Peace Institute Annual Report

January – December 2011

Ljubljana, January 2011



Cross Border Experience: The Interfaces of the EU and the SEE Countries Enhancing a Successful Enlargement Process 5

STAMINA - Formation of Non-violent Behaviour in School and Leisure Time among Young Adults from Violent Families 7

QUING Quality in Gender+ Equality Policies 9

CoMiDe - Consistency of Migration and Development Policy 11

Re-Integrated: Slovenia and Croatia in Joint Framework of EU Values and Supranational Identity 13

EWSI – European Web Site on Integration 15

Integration of Migrants in Finland and Slovenia: Comparing Northern and Southern Models of Migration Management 17

Decentralized and Trans-disciplinary Approach to the United States of America 19

Violent intersections: Dynamics of societal and political elements of collective violence and mass crimes and their consequences – Yugoslav and Rwandan case 21


Participation in the Coordination of the NGOs in the Field of Asylum 24

The Erased: Remedying Human Rights Violations 26

European Network of Legal Experts in Anti-Discrimination Field 28

Minorities for Minorities: Good Practices from the Western Balkan States 30

Citizens in Diversity: A Four-Nation Study on Homophobia and Fundamental Rights 32

FRANET – National Focal Point of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) / Data collection and research services 34

The Cost of Statelessness: A Livelihoods Analysis 36

INTEGRACE – Integrating Refugee and Asylum-seeking Children in the Educational Systems of EU Member States: Evaluation and Promotion of Current Best Practices 38

Awareness raising seminars on non-discrimination and equality for CSOs 40

RED, Network combating racism, xenophobia and intolerance 42

Measuring Injustice: Restitution Policies and Minor Jewish Communities in South Eastern Europe 44

3 MEDIA 46

Media Watch Program 47

Media and Minorities / Multicultural Europe in the Media (MEM) 50

Media Ownership / Media Pluralism 53

Networking and International Cooperation in the field of Media Research, Advocacy and Training 55

Mig@net: Transnational Digital Networks, Migration and Gender 58


Empowering Nyamirambo Women's Center (NWC) and Sustainability of the Nyamirambo Women's Center (NWC) – Socio-economic Engagement and Poverty Reduction in the Local Community Nyamirambo in Kigali 61

Nyamirambo Women's Center - Women for Women 63

IGIV - Implementation Guidelines for Intersectional Violence Preventive Work 65

Intimate Life Styles of Students in Slovenia 67

SIAPREM – Support for integration of intersectional approach in anti-discrimination policies for Roma, Elder and Migrants 69

Study on the Role of Men in Gender Equality 71

Gender structure of the contemporary Slovene society and gender positioning in the field of politics 73


Electronic publishing of scientific and literary reviews 76

The efficient public support for the book publishing in Slovenia 78

Economy of Culture - AWARD project (Awareness Raising and Education for Development and Culture) 80

Questioning Transitional Dynamics in Re-defining Cultural Identities in South Eastern Europe 82

The Politike Book Series 84



Workers` and Punks` University 87

East East: Partnership Beyond Borders Program 89

Websites of the Peace Institute 91

Library, Informational and Bibliographic Services of the Peace Institute's Library 92

Book edition Politike Syposion 94


Cross Border Experience: The Interfaces of the EU and the SEE Countries Enhancing a Successful Enlargement Process

Head of project

Lana Zdravković

Project team

Katja Kobolt, assistant for art and culture program.

Veronika Bajt, expert adviser.

Ana Frank, expert adviser.

Martin Jaigma, expert adviser.

Maja Ladić, assistant.

Aims and goals

The cross-border activities and intercultural dialogue established within the project will provide an informed public debate about the EU enlargement, and therefore, it entails a significant potential for shaping the public opinion on the future EU enlargements and in fulfilling short- and long-term objectives and effects.

Realization in 2011

-  Established web site;

-  Producing and post-producing a video film Cross Border Experience;

-  Production of a DVD of the Cross Border Experience video-film;

-  Organization of an international conference Cross Border Experience from 25 till 30 October in Ljubljana with the participants from the whole Europe.


Additionally, the video-film Cross Border Experience was presented in Kinodvor in Ljubljana on 29 November 2011, followed by a debate with the authors regarding the EU enlargement.

Available results in 2011


Centre for Peace Studies (CPS), Zagreb, Croatia
Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV), Istanbul, Turkey


European Commission, Open Society Foundations.

Project continuation

Project originally lasts until March 2012. The development of the project depends on the possibilities of further financing. Web site of the project with its rich documentation and all products of the project will be on line for at least 5 more years. Video-film will be disseminated and distributed widely (TV stations, festivals) in the future period of time.

