Papaya Salad [SomTum]

Papaya salad is very popular with both Thais and foreigners. It combines many vegetables such as papaya, tomato, chilies, galics, etc. Thais like to eat with sticky rice and barbecued chicken.

Papaya Salad Ingredients

1. 2 cups shredded green papaya

2. 1/2 cup shredded carrot

3. 1/2 cup sting bean (cut into 1" long)

4. 2 tablespoons fish sauce

5. 1 1/2 tablespoons palm sugar

6. 3 tablespoons lime juice

7. 1/2 cup tomato (wedged)

8. 1/3 cup dried shrimps

9. 1/4 cup peanuts

10. 10 green chilies

11. 5 cloves fresh garlic

Papaya Salad Preparations

1. Use motar and prestle to crush the chilli and garlic, add shrimps, continue crushing.

2. Add sugar, continue beating with the prestle, then add the papaya, carrot, sting bean, fish sauce, lime juice, tomato, and peanuts. Continue beating until all ingredients mixed well.

3. Finally, season with sugar, fish sauce, or lime. The original taste this dish should be the balance taste between sweet, (pepper) hot, salty, and sour.

4. Serve with vegetables (e.g. cabbage, string bean, napa, etc.). Thai people love to eat Sticky Rice with Papaya Salad. In this case, sticky rice can be served together with finished Papaya Salad.

Carrot juice.


2cups carrots.

1cup syrup.

4cups water.

A little salt.


1. Wash the carrots thoroughly.

2. Shredded carrots and a lens. Put into the electric blender. Add the crushed ice and syrup into the blender thoroughly.

3. Pour into prepared pan, then drink immediately.

Words and Definitions

Carrot (n.) - a biennial herb (Daucuscarota of the family Umbelliferae, the carrot family) with a usually orange spindle-shaped edible root; also : its root.

Chili (n.) - a hot pepper of any of a group of cultivars (Capsicum annuumannuum group longum) noted for their pungency —called also chili pepper

Beating (n.) - an act of striking with repeated blows so as to injure or damage; also : the injury or damage thus inflicted

Garlic (n.) - a European allium (Alliumsativum) widely cultivated for its pungent compound bulbs much used in cookery; broadly :allium.

Immediately (adv.) - without interval of time : straightway <I'll make that call immediately>

Shrimp (n.) - any of numerous mostly small and marine decapod crustaceans (suborders Dendrobranchiata and Pleocyemata) having a slender elongated body, a compressed abdomen, and a long spiny rostrum and including some (especially family Penaeidae) that are commercially important as food; also : a small crustacean (as an amphipod or a branchiopod) resembling the true shrimps

Syrup (n.) - a thick sticky solution of sugar and water often flavored or medicated