NHS Fife

Research & Development (R & D)

Student Induction Programme

‘Greater Knowledge,

Better Services...... ’

The Clinical Research Facility (CRF) at Victoria Hospital is located above the Dermatology Unit – Hayfield Road entrance

The Education Centre at Queen Margaret Hospital is located on level 2 of the hospital, housing both the library and Research and Development Department.


The Research & Development (R&D) Department is part of the Medical Director’s Directorate in NHS Fife. The department is responsible for the management of high quality research in Fife. This is in line with NHS Scotland’s strategy and the Scottish Government Nursing and Midwifery Education Direction2. In addition to this, evidence suggests that research active organisations demonstrate better clinical outcomes and patients involved in research do well.3
The R & D Department is based at Queen Margaret Hospital, Dunfermline and has a new Clinical Research Facility (CRF) at Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy. We have a 15 strong R & D Research Nurse team which supports clinical investigators across NHS Fife, undertake research studies.

Through project management knowledge and skills the R & D Research Nurses, provide support and advice to study participants, clinical colleagues and learners. Considerable work relates to participant recruitment, data collection and follow-up.

There are currently 266 research projects registered across NHS Fife concentrated in a few specialist fields in Cardiology, Haematology, Urology, Obstetrics, Paediatrics, Dermatology, Respiratory, Ophthalmology, Stroke Rehabilitation, Cancer and Mental Health. The department is also responsible for developing the infrastructure and culture in which research contributes to evidence based practice.

Our R & D Department support this by:-

·  promoting a culture that supports and encourages research as part of routine practice;

·  building on the opportunities to work closely with academic and community planning partners to increase the volume and quality of research;

·  promoting research within undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

·  developing research knowledge and skills of students, staff and appropriate independent contractors;

·  working in partnership with the citizens of Fife to ensure that research is patient centred.

1Achieving Sustainable Quality in Scotland’s Healthcare: A 20:20 Vision. (2011) Scottish Government

2Setting the Direction for Nursing and Midwifery Education in Scotland. (2014) Scottish Government

3Hanney S. et al. Engagement in Research; An innovative 3-stage review of the benefits for health-care performance. Health Serv. Deliv. Res. (2013);1 (8)


Student and mentor details for placement

Welcome and Introduction

Research & Development Department - Our Team

What you can expect from us & what we expect of you

Objectives and key learning opportunities

Role of the clinical research nurse & key learning opportunities

Timetable template

Glossary of terms – to be handed out separately

Undergraduate Student Nurse Programme

For Placements in Clinical Research

Start Date
End Date

Mission Statement:

‘Greater Knowledge,

Better Services...... ’


At Research and Development (R & D) we are committed to providing a quality learning environment that creates opportunities for students to identify and undertake experiences to meet their learning needs. We encourage students to ask questions and will always try to answer them. However, we will expect the students to assist with their own learning by developing a questioning approach. We look forward to hearing their views and suggestions about how we can improve the learning experience for students given a placement within NHS Fife

We will:

·  Provide a welcoming and supportive environment

·  Treat students as individuals acknowledging their needs and encouraging their participation in all aspects of the participants’ journey through the clinical research process

·  Encourage students to feel part of the research and wider multidisciplinary team by involving them in assisting healthcare professionals in providing patient care

·  Recognise and value the contribution of all students in the process of planning and carrying out participant care.

Welcome and Introduction

Welcome to your clinical research placement based in NHS Fife.

Throughout your placement you will work extremely closely with your mentor and /or your co- mentor and the other members of our team.

If you do experience any problems please let us know by discussing concerns with your mentor or the R&D Lead Nurse. We welcome your feedback and will do our best to resolve any issues you raise.

Alternatively you can contact the Practice Education Facilitator for our area Janice McDougall ext. 24068 / email: or your Learning Team facilitators

We do hope you enjoy your learning experience with us.

R&D Research and Development Department – Our Team

Director R&D / Professor Alex Baldacchino
Assistant Director R&D / Dr Amanda Wood
Lead Nurse R&D / Polly Buchanan
Research Nurses / Sarah Aitken,
Paul Allcoat
Keith Boath
Valerie Bryson
Mandy Couser
Fleur Davey
Susan Fowler
Karen Gray
Fiona Johnston
Linda Lister
Claire McGinn
HCSWs / Christina Coventry
Linzi Wilson
R&D Research Support / Julie Aitken
Allyson Bailey
Fay Crawford
Roy Halliday
Gwen Stenhouse
Aileen Yell
Pharmacy Technician / Maria Simpson