STAMINA - Formation of Non-violent Behaviour in School and Leisure Time among Young Adults from Violent Families

Head of project

Majda Hrženjak

Project team

Živa Humer, researcher.

Aims and goals

The project looks for risk and protective mechanisms, processes and factors which influence (non)violent acting among youths who are in a position of experiencing structural inequalities and adverse life circumstances like migration, poverty, family violence, parental absence, illness etc.

Realization in 2011

Developing recommendations for schools, policy makers and researchers.

Final conference.


International conference:

17 – 18 February 2011: Youth Violence Resiliency despite Adversities and Risks, Berlin, Erker.

Available results in 2011

KASSIS, Wassilis, SCAMBOR, Elli, SCAMBOR, Christian, MITTISCHECK, Lisa, BUSCHE, Mart, PUCHERT, Ralf, ROMERO, Alfons, ABRIL, Paco, HRŽENJAK, Majda, HUMER, Živa. STAMINA: Formation of non-violent behaviour in school and leisure time among young adults from violent families: 2008-2011. Osnabrück: Universität Osnabrück, 2011. 24 pp.

Web site:


University of Osnabrueck, Germany (coordinator),

Dissens e.V., Germany,

Männerberatung Graz, Austria,

Universitat de Girona, Spain,

SOKO Institute, Berlin.


European Commission - Daphne program, Open Society Foundations.

Project continuation

The project was successfully brought to the end in February 2011. Dissemination activities (publishing) are foreseen in 2012.

QUING Quality in Gender+ Equality Policies

Head of project

Vlasta Jalušič

Project team

Roman Kuhar, researcher,

Ana Frank, young researcher.

Aims and goals

The main goal is to conceptualize the relationships between different inequalities, especially between gender, race/ethnicity, religion, class and sexuality and to assess the content and quality of gender+ equality policies in the EU’s multicultural context. The project defines inclusive standards for gender+ expertise.

Realization in 2011

The project moved to the last year of implementation and finished at the end of March. We submitted the final content and financial report to the European Commission. The remaining research (continuation) will consist of researching the influence of Europeanization on the articulation of religious discourses in Turkish gender equality policies (PhD project, carried out by Ana Frank), while other activities will mainly entail dissemination activities.


JALUŠIČ, Vlasta. New subject in the curriculum: Critical issues in management of public policies. Elective Course. Faculty of Management, University of Primorska. 2011.

KUHAR, Roman, ŠRIBAR, Renata, TOMŠIČ, Sonja, HRŽENJAK, Majda. Intersekcionalna perspektiva v razumevanju in reševanju družbenih neenakosti. Discussion: Intersectional perspective in understanding and solving the social inequalities. Ljubljana, 2011.

Available results in 2011

FRANK, Ana. Religiozne in etnične feministične manjšine v Turčiji - od marginalizacije do boja za feministično subjektiviteto. (Religious and ethnic feminist minorities in Turkey – from marginalization to the struggle for feminist subjectivity) Razprave in gradivo, 2011, No. 64, pp. 112-138.

FRANK, Ana. The influence of Europeanization on religious discourses in framing gender equality and intimate citizenship policies in Turkey. In: Contemporary Turkish Studies: 3rd Annual Doctoral Dissertation Conference, London, 6.5.2011. London School of Economics and Political Science.

JALUŠIČ, Vlasta. V socializmu je bilo manj diskriminacije. (There was less discrimination in socialism). Tribuna, 15 February 2011, 52, No. 2, pp. 4-5.

JALUŠIČ, Vlasta – menthor of HUS, Irma. Analiza političnih okvirov predlogov gospodarskih in socialnih reform: delo in zaposlovanje med fleksibilnim in prekernim: MA thesis. Ljubljana, 2011.


Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM) Austria, coordinator, Central European University, Compultense Univ. Madrid, EKKE Athens, Lancester University, Radabout Univ. Nijmegen and other partners from Turkey and Netherlands. See:


European Commission, Open Society Foundations, Slovenian Research Agency (young researcher).

Project continuation

The project was finished in March 2011. It will continue in the form of a PhD project mentioned above, the gained knowledge and results to be used in other projects such as SIAPREM.

CoMiDe - Consistency of Migration and Development Policy

Head of project

Lana Zdravković

Project team

Saša Panić, researcher and assistant

Aldo Milohnić, expert adviser

Aims and goals

The transnational initiative CoMiDe aims to enhance coherent migration and development policies at the European level and in four European countries. Furthermore, its objective is to promote cooperation between development NGOs, migrant organizations and local and state authorities. It is therefore innovative in its approach. Ultimately, in the international debate, (illegal) migration should be considered a result of global inequality.

