Curriculum Vitae

Personal Background

First Name: Ghazal Family Name: Zahed

Place of Birth: Shahreza, Iran Nationality: Iranian

Resident status:Iranian Citizen & Permanent Resident of Canada

Date of Birth: April 03.1970 Gender: Female

Work Address: Mofid Children Hospital, Shariati Ave., Tehran, Iran, 15468-16639

Tel: +98 21 22227033 , 001-703-981-3320

Cellphone: +98 913 1104465



Educational Background

•  2008: Subspecialty in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, IRAN

•  2005: Specialty in Psychiatry, Guilan University of Medical Sciences, IRAN

•  1995: Medical Doctor (MD), Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences ,IRAN

Employment and Related Professional Activities and Affiliation

Current Situation and Positions

I.  Assisstantprofessor in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry department at Mofid Children Hospital, Emam Hossein Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran: 2010-now

II.  Head of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry department at Mofid Children Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran: 2012-now

III.  Establishment of Child Mental Health Center at Mofid Children Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran: 2015

IV.  Vise chancellor of educational affairs of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry department at Mofid Children Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran: 2014-now

V.  Director in charge of child C-L psychiatry training for psychosomatic medicine fellows and child and adolescent psychiatry fellows, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry department at Mofid Children Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran: 2011-now

VI.  Director in charge of child psychiatry training for pediatric neuorology fellows, pediatric medicine residents and PHD students of clinical psychology, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry department at Mofid Children Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran: 2011-now

VII. Director in charge of training community psychiatry residents, 2011-now

VIII.  Director in charge of psychiatric part of palliative care in Pediatric Hematology-Oncology department, 2016-now

IX.  Pre-Board member of Psychiatry and Pediatric Medicine, Ministry of Health and Medical Education: 2011-now

X.  Director in charge of ASD (autism spectrum disorders) Committee, Pediatric Neurology Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medicl Sciences, Mofid Children Hospital, 2011-now

XI.  Crisis Commitee member in charge of psychological support in crisis,Mofid Children Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran: 2015-now

XII.  Director in charge of human services in Crisis Commitee, Mofid Children Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran: 2015-now

Previous and other situations and positions

I.  Scientific Secretary of drug abuse treatments program, especially physicians, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, 2013

II.  Scientific Secretary of “Child abuse” workshop, Mofid Children Hospital, 2015

III.  Scientific Secretary of parenting program for children with cancer, Iranian Society of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, 2013

IV.  Assisstantprofessor in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry department of Shahid Mohammadi Hospital, Hormozgan Medical University, Bandarabbas, Iran: 2008-2010

V.  Psychiatrist in charge of Khatamol’anbia Hospital, Natanz, Iran: 2005-2006

Professional Associations and Committee Membership

i.  Member of Exam Committee, EDO (Education Distribution Office), Shahid Beheshti School of Medical, 2015-now

ii.  Member of Mofid research excellence centerat Mofid Children Hospital, 2013-now

iii.  Member of Psychiatry and Pediatric Medicine Pre-boare Exam, Ministry of Health and Medical Education: 2011-now

iv.  Member of Crisis Comitee, 2015-now

v.  Member of training in civil committee of Code of Conduct Program, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, 2015

vi.  Member of ASD (autism spectrum disorders) Committee, Pediatric Neurology Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medicl Sciences, Mofid Children Hospital, 2011-Present

vii.  Member of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2015-now

viii. Member of Iranian ADHD Comitee, 2012-now

ix.  Member of Iranian Children Addictions Commitee, 2012-now

x.  Iranian Psychiatric Association.2011-Present

xi.  Founder member of Bavar Autism Center.2012

xii.  Member of PKU Commitee, Mofid Children's Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences.2011-Present*

xiii. Member of Neuropsychiatry Commitee, Pediatric Neurology Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences.2012-now

xiv. Member of Iranian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.2006-Now

xv.  Member ofIranian Medical Council Association.1995-now

xvi. Member of Scientific Committee of Life Skills Training Program - Ministry of Health and Medical Education, 2007-2008

xvii.  Serving as a psychiatrist in Bam earthquake disaster, Iran, 2004

xviii.  Active Member in charge of MMT training in Noor Hospital, Isfahan Province, Iran, 2005-2006

Editorial duties

I.  Referee of articles, Iranian Journal of Psychiatry (IJP)2011-now

II.  Referee of articles, Iranian Journal of Child Neurology (IJCN), 2011-now

Research projects

Medical advisor of Joint Autism Research Project between Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University, UK, 2011-2014