What you can expect from us

·  You will receive a timely orientation to our facility

·  You will be allocated a mentor and a co-mentor

·  You will discuss your learning needs and objectives at the start of placement

·  We will provide you with a safe and secure learning environment conducive to meeting your learning need and objectives

·  You will have a midway and an end of placement meetings with your mentor who will provide feedback on your performance set against the agreed learning outcomes within the 5 learning domains

·  We will strive to answer any questions you may have or give you direction

·  You will have time to reflect and review your experiences

·  We will listen to any feedback you give us

What we expect from you

·  We expect you to behave in a professional manner, be courteous, respectful, be enthusiastic and engage with the learning opportunities available to you during this placement

·  We expect you to arrive on time and dress in accordance with the University of Dundee student nurse uniform policy. We follow NHS Fife policy on Uniform and Professional Appearance and expect students to wear their uniform when in clinical areas.

·  We expect you to discuss your learning objectives, outcomes and demonstrate a questioning approach to your learning

·  We expect you to contact us if you are unable to be on duty, or will be later than we expect you to arrive

·  We expect you to maintain confidentiality at all times. This applies to our participants, research studies and members of our team

·  We would like you to let us know how we can improve R&D and the CRF as a learning environment

Duty Hours

·  Hours: 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday

·  Hours will reflect those of your mentor and /or co-mentor and the requirements of the research participants and study protocols. This would maximize the amount of time you spend with your mentor during your placement.

Objectives and Key Learning Opportunities

This placement offers you the opportunity to achieve the following:

·  Ability to demonstrate how clinical research nurses contribute to NHS Scotland core values of care and compassion, dignity and respect, openness, honesty, responsibility, quality and teamwork

·  Ability to demonstrate an awareness of healthcare research and how it is conducted, including nursing enquiry and its benefits

·  Ability to demonstrate how clinical research nursing contributes to the NHS Scotland and Chief Scientist Office Health and Social Care Strategy

·  Ability to demonstrate an awareness of research governance and legislation

Key Learning Opportunities

Communication Skills

·  Effective communication with participants especially in relation to the informed consent process, identifying adverse events and the rights and safety of those participating in clinical research

·  Communication with participants and where appropriate their family to build effective, trusting relationships

·  Discussions with members of the multidisciplinary research team

·  Use of computer and a variety of software packages

Assessment Skills

·  Study specific protocol

·  Research and Direct Clinical Care planning

Clinical Skills

·  Participant comfort

·  Understanding principles of person centred care in the clinical research setting

·  Importance of standard operating procedures

·  Administration of medication, including investigational medicinal product and use of randomisation, placebo and blinding in clinical research

·  Measurement and recording of systemic observations, including, blood pressure, pulse, respiration, temperature, blood glucose, 12 lead ECG, spirometry

·  Specimen collection and pre-analytical sample processing

Documentation and Record Keeping

·  Study related documentation, including Site File, protocol, case report forms,

·  Accurate recording of clinical and research care given

·  Importance of source documentation

·  Research data collection

Professional & Ethical Practice

·  Practice at all times according to ‘The Code’ (NMC 2015)

·  Practise according to ICH Good Clinical Practice, clinical trials regulations and research governance

·  Ethics in clinical research

·  Reflection

Role of the Clinical Research Nurse

The role of the clinical research nurse is multifaceted and combines all aspects of the role of the nurse with the delivery and conduct of clinical research.

The purpose of clinical research is to develop new drugs, treatments, devices or strategies which may lead to prevention, cure or improved well-being. Therefore clinical research nurses make a contribution to the quality of life of individuals and evidence based practice.

The role comprises:

Safety of research participants

·  Delivery of safe and effective person centred care

·  Adherence to study protocols, local policies and procedures

·  Maintaining a safe clinical environment

·  Accurate record keeping and data collection

·  Report and manage any adverse events in the appropriate and timely manner

·  Advocacy


·  Participating in the ongoing informed consent process

·  Health education

·  Effectively communicating with the participant and where appropriate their family

·  Communication with the research and wider multidisciplinary team and external organisations to ensure the smooth running and outcome of the study

Study Management

·  Conduct of the study according to the protocol in accordance with clinical trials regulations, research governance and ICH Good Clinical Practice.

·  Recruitment and retention of participants within study programme

·  Study visits and follow-up of participants. This involves the collection of study specific data and may require the CRN to carry out a variety of clinical procedures, such as, the collection and processing of human biological samples, such as blood, urine, sputum and skin etc. Clinical observations can include vital signs and ECG recordings

GLOSSARY OF TERMS – to be handed out separately