Realization in 2011

-  Preparatory actions with 2 partner meetings (Bologna, Graz) were performed;

-  Web site of the project was established:;

-  Brochure of the project was developed;

-  Guidelines for the best practice finding and research process in Slovenia and EU were developed;

-  Preparation for the international conference in Vienna in January 2012 and speaker’s tour of the participants mostly from Africa were developed.


See above.

Available results in 2011


VIDC – Vienna Institute for Development and Cooperation, Vienna, Austria,
Südwind Agentur – Information and Education about Global Issues, Vienna, Austria,

Society Development Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia,
COSPE – Co-operation for the Development of Emerging Countries, Rome/Bologna, Italy.


European Commission, Open Society Foundations

Project continuation

Project originally lasts until March 2014 with the following activities:

-  Examining the migration and development nexus at the European level and research good practice examples;

-  Organizing conferences and debates in all four project countries, which will involve European experts as well as non-European intellectuals (especially from Africa);

-  Offering a range of different training courses and workshops for development NGOs, diaspora organizations and local and state authorities in order to enhance cooperation and formulate joint project ideas and concepts. Offering also trainings for journalists;

-  Organizing partnership fairs in each project country for development and diaspora organizations in order to promote learning and information sharing. The accompanying workshops will facilitate cooperation, and an on-line networking platform will also be offered.

-  Organizing lobby meetings at the European and the four national levels which will explain the necessity of coherent migration and development policies to the most important stakeholder groups.

Re-Integrated: Slovenia and Croatia in Joint Framework of EU Values and Supranational Identity

Head of project

Lana Zdravković

Project team

Guest speakers and advisers: Mojca Pajnik, Veronika Bajt, Lev Kreft, Mitja Velikonja, Gorazd Kovačič, Peter Klepec Kršić, Uršula Lipovec Čebron, Jelka Zorn

Aims and goals

The overall aim of the project is to create a platform for cooperation of value-based institutions involved in research, education and activism in the area of promotion of peace-building, human rights and human security. This is done through reflection on different aspects of identities in Europe, their significance, and change in the context of emerging supranational identity. The specific aim of the project is to raise public debate and dialogue between Croatia and Slovenia regarding their common future in the EU.

Realization in 2011

- Preparation and implementation of the course on European identities "Supranational identities: people, state, borders" (lecturers: Mitja Velikonja, Lev Kreft, Mojca Pajnik, Veronika Bajt, Gorazd Kovačič, Peter Klepec Kršić, Uršula Lipovec Čebron, Jelka Zorn, Mirjana Mikić Zeitounand Lana Zdravković);
- Study trip of Peace Studies students from Croatia to Ljubljana between 13 and 16 April. We visited: Faculty of Social Sciences (University of Ljubljana) and the Anti-Fa Initiative, Slovenian Philanthropy, Rog Factory and representatives of the Invisible Workers of the World, Social Centre Rog and Civil Initiative of the Erased Activists, European Commission in Slovenia, Metelkova mesto and Anarcho Info-shop, and together with Lev Kreft did a walking tour of the Ljubljana cultural memorials and monuments (including a visit of the Slovenian Parliament), which have historically shaped the Slovenian identity.

- Issuing the book Imagi_nation and the video-film 'We Wanted Workers, We Got People';
- Public forums Živeti ob meji / Živeti uz granice / Vivere al confine (Live Along the Border) took place on 10 June in POU Buje, Croatia and on 11 June in MKSMC Koper, Slovenia in collaboration with the MIRamiDA Centre from Grožnjan, Croatia and DPZN Centre from Koper, Slovenia. Introductory remarks in Buje were given by: Gordan Bosanac, Lorella Limoncin-Toth, Marko Brecelj and David Isakoski and in Koper by: Gordan Bosanac, Damir De Simone, Marko Brecelj and Leander Cunja. Moderator of both forums was Goran Božićević, program manager from Grožnjan MIRamiDA Centre.


See above.

Available results in 2011


Centre for Peace Studies, Zagreb, Croatia


European Commission

Project continuation

Project successfully concluded in September 2011. The plan is to continue with the activities especially in the field of developing peace education, peace building and human security.

EWSI – European Web Site on Integration

Head of project

Mojca Pajnik

Project team

Veronika Bajt, ‘Country co-ordinator’ for Slovenia.

Aims and goals

EWSI aims to provide policy makers and practitioners working on integration in Europe with a tool for the exchange of information and good practice on integration across Europe. It acts as a one-stop resource for people working on integration issues, both in non-governmental and governmental organizations.