Dear Band Parents and Band Students,

Welcome to the Wharton Junior High band program. We believe that there is no better activity to be a part of than the school band. This is a place where everyone works together, every student has a part, and no one needs to sit on the bench. Our bands work towards a sense of group accomplishment that requires parents, students, and staff to work together. This handbook is to inform all students and their families of the procedures and activities of the Wharton Junior High Band. We are very excited to start our 3rd year at Wharton and hope to add to the success our students have already started.

Please read the following information and sign the statement of understanding at the end. The last page (front & back) at the end should be filled out and returned to the band directors within the first week of school for a grade. If you have any questions or concerns please call, text, or email Mr. Toney for assistance.

Thank You,

Jason Toney Bruce Kenner

Junior High Band Director Wharton Head Band Director

816.TONEY2U (816.866.3928) 979.532.6802


ALL STUDENTS are expected to participate in all performances and activities for their ensemble. Students who are unexcused from a performance or activity, have an excessive amount of unexcused absences or tardies, have had 3 office referrals from the band directors, or have been assigned to AEP may be suspended from band reward activities and/or not allowed back into the group.

ALL STUDENTS will be expected to have their equipment and materials everyday:

·  Instrument and necessary equipment (reeds, sticks/mallets, swabs, etc.)

·  Band Binder (including this handbook, the practice toolbox, and logs)

·  Band Folder (including Essential Elements and all sheet music)

·  A Pencil on the stand

ALL STUDENTS will be responsible for furnishing their own Band Binder. (1” binder)

ALL STUDENTS will be responsible for any equipment or music issued to them. This includes any books and instruments available to percussion students.

ALL STUDENTS are expected to practice every week and turn in a Practice Log every Wednesday. This log should be picked up and put back into the Band Binder

ALL STUDENTS should understand that the shelves in the band room are not a place for personal items, except for your instrument and band supplies; it is not your closet or gym locker. Anything else may be moved to the “Missing Things Desk” or thrown away.


Members of the Wharton Junior High Band Program are expected to follow all rules and guidelines of the Wharton Junior High Student Handbook.


1.  Work Hard

¨  do your best at all times

¨  stay on task

¨  follow teacher directions

¨  start class with instruments and supplies on time

2.  Be Nice

¨  do not interrupt the speaker

¨  no negative comments about anyone

¨  do not talk back or smack lips

3.  Have Respect

¨  respect your school in your behavior and appearance (dress code)

¨  respect other students, teachers, and staff

¨  respect instruments and equipment

¨  respect the property and personal space of others “do not play”


1st time- verbally given to student during or after class

2nd time- parent contact and/or Level I Notice

3rd time- parent contact AND Level I Notice, brought to campus administration

Severe infractions such as fighting, vandalism, defying a teacher, preventing class from functioning, or any other action that could be harmful will be immediately be removed from class by an administrator.

Tardiness- Refer to the WJHS Student Handbook.


Before School- Only band students will be allowed to enter the band room at or before 7:20 AM when the door has been unlocked and an adult is present to supervise. At this time students should drop their instrument off in their shelf and turn in any work that is due. Students will be allowed to remain in the band room to practice or see the band director as needed. All other students are to go to appropriate holding area and wait for school to start. A student may be asked to leave the band room for any reason at anytime.

After School- Only band students will be allowed to enter the band room after school. Students will be allowed to remain in the band room to practice or see the band director as needed. The music building will close at 4:00 PM unless the band director is needed to leave early or planning to stay late.

DO NOT bring friends that are not in band to the music area at anytime.

DO NOT hang out in the hallway between the band and choir room at anytime.


Students are expected to supply their own instruments. There may be exceptions such as oboe, bassoon, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, alto clarinet, bass clarinet, horn in f, euphonium/baritone, tuba, or concert percussion.

Instruments that are supplied by the school will be checked out to each individual student. There will be a required fee which will cover normal wear-and-tear of school owned instruments for new band members this year. This will help to keep these instruments in acceptable playing condition.

Students using school owned instruments will receive a contract to be signed and returned to the band director. The fee will be $40 for the school year ($20 a semester). Make checks payable to Wharton Junior High School. This payment is due by the end of the first 6 weeks of school. Alternative payment arrangements may be made through the band directors. Failure to make payment may result in removal from the band program.

The fee does not cover vandalism, misuse, or negligence. Ultimately, the parent or guardian will be responsible for the repair cost up to and including replacement of a damaged instrument in any of these cases.

Students that play school owned instruments are still required to have their own mouthpieces, sticks, reeds, and any other item specified by the band directors.

If at any point during the year a student switches to a school owned instrument, that student will be responsible for the prorated amount due to cover instrument usage for as long as it is to be used. This will be payable upon notice from the directors.

Reeds for woodwind instruments are the responsibility of each student. The band director will sell single reeds before or after class for $0.50. Supplies are limited. We recommend that students have their own box and re-supply when needed. Not having a playable reed for class counts as not being prepared.

We suggest that students own a music stand and metronome for proper playing and practicing at home. These items are readily available at local music stores or online.

