JCSS Mission: To provide a positive learning environment that will prepare all students with the knowledge and skills to be productive members of society.
Community Survey 2012-2013

Please circle your best response to each question under all four categories.

1) Environment:

a) Community members are welcomed and treated with respect.

Strongly Agree / Agree / Do Not Know / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

b) Information is easily available for non-English speaking families.

Strongly Agree / Agree / Do Not Know / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

c) Meetings and activities are planned at times of the day and week when all stakeholders can participate.

Strongly Agree / Agree / Do Not Know / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

d) Community members are encouraged to visit schools and attend programs.

Strongly Agree / Agree / Do Not Know / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

e) Teachers and staff care about students and inspire their best efforts.

Strongly Agree / Agree / Do Not Know / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

2) Communication:

a) School policies and rules are made available to the public.

Strongly Agree / Agree / Do Not Know / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

b) Communication comes in many forms such as: phone calls, emails, letters, newsletters, newspaper articles,

radio, home visits, teacher conferences, or website.

Strongly Agree / Agree / Do Not Know / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

c) Community members are valued as decision makers and communication is ongoing and positive.

Strongly Agree / Agree / Do Not Know / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

d) The system keeps the community informed about the academic progress of its students.

Strongly Agree / Agree / Do Not Know / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

3) Stakeholder Learning:

a) Specific needs and interests of stakeholders are considered when workshops are designed.

Strongly Agree / Agree / Do Not Know / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

b) Support networks are developed to remove barriers.

Strongly Agree / Agree / Do Not Know / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

c) Resources are provided to enhance the student’s social, emotional, physical and mental development.

Strongly Agree / Agree / Do Not Know / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

d) Partnerships are developed to increase available resources for students and families.

Strongly Agree / Agree / Do Not Know / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

4) Student Learning:

a) Students receive extra help when needed.

Strongly Agree / Agree / Do Not Know / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

b) Teachers at the school have high expectations for their students.

Strongly Agree / Agree / Do Not Know / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

c) The Principal is willing to talk when I have concerns or questions.

Strongly Agree / Agree / Do Not Know / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

d) Academic learning is the primary goal of the school system.

Strongly Agree / Agree / Do Not Know / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

Other comments from Sections 1 – 4. (Please specify):

5) Please provide your suggestions on how to encourage a welcoming environment within our schools and system:

6) Please provide suggestions for parent / stakeholder learning that you would like to see funded through Title I and other federal and state funding sources:

7) I have direct contact with a student enrolled at the following schools. (Please check all that apply)

_____ JenkinsCountyElementary School_____ JenkinsCountyMiddle School

_____ JenkinsCountyHigh School_____ JenkinsCountyAlternative School


_____ I do not have direct contact with a student enrolled in one of the above schools at this time.


Please complete page 2.