Scheme Name / Wootton Hall Park Access Improvements
Type of scheme / Junction Improvement
Description and objectives of scheme / Provision of new roundabout to provide all movements access and egress to the Wootton Hall Park site from Mereway.
Scheme Promoter / Northamptonshire County Council
Scheme cost
(£ million) / 2015/6 / 2016/7 / 2017/8 / 2018/9 / 2019/20 and beyond
Total scheme cost / 2.6
Funding sought from SEP / 1.7
Funding from other sources:
1Northamptonshire County Council / 0.45
2Northamptonshire Police / 0.45

The scheme involves the installation of a new roundabout on Mereway, at the existing exit from Wootton Hall Park, to enable easier access and egress from the site, and increase its marketability for future development.

Start on site would be spring 2015.

It is currently forecast that construction could cost up to £2million, due to a differential in height between the carriages where the roundabout is to be located and because of the large amount of communication links that run through the site, especially regarding communications for the police station.

POLICY TESTS / Scheme promoter input
STRATEGIC FIT / To what extent does the scheme demonstrate strategic fit with the Northamptonshire Arc and other strategic policies within Northamptonshire? / Scheme facilitates mixed use development on NCC controlled land thereby supporting NCC corporate policy to maximise benefits from it's land portfolio.
CONNECTIVITY / To what extent does the scheme enhance strategic connectivity to or within Northamptonshire? / Whilst not specifically enhancing strategic connectivity, the scheme does permit development to be accessed from the outer ring road without detriment to the strategic route.
To what extent does the scheme address congestion on the road network? / The scheme will not reduce congestion but will ensure that development can be accessed without detriment to capacity and without increased congestion along Mereway, part of the outer ring road.
MODAL CHOICE / To what extent does the scheme improve accessibility (particularly for disadvantaged groups) to a range of jobs and facilities? / Part of the proposed development within the site is a new Academy school which will support the educational needs of young people thereby improving access to a range of jobs and careers. The development itself will provide jobs for local people during construction and beyond.
To what extent does the scheme make public transport, walking or cycling more attractive? / Walking and cycling links will be provided from various points into the development site. It is envisaged that developers will be required to provide a footbridge over Mereway to link the development site to the London Road into Northampton town centre thereby enabling a variety of sustainable travel choices to connect to the town and beyond.
To what extent does the scheme encourage or incentivise low-carbon travel? / As described above, links will be provided into and out of the development site to locations where low carbon travel options are available.
ECONOMY / To what extent does the scheme support enterprise and business/jobs growth? / Supports developments site at Wootton Hall Park in Northampton.
GROWTH / To what extent does the scheme support housing sites identified in the Joint Core Strategies? / Supports developments site at Wootton Hall Park in Northampton.
ENVIRONMENT / To what extent does the scheme have unmitigated effects on the built or natural environment? / New road will require land although most of the works will be within the existing highway boundary. No significant environmental negatives have been identified at this time and none are envisaged as the land is already highway. Some lodge of habitat may be expected but this can be mitigated.
To what extent does the scheme improve local air quality or noise? / Negligible impact.
To what extent does the scheme reduce the risk of accidents/casualties / There have been two minor damage only accidents at this location in recent years. However, without this junction improvement the increased traffic movements as a result of the proposed redevelopment of Wootton Hall Park may result in more accidents and the proposed school development means these accidents may involve vulnerable users (children).
PROGRAMMING TESTS / Scheme promoter input
DELIVERABILITY / Technical - is there any unproven technology? / No unproven technology
Engineering - Stage of design progress / A number of concept proposals have been designed, the traffic benefits modelled and costed. These options have included various roundabout layouts and locations as well as a traffic signal controlled option. The preferred option performed best in terms of a balance of traffic modelling results and cost. Detailed design will commenced in 2013/14
Legal - necessary powers obtained? / None, NCC control all land required
Earliest start of works - date... / Subject to funding work can start on site in early 2015/16
ACCEPTABILITY / Political acceptability / The scheme is being supported by the new Police Commissioner for Northamptonshire and has the support of the County Council as it will enhance development in this area
Public acceptability / None available
Statutory consultees / Statutory consultees have not been approached at this time.
Other 'stakeholder' support / Redevelopment of site has the support of the Police and Crime Commissioner
FUNDING & VFM / Total cost / £2.6 million
Value for money / No assessment undertaken at this time.
Funding sought as % of scheme cost / 35%
Scope for (full) funding from other sources / Delaying this project would mean that development opportunities could be delayed and perhaps even lost. This bid allows the project to start on site and allow for developments to be brought forward.