
In My Own Words is comprised of (1) writing by adult ESL learners in several North Carolina community colleges* and (2) the lesson plans their teachers used to evoke this writing.

Engendering learner-created materials such as these engages all the communication skills—reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The learners’ own language development dictates the vocabulary and grammar; their interests and experiences provide the topics and issues. Learners from beginning through advanced levels are represented in this project. Their writing and photos are reproduced with permission.

In addition to using the lesson plans, teachers may use the writings themselves as discussion starters for their classes or as models for new individual/group writing on the same or a similar topic. These writings by peers can be read in adult ESL classes and can serve as a source from which teachers may freely create language activities such as matching words with definitions or pictures, cloze exercises, vocabulary/spelling activities, grammar review, scrambled sentences, or dictation.

From bulleting boards to spiral bound booklets fordistribution at end-of-semester Celebrations, Writing Consortium participating campuses used their finished materials in multiple ways to exhibit their students’ accomplishments.

In My Own Words was made possible by an English Literacy/Civics grant under the Consolidated Appropriations Act (Public Law 106-554). The schools in this project, listed below, express sincere thanks to Karen Brown, Coordinator ABE/ESL, North Carolina Community College System.

*AlamanceCommunity College

Blue RidgeCommunity College

BrunswickCommunity College

CentralCarolinaCommunity College – Chatham & Lee Campuses

PittCommunity College

Stanly Community College

SurryCommunity College

WayneCommunity College



A Quilt Story

Coming to America

Crossing the River

Echoes from the Past

Home Remedies

More Home Remedies

Shaped by Tradition

Special Customs and Holidays

Stories from My Childhood

Then and Now


A Beach Scene

All About Us

American by Choice

Describe Yourself

Favorite Things

Immigration Laws


Review and Revue

The Eyes Have It!

Writing Notes


American Culture

Budgeting Using Jars

ESL E-mail Project

I Love Lucy

Library Research and Writing

My Weekly Writing

Potpourri of Words

Writing a Business Letter


A New Year and a New Beginning

A World of Possibilities

Christmas in My Country

International Recipes

Sharing Our Successes


Accordion Stories

Acrostic Poems

An Original Tale


Bio-Poems with a Twist

Cumulative Composition

Distance Education


Poetry (Haiku)

Using Creative Prompts

Using More Creative Prompts

Using Writing Models


Dream Trips

Ten Years from Now

The Next Generation: Our Future

The Vacation Project