Cromdale & Advie Community Development Trust
Minutes of Trustees Meeting
19.00 Monday1st Sept 2014Advie Village Hall
- Apologies and Welcome
Present / Apologies
ChairIan Whitaker (IW) / None.
Treasurer Andy Booth (AB)
Secretary Carl Stewart (CS)
Skye Booth (SB)
Stephen Crocket (SC)
Helen Webster (HW)
Sandra Mackenzie (SM)
- Minute from last meeting
Minute from meeting 9th June 2014 approved by SB and seconded by HW
Minute from meeting 9th April 2014 approved by AB and seconded by IW
- Pavilion Building, Football field / Football clubs
HW has been sent a copy of the deeds for the pavilion from the Registry of Scotland. These have been checked and all is in order. It was agreed that a letter from the Community Council should be sent to inform of the change. Deeds were passed to CS to advise the Community Council.
- The Broadband Project
HW, advised The Cairngorm National Park Authority is now no longer likely to assist in this.
The technical survey that was due to be taking place earlier in the year is now due to be taken place in the first 2 weeks of September. HW held a meeting with a director from Community Broadband Scotland. Its hoped that following the result from the technical survey and more info from BT about the Broadband upgrade. It would be best review this and then relook at the options.
- Community Council
Community Council is now in situation with a full complement of members. Carl Stewart was elected as chair for the community council. Trustees formally congratulated him on his elected position.
- Advie Village Hall
SC advised he had not spoken to Tina, since last meeting and that the locals in Advie had been supportive. It is hoped to hold a meeting in the hall of Advie to get the feelings and points of both parties. The newsletter to be sent out to advise of meeting date.
- Wind farm funding application
AB is in the process of filling out the application this it to be completed and passed to the Community Council. AB to put together applications to cover costs for, Cromdale & Advie in bloom application, postage, printing of newsletter, setting up of letterheads, calendars, other informative and promotional materials.
- Community Storage Unit / Location
- Fundraising Ideas or applications
- The Cromdale Mountain Bike Ride
CS has shown the proposed route to the trustees and is awaiting confirmation from the landowners to run the event. If this is ok CS to form a work group to organise the event alongside the fun day in June 2015.
- Advie and Cromdale in Bloom
- Newsletters / Calendar
A draft newsletter was shown and passed round the format was agreed and further info to sent to HW. A tear off page was to be added to the back pages with a tick box advising how people would like to be contacted and application to become a member etc. It was hoped that this could be completed and ready for October.
It was agreed to use local business to help offset the calendar costs, with dates of club meetings, hall meetings and AGM’s, annual sale, fun run, mountain bike event / funday and CACDT meetings etc. IW to email a draft of calendar.
- Treasures report / bank accounts setting up
Application had been made to open an account, forms had been passed out to trustees and further details for the signatories.
- NHS Meeting
It was agreed that due to the time restrictions this was not possible
- Jacobite Carving
HW has been in contact with the Speyside way about pricing etc, they agreed to install for free.
- Application or resignation of new Members and Trustees
- Any Other Business
A discussion was opened about the location of the meetings. SM would like to see the meetings alternated between Cromdale and Advie Halls. AB expressed a concern about gaining access to the Cromdale Hall following three failed attempts to gain access following bookings. It was also noted that the CACDT currently do not hold any funds and that Cromdale hall would charge for the use of the building. SC offered to donate the funding to cover the costs for the meeting in Cromdale hall. It was also agreed that a donation towards the Advie hall usage would be similar to that of Cromdale.
- Date of next meeting
Meeting to discuss the future of Advie Hall Monday 3rd 7pm @Advie Hall
Trustees meeting to update from Advie, Monday 10th 7pm @ Cromdale Hall
Trustees meeting 2nd March 2015 7pm @ Cromdale Hall
Trustees meeting 1st June 2015 Meeting with AGM. 7pm @ Advie Hall
Trustees meeting September 2015 7pm @ Cromdale Hall
Trustees meeting December 2015 7pm @ Advie Hall