Enrich 7th

Weekly problem solving #1 Name______

1.) Kaleb has 10 coins in his pocket which are pennies, nickels, dimes, or quarters. Of the 10 coins, 7 are silver in color. The edges of 7 of the coins are smooth, and the edges of the other 3 have ridges. Only one of the coins is a dime. What is the value of the 10 coins?
/ 2.) Katelyn brought raisins for lunch and shared them with some of her classmates. She gave half of her raisins to Hanna, then ate one herself. After that, she gave half of the remaining raisins to Morgan and ate another one herself. Finally, she gave half of the remaining raisins to Adrea, and had 7 raisins left. How many raisins did Katelyn start with?
3.) A farm raises cows and ostriches in a fenced pen. Thomas can see 78 legs in the lower opening of the fence, and he counts 35 heads above the fence. How many of each kind of animal are in the pen?
/ 4.) If Erin folds a rectangular piece of paper in half, then in half again the opposite way, and then in half one more time. She has now formed a smaller rectangle. If she punches a hole in the center of this rectangle, how many holes will be cut out of the paper when Erin opens up the paper?
Enrich. 7th Grade Homework Strip: Week of August 22
An answer without the PROCESS is considered as NOT having your assignment.
Monday / Review. Page 4: # 1- 11
Tuesday / Review Page 4: # 12 - 19
Wednesday / Data Displays. Page 7: #6-8, pg. 8: #10-14
Thursday / Review. Page 9: #25-32
Reminder: you have a quiz on Friday over Warm-Ups and one problem solving question.