I.  Call to Order – David Moody called the meeting to order at 8:37 a.m. Members present were Sherrie Miller, David Moody, Cypress Rudloe, Ralph Thomas, and Niraj Patel. TDC staff present were Diane Bardhi and Jackie Kunnen.

II.  Citizens to Be Heard – There were no citizens to be heard.

III.  Approval of Minutes from 3-10-16 Monthly TDC meeting and the 4-7-16 Special Committee Meeting – Minutes were unanimously approved with one change to the title of 3-10-16 Minutes.

IV.  Financial Reports A. Clerk’s Office Financial Report (A) – Reviewed

B. Bed Tax Revenue Spreadsheet (A) – Reviewed

V. Committee Reports

A. Advertising Committee – S. Miller

1. The Connect Agency Updates – D. Bardhi

2. Florida Travel USA Ad – D. Bardhi presented opportunity. Unanimously approved to run two ads and have one article written for Wakulla County.

B. Website Committee – D. Moody

1. Review Web Hosting Contract – Members discussed web hosting contract for upcoming year. R. Thomas asked D. Bardhi to email him the current contract for comparison. R. Thomas to send his notes on the upcoming contract to D. Bardhi.

2. Website Updates Status – D. Bardhi reviewed status.

V.  Council Members and Staff Discussion Items

A.  Review Email Lists – Members reviewed. D. Bardhi to make updates.

B.  National Tourism Day – Members unanimously approved to do a “Get Out and See Your Own Backyard” or “Staycation” summer promotion. It was unanimously approved to run an ad in the Wakulla Neighbor. The time of promotion is contingent upon the deadline for materials due to the Wakulla Neighbor. D. Bardhi to send press release to the Wakulla News to promote National Tourism Week.

C.  Outreach and Marketing Advisory Committee Update – D. Bardhi and S. Miller updated members. Next step to send a survey to committee members and interested persons to determine best day and time to meet.

D.  Two Egg TV – D. Bardhi presented. Members liked concept.

E.  Outreach Coordinator Updates – D. Bardhi updated.

a.  Visit Florida Social Program – Wakulla County approved for the Visit Florida program. The date is June 5, 2016, from 9 a.m. – 1. p.m.

b.  FSU Market Wednesday – J. Kunnen to follow up with FSU.

c.  Wakulla County Press/Articles – Article is being written for Orlando Magazine in the June travel issue. It will be posted on Visit Wakulla website in June.

d.  Rock the Docks Registration Giveaway – D. Bardhi and S. Miller updated.

e.  Update Natural North Florida Efforts – D. Bardhi updated the status of naturalnorthflorida.com. D. Bardhi also will be attending the Governor’s Conference on Tourism. Trip sponsored by Natural North Florida.

VII. Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 10:32 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 12, at 8:30 a.m. at the Welcome Center.