Application for the Intensive German Language Course

inSeptember 2018

Personal Information
Last Name:
First Name(s):
Date of Birth ( / Sex: / Double click and please selectFemaleMale
Country of
Date of Arrival
in Erlangen/ Nuremberg: / Place of residence during your stay: / Double click and please selectErlangenNurembergFuerthOther
Email address:
Status at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU)
Please check the appropriate box:1)
International exchange student
Erasmus programme
Direct Exchange programme
Regular student at the FAU
(International full-degree student)
Bachelor’s Degree
Master’s Degree
Double Master’s Degree
Ph.D. student
Visiting scholar or researcher
Other: / Place of study/ Place of work: / Double click and please selectErlangenNurembergBoth
Course of studies/ Field of work:
Contact person
at the FAU:
Student ID number at the FAU (if available):
Home university:
Language Skills
Native language: / Completed course level: / Double click and please selectAbsolute beginnerA1A2B1B2C1C2
Date of your last German class: / Total hours of German classes:
Textbooks used in class: / Obtained German language certificates
(no older than
3 years):2) / Double click and please selectNoneGoethe-Zertifikat A1: Start Deutsch 1Goethe-Zertifikat A2: Start Deutsch 2Goethe-Zertifikat B1: Zertifikat DeutschGoethe-Zertifikat B2Goethe-Zertifikat C1Goethe-Zertifikat C2: Großes Dt. SprachdiplomDSH 1DSH 2DSH 3Deutsches Sprachdiplom Stufe 1 (DSD 1)Deutsches Sprachdiplom Stufe 2 (DSD 2)Testdaf TDN 3Testdaf TDN 4Testdaf TDN 5telc A1telc A2telc B1telc B2telc C1telc C2
Have you already attended German courses at the FAU? / no
yes, the Intensive German Language Courseat the FAU(e.g., March 2018, level B1.1):
yes, the following courses during the semesterat the FAU(e.g., A1.2):
Preference of class location (if possible): / Nuremberg
Attention: There is no guarantee your requirements of location will be met!

Please send the completed application form along with the required documents1) 2) 3)to:

By submitting the completed application form you acknowledge and agree to our terms and conditions for participating in the course as listed at

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Application for the Intensive German Language Course

inSeptember 2018

1) Please enclose a document confirming your connection to the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg(e.g., confirmation of enrollment, admission letter, or invitation letter) if already issued.

2) Please enclose a copy of the respective certificate; note that we have only listed certificates that are acceptable for course allocation purposes.

Attention: Absolute beginners (A1.1) do NOT need to take the placement test. Those who have taken a German language class at the FAU and those who can present an acknowledged language certificate do also NOT need to take the placement test. The results of the FAU classes and any language certificates need to be submitted along with this application form. In all other cases you will automatically be assigned to take the placement test.

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