Sandy Beach Public School P&C

Minutes of General Meeting

Monday 26th August 2013


PRESENT: Fiona Fluechter, Diane Della, Jessie Patterson, Wendy Moore, Lisa Anderson, Jane Crooks, Cassey Saban,

Apologies: Robyn Church, Nicole Mackay
PREVIOUS MINUTES: July 29th August. Moved: Di Della. Seconded: Jess Patterson

Business arising from previous minutes / -Still to do flowers for Toni Carter and Susan S.
-Wendy and Di to work on code of conduct for canteen- No children under five and footwear at all times.
-Prizes for bike-a-thon: major mini ipad. Each stage prize- mini stereo system, ipod dockers. Class room prizes for 2 children that raise the most- vouchers from various shops in plaza- Coopers, Smiggle etc. Best decorated bike- slip n slides etc.
-Possibility Bike-a-thon to be postponed to week 3 Term 4.
Spent $- plus mini ipad.
Reports tabled and discussed / Treasurer’s Report
Canteen Report
Uniform Report / Hats on order. Medium size.
Principal’s Report / Tabled and Discussed.
Motion: to accept reports / Moved:
Seconded: / Fiona
Correspondence / IN / P&C Fed Books.
Workers Comp for canteen.
Cert of currency from Fed.
Catalogue from Golden Leaf fabric.
OUT / Nil
New Business / -Kylie Reedy passed on ask that can we fund soccer shirts.
-Referring on air con issue for Yr 6 rooms to Ray.
-Units of work for computer lessons. Tech meeting re: Reading Eggs being funded across the school or to individual students.???
-Lisa Anderson will do a proposal to school/Ray re: portrait sitting $ flat price.
-Garage Sale- Cassey suggested signs near Sandy Church signs.
Wendy will do FB, newspaper and signs. Yr 6 doing posters. Asking Yr 6 to bring in cakes etc to sell and to cook in the afternoon at school if they bring in ingredients. Di will do newsletter.
6am set up. BBQ will start at election time (start cooking by 7:30am).
-Fiona questioning hand washing facilities.
-Fiona questioning orientation info at preschools. Fiona to drop off info at ABC Moonee.
-Lisa: asking about a chess club. Suggestion to put into newsletter or to research into a volunteer. Lisa to look into this.
-Lisa asking about whether students are allowed to play tennis on basketball court.
-Di and Wendy will do a survey re: volunteers and what they would like to see for sale.
-FB canteen roster???
-Jess passed on frog info to Jane for Vanessa.
- Di will look into other canteen menus.
/ -Yr 6 will be given a donation from proceeds from the cake stall for Yr 6 farewell.
-Candle Light Party 8th Sept 3pm Resource Centre.


NEXT MEETING: Mon 16th Sept.

Minutes taken by Jessie Patterson Vice President and Secretary.