ALL STUDENTS are responsible for the instruments (school owned or personal) that they play only. Students should not let others carry, hold, or come in any other contact with their instrument. If someone breaks someone else’s instrument (even on accident) we have a problem. Wind instruments should either be in the hands of their student or in a case. Large percussion instruments are not to be touched by anyone except for percussionists.

ALL INSTRUMENTS (school owned and personal) will be cataloged by the band directors including brand name, model, and serial number.

ALL STUDENTS will be assigned a spot in the band room to store their instrument. Any students leaving their instrument out of their assigned area will have points deducted from their “daily grade” score. Student instruments should either be in the band room or traveling with them to class when not at home. Instruments should NEVER be left outside the building or outside the door in the hallway. These areas are not secure and the band nor school will assume any responsibility for loss or damage.


The band uses an adjusted grading scale which is not the same as other classes. This policy has been reviewed and approved by the administration.

Daily Grades- following rules, participation, being prepared 55%

Tests- playing tests, paper test, small performances 25%

Assignments- Band Binder, Practice Logs & Other Assignments 20%

There will be at least 2 major concert grades a year. The Winter and Spring Concerts will count as all or part of the midterm and final exam. These grades can heavily impact your semester and final grades.

It should be easy for any student to earn an “A” in band. Band is something that is chosen, so students should be proud to work at it. The biggest problem that some students have not earning an “A” is not turning in practice logs. If you are a perfect student in class, but don’t turn in any practice logs, you may only earn a “B”.

The Band Binder- Students should have a 1” three ring binder that is specifically for band. Students should use it to keep all their band materials in one place. The Band Binder should include: this HANDBOOK, ALL PRACTICE LOGS, the PRACTICE TOOLBOX, ANY SHEET MUSIC (in folder), special exercises by specific instrument, and the Essential Elements Book. The Band Binder may be checked in class for a grade at any time.

*The Band Binder does not need to be on your stand everyday. If you need it, you will be told. However, you should have your music folder (after you have been given one), your Essential Elements book and anything else need to play your instrument every day.


ALL BAND MEMBERS shall have the entire year’s worth of practice logs in their Band Binder. Practice Logs should be turned into the basket every Wednesday BEFORE school. Students should pick them back up after school the same day and put back into the binder for records. This will be checked periodically. Logs will be accepted for a 10 point reduction on Thursdays and a 20 point reduction on Fridays. They will not be accepted after Friday. Practice Logs must be filled out for each week (Wednesday-Tuesday) and totaled with the grade written in. They must have a parent signature to get credit.

Students may include practice time from before or after school in their practice logs (as long as a parent/guardian is willing to sign it) as long as they keep in mind that the directors are aware of who is spending time in the band room and how time is really being spent.

Please refer to the Practice Toolbox for instructions on how to practice.

Students who practice improve and are successful. The practice log is to help you organize your practice and receive credit for your hard work. The directors can tell how well and how often you practice by how well you play each day. Remember, honesty is what you do when people are watching. Integrity is what you do when people are not. Demonstrate integrity when completing all practice logs.

*6th Grade band students and those new to playing an instrument will not be required to turn in practice logs until a prescribed time during the first 6 weeks.


All band rehearsals, performances, and activities are considered “co-curricular”. This means that all students no matter what their academic eligibility are required to attend unless otherwise instructed.

The only exceptions are any activity that is overseen by the UIL (University Interscholastic League) such as Region Band, Solo & Ensemble, or Concert & Sight-reading Contest.

If a student has failed one or more classes for a 6 week period, that student is “academically ineligible” and may not participate in UIL events. They may regain their eligibility by passing ALL COURSES at the progress report on the next 6 weeks.

Also, refer to the “No Pass, No Play” section of the WJH Student Handbook for clarification.

STAY ELIGIBLE THE WHOLE YEAR SO WE DON”T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT IT! That way you won’t miss out on anything fun.


ALL STUDENTS will be expected to dress appropriately for all performances unless otherwise specified. Music is a professional thing, therefore we must look the part.

Young Men:

·  button down dress shirt of any color (no visible logos, tucked in)

·  jacket/coat (optional)

·  neck tie or bow tie

·  khaki or dress pants (dark, brown, black, blue, no denim)

·  black or brown dress shoes (no sneakers/tennis shoes)

·  dark colored socks (not white)

·  NO big jewelry that “jingles” or makes any other noise.

Young Ladies:

·  dress shirt, blouse, or sweater (school appropriate, ladies- cover up, no visible logos)

·  dress, skirt, or dress slacks (dresses and skirts must come to or past the knee- no thigh, ladies- cover up) Tights are fine underneath.

·  dress shoes (no sneakers/tennis shoes). High heels at your own risk.

·  make up is fine, but don’t overdo it- look “professional”

·  NO big jewelry that “jingles” or makes any other noise.

Being in proper concert dress is just as important as being on time. If a student does not have suitable clothes to wear, he/she may not be allowed to perform with the group and will not earn a grade for the performance. If you have any questions or problems with the concert dress code, please call or email me at the school.