in one week if they traveled the same distance every day?
A. Multiply the number of kilometers by the number of hours in a day.
B. Multiply the number of kilometers by the number of days in one week.
C. Divide the number of kilometers by the number of hours in a day.
D. Divide the number of kilometers by the number of days in one week. / Storehouse Furniture’s Warehouse had 735 floor lamps to be delivered. Each delivery truck could hold 15 lamps. The same number of deliveries will be made every day of the week. If you calculated the quotient of 735 and 15, what would you find?
A. The number of days needed to deliver all the floor lamps.
B. The number of truck-loads delivered each day.
C. The number of truck-loads needed to deliver the lamps over the 3-week period.
D. The number of lamps in each truck-load. / The candle warehouse sent out 3 trucks. Each truck contained 53 boxes of candles. There were 78 candles in each box. If the product of 3 and 53 is calculated, what would you find?
A. The # of candles in a box.
B. The # of candles in a truck.
C. The number of boxes on 3 trucks.
D. The total # of candles.
Facts / 387
x 45 / ____
8 /962 / ____
14/259 / ____

Created by J. Johnson 2012-2013