The Revolutionary Period Answers 1

1.  Who founded Jamestown?
2.  When was Jamestown founded?
3.  What was the first permanent English settlement in North America?
4.  How many colonies did England establish in North America?
5.  Where was the first permanent French settlement in North America?
6.  Who established the first permanent French settlement in North America?
7.  In what present-day country was Quebec located?
8.  What was the economic basis of France’s colonial empire in North America?
9.  During the eighteenth century, what nation became England’s chief rival for colonial territory in North America?
10.  When did the French and Indian War occur?
11.  What was the name of the French and Indian War in Europe?
12.  Who were the two chief opponents in the French and Indians War?
13.  Who won the French and Indian War?
14.  What was the main result of the French and Indian War?
15.  What did the Proclamation of 1763 do?
16.  What three things did the British government hope the Proclamation of 1763 would achieve?
17.  In order to win the war against France, what was it necessary for the British government to do?
18.  What expenses did the British government have in North America?
19.  What is Parliament?
20.  Why did Parliament pass taxes on the American colonies after the French and Indian War?
21.  What was the Sugar Act?
22.  What is another name for a customs duty?
23.  What is a tariff?
24.  What was the Stamp Act?
25.  Why did the American colonists oppose both the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act?
26.  What became a popular slogan in the American colonies?
27.  How did Parliament respond to colonial resistance to the Stamp Act?
28.  What does it mean to repeal a law?
29.  What is revenue?
30.  What were the Townshend Acts?
31.  How did the American colonists react to the Townshend Acts?
32.  Did the American colonists have representation in Parliament?
33.  What does a legislative body do?
34.  How did Parliament respond to American opposition to the Townshend Acts?
35.  What happened at the Boston Massacre?
36.  What was the Tea Act?
37.  Define monopoly.
38.  Why did Parliament pass the Tea Act?
39.  Why did the American colonists oppose the Tea Act?
40.  What happened at the Boson Tea Party?
41.  How did Parliament respond to the Boston Tea Party? / 1.  Virginia Company of London
2.  1607
3.  Jamestown
4.  thirteen
5.  Quebec
6.  Samuel de Champlain
7.  Canada
8.  fur-trading
9.  France
10.  1754-1763
11.  Seven Years’ War
12.  Great Britain and France
13.  the British
14.  The British drove the French out of Canada and the territories west of the Appalachian Mountains.
15.  prohibited the colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains
16.  A) Protect friendly Indians, B) Reduce conflict between the Indians and the colonists, C) Make it less expensive for the British army to protect the West
17.  British government went into debt
18.  the cost of troops to protect the American colonists from Indian attacks
19.  the British lawmaking body
20.  A) Huge war debt, B) Cost of troops to protect the American colonists
21.  tax on French molasses imported into the American colonies
22.  a tariff or tax on imported goods
23.  a tax on imported goods
24.  a tax on newspapers and all legal documents issued in the American colonies
25.  The colonists believed only a colony’s elected assembly could lay taxes on that colony.
26.  “no taxation without representation”
27.  repealed it
28.  do away with the law
29.  tax money
30.  laws that placed duties or tariffs on glass, paper, paint, lead, and tea
31.  opposed them and said Parliament had no right to tax the colonists, because Americans were not represented in Parliament
32.  No.
33.  makes laws
34.  repealed all the duties, except the tax on tea
35.  a clash between British troops and a Boston mob in which five colonists were killed
36.  a law that gave a monopoly over the American tea trade to the financially struggling British East India Company
37.  complete control
38.  hoped increased tea sales in the American colonies would save the British East India Company from bankruptcy
39.  believed the Tea Act was a British attempt to trick the colonists into paying the remaining Townshend duty on tea
40.  Bostonians disguised themselves as Indians, boarded tea ships of the British East India Company, and threw the tea into Boston Harbor
41.  Passed laws to punish the people of Boston and the colony of Massachusetts