Director in charge of evaluation of the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in children 5-12 yr with chronic renal failure admitted to pediatric nephrology clinic, Mofid Children Hospital, 2013-2014

Director in charge of evaluation of the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in children 5-12 yr with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 admitted to pediatric endocrine and metabolic clinic, Mofid Children Hospital, 2013-2014


a)  SubspecialtyThesis:The effect of intervention methods on Couple dialogue in Couple communication and its impact on child behavior. 2008. Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.

b)  Specialty Thesis:Frequency of cannabis use in patients admitted to Shafa Hospital Psychiatric Emergency Ward in Guilan. 2005. GuilanUniversity of Medical Sciences, Rasht, Iran.

c)  MDThesis:A survey on the Frequency, risk factors, therapeutic methods and response to treatment in fibrocystic disease of breast in patients admitted to surgical clinics. 1995. Shahrekord, Iran.

Attendance in International Congresses

2ND Annual International Mood and Anxiety Treatment Guideline Congress. 26-27 April 2014, Dubai, UAE. *

Book Authoring

I.  Zahed Gh. Psychiatric emergencies. pediatric neurological disorders. Iranian society of pediatric neurology, Tehran- Iran: Nehzat Pooya Press, 2012

II.  Zahed Gh. Agitation in Children. An Algorithmic Approach To Common Pediatric Problems, Pediatric infections research center, 2016

III.  Zahed Gh. Functional Abdominal Pain. An Algorithmic Approach To Common Pediatric Problems, Pediatric infections research center, 2016

IV.  Zahed Gh. Pseudoseizure. An Algorithmic Approach To Common Pediatric Problems, Pediatric infections research center, 2016

Published Articles

i.  Atrifard M, Zahiredin A, Dibaei Sh, Zahed Gh. Comparing depression in children and adolescents with cancer with healthy ones. URMIA MEDICAL JOURNAL. 2014; 25 (1): 21-31

ii.  Shiari R, Zahed Gh, Saeidifard F. Evaluation of the prevalence of joint laxity in children with attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Ann Paediatr Rheum. 2013; 2(2): 78-80 doi:10.5455/apr.032420131219

iii.  Fahimzad A, Babaie D, Ghoroubi J, Zahed Gh, Rafiei Tabatabaei S. Common Infections Among Disabled Children Admitted to Hospital. Archives of Pediatric Infectious Diseases 2013; 1(2): 71-74. doi:10.5812/pedinfect.9075 *

iv.  Arman S., Zahed Gh., Bina M., Bagherian R, Roohafza H.The effect of couple's dialogue technique on marital conflicts and child behavior. Journal of Arak Medical University. 2008; 11(3): 9-19 URL: code=A-10-259-1&slc lang=fa&sid=1 *

v.  Khoshhal Dastjerdi J., Arman S., Zahed Gh. The relationship between temperature, sunlight hours and length of the day, and attempted suicide by drugs in Isfahan. Geographical Research quarterly. 2007; 22(1): 3-28 URL: pdfZ55313868401.pdf *

vi.  Khalkhali M, Najafi K, Zahed G, Heidarzadeh A. Frequency of cannabis use in patients admitted to Shafa hospital psychiatric emergency ward in Guilan.Journal of guilan university of medical sciences. 2005,14 (3), 42-50 *

vii.  Khoshhal Dastjerdi J., Zahed Gh. Aggression in Adolescents: a comparison of aggression in hot and cold regions. Journal of Research in Behavioural Sciences. 2004; 2(2): 59-66.*

Awards & Honors

•  2013, Appreciation for management and teaching “life and social skills” and “mood disorders” courses for hospital personnel, Mofid ChildrenHospital

•  2011, Appreciation for collaboration in the preparation of thalassemia training multimedia package, health deputy minister of Health and Medical Education

•  2011, Appreciation for Cooperation in the production of Educational Content for Empowerment of Family Physicians

•  2008, Achievement of the first rank in Child and Adolescent PsychiatrySubspecialty board exam

•  2006, Appreciation in Imam Hussein (AS) medical center for participating in training and active participation in fellowship training


•  Javad Alaghband-rad, Associate Professor of child and adolescent Psychiatry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,

•  Mohammad Ghofrani, Professor of Pediatric Neurology, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences,

•  Fatemeh Ahmadi, PhD of Child mental health, Newcastle University, UK

•  Parvane Karimzade, Professor of Pediatric Neurology, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences,Iran

Personal Interests

•  Child and adolescent psychiatry, particularly Neurodevelopmental Disorders

•  Child andadolescent C-L (Consultation-Liaison) Psychiatry


