PPG Pilot Project September 2012-January 2013

Working with 12 Practices to strengthen patient participation groups (PPGs)and enhance feedback to clinical commissioners.

Action Plan Date 7th February 2013

Name of PPG Herne Hill Road

Locality(please circle) North South West xx South East

WHAT do we want to do / HOW will we do it / WHO will do it / WHEN BY / HOW will we know we have achieved it?
Sustain continuity of existing PPG, make patients more aware of PPG and recruit new members
PPG to be more representative of community / To restart regular meetings starting with 6th March. Members contacted by phone. Date of each new meeting on leaflet. Leaflet available in surgery and local Pharmacy.Poster in surgery with date of next meeting. Notice board in surgery to include minutes of PPG meetings; develop email list for notification of meetings
Examine practice data on demographics of population;
Doctors to be asked to encourage individual patients to consider joining PPG;
PPG members to approach patients in surgery / Bernadette/June
Bernadette discuss PPG with doctors
Karen; other PPG members at later date / In time for March 6th meeting
Report back 6th March
Report back 6th March
Discuss 6th March meeting / Meetings take place regularly; frequency to be agreed
Leaflet made available
Information on Board
List developed and used
Doctors and PPG members involved in recruiting
More members reflecting make up community
Clarity of role of PPG and individual members, through agreed terms of reference / Group to examine example terms of reference and modify/agree for its own purpose. / Bernadette circulate model in advance of meeting; PPG agrees / Agree at 6th March meeting / Terms of reference agreed
WHAT do we want to do / HOW will we do it / WHO will do it / WHEN BY / HOW will we know we have achieved it?
Ensure all patients well informed about the Practice and PPG / PPG to contribute ideas of information for inclusion in Practice newsletter.
Longer term PPG look to produce own newsletter / Bernadette notify members of deadlines; individual PPG members suggest ideas / For next newsletter / Patients well informed about
whats happening in Practice
Contact with other PPGs in Lambeth and influence Lambeth CCG
Develop health improvement initiatives in conjunction with Practice, and local pharmacy
Events and activities for patients to become involved in / Attend meetings of PPG network and feedback to Group. Group agree who would attend
Explore possibility of using skills of trained Healthy Living Champion to promote initiatives in surgery. First stage invite speaker to talk about LEIPS and Expert Patient Programme. Contact will be made with local pharmacy
Revive the Gardening and Walking groups / Bernadette ensure PPG members have dates. PPG member attends and reports back
Bernadette invite speaker to March 6th meeting.
Gary to consider what role he might play
June, members of PGG / Next network meeting 12th March
Initial discussions at March 6th meeting
When its warmer / Regular attendance and feedback from meetings
Role of HLC agreed and events/activities take place
Groups meeting regularly again

Helpful Prompts

Have you addressed issues raised in the baseline questionnaires? Does your PPG have a Healthy Living Champion-if yes what are their plans?

Has your practice carried out the second patient survey as part of the DES requirement? Is your PPG active in the PPG Network?

LINk Project worker Barbara Wilson 0207274 8522(part-time and in post until mid-March 2013).

Wai Ha Lam (LINk Community Engagement Officer) leading on PPG Network, newsletter and training, 0207 274 8522.

Volunteer: Graham Barker –please contact via Barbara or Wai Ha.