Mosquito/PeeWee director
Be the contact person for league
Arrange evaluation night - book gym
Make team rosters, assign diamond and practice schedule
Distribute league game schedule and rules to coaches
Arrange equipment/uniform pick up and deposits
Fill required coaching positions
Make sure coaches have required qualifications (NCCP, Respect in sport, Making Ethical
Decisions (MED)
Fundraiser - raffle tickets - disperse and collect to and from teams.
Help organize year-end function
Mosquito/PeeWee Coach
- Run player evaluations at the start of the season to determine teams
- Meet with director and make up teams and work out a practice schedule
- Get a copy of league schedule and rules from director.
- Arrange a parent meeting discuss season, expectations, host tournament and fundraiser (raffle tickets)
- You will need: - assistant coach, scorekeeper, umpires, manager, and a tournament rep
- Pick up equipment and uniforms (deposits required)
- Cancel diamonds when not using them on scheduled dates, to save association money.
Mosquito/PeeWee Competitive Team Manager
The job of the manager involves a number of different things. You are
responsible for setting up the season by having a gymnasium to begin
tryouts. You need to advertise and make sure all athletes are aware of
the tryouts. You must develop a fair evaluation system and be able to
work with the coach in choosing the team. You are responsible for
registration of the players and the team with Baseball Alberta. You are
then responsible for ordering any equipment that is needed as well as
extras like team jackets, hats etc. You are responsible for taking care
of the uniforms and portions of the equipment. You are responsible for
booking of the ball diamonds. You are responsible for running the teams
finances as well as making sure that parents are consistently informed.
This begins with an initial parent meeting. You will be responsible for
arranging umpires, tournament applications and for helping to coordinate
your home tournament. A lot of this of course will be delegated to
others. Finally you will be responsible for getting and later buying
something for your team sponsors. It is a lot of phone calls, e mails and
work but overall if you child plays a high level of baseball it is very
rewarding and you will form great friendships with many people.