Heritage Plus Joint Call

Heritage Plus Joint Call

1.  Application Form for Pre-Proposals

Proposal full title:______

Proposal acronym:______

Name of the Project Leader:______

Contact details :______

List of Principal Investigators (PI):

PI no.* / PI’s organisation name / PI short name / Organisation type / Country
1 (Project Leader)

* Please use this numbering in all parts of your proposal.

It is highly recommended to study all the relevant Call Information (eg. Guidelines for Applicants, FAQs, Glossary) before starting to write the pre-proposal.

For further information on the Call please visit http://www.jpi-culturalheritage.eu/joint-call/

Research Topics

Please select the topic your project will address. If your project covers more than one topic, please indicate this in priority order (i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd)

Safeguarding tangible cultural heritage and its associated intangible expressions

Sustainable strategies for protecting and managing cultural heritage

Use and re-use of all kinds of cultural heritage

Heritage Plus Joint Call


Section A: Project Summary – the abstract should be in English, be no more than 300 words including:

-  a brief context for the proposed research;

-  the aims and objectives of the project;

-  the relevance to the Heritage Plus aims and topics;

-  expected outcomes/impacts of the Heritage Plus project.

Section B: Estimated Budget – use the template provided

Section A: Project Summary

Full name of the Project: / The title should be no longer than 200 characters (spaces included) and should be understandable to non-specialists in the field.
Project acronym: / The acronym will be used to identify the proposal efficiently in this call. It should be no longer than 10 characters
Project duration in months: / Insert the estimated duration of the project in full months.
Project abstract: / The summary should be written in English, be no more than 300 words and provide:
-  a brief context for the proposed research;
-  the aims and objectives of the project;
-  the relevance to the Heritage Plus aims and topics;
-  expected outcomes/impacts of the Heritage Plus project.
Keywords: / 5 maximum
Project costs (in Euros): / Estimated overall budget
Estimated overall requested grant
Estimated overall own funds

Section B: Overall estimated Budget

Please provide an estimation of the overall budget (in euros) using the template below.

Budget Items / Total Budget PI 1 (Enter PI name) / Total Budget PI 2 (Enter PI name) / Total Budget PI 3 (Enter PI name) / Total Budget PI 4 (Enter PI name) / Total Budget PI 5 (Enter PI name) / Total
Employment Costs
Travel and Meeting costs
Dissemination and Knowledge Exchange Costs
Other costs – Please specify

2.  Description of Work and associated information

You should read carefully and adhere to the instructions in the Guidelines for Applicants document (Section 5, part 2).

Checklist for Project Leader and Principle Investigators

The proposal conforms to the Call Guidelines (see Guidelines for Applicants and specific rules in your country, if available).
Every project partner has been in direct contact with his/her national or regional funding agency and has checked that their collaboration and their project contribution is eligible for funding.
All partners who are not eligible for 100% funding are able to provide financial resources for their own contribution.