1-(2)Form of Recommendation Letter


To Chief Representative of JICA <name of country> Office,

Chair-person of Steering Committee of Master’s Degree and Internship Program of African Business Education Initiative for Youth (ABE Initiative)

Subject: Recommendation of Applicant for Master’s Degree and Internship Program of ABE Initiative

*Please write down the reason why you recommend the applicant in either English or Japanese particularly in what way he/she will contribute to the development of the industries in Africa in connection with Japanese Private Sector after his / her acquisition of a master's degree in Japanese University. Please sign your name at the bottom.
*Please be noted that this Recommendation Letter will be sent as one of the document to submit to Japanese universities.
Example) I highly recommend Mr. / Ms. xxx. He / She worked as .. and excels in …
His/her participation in the ABE Initiative will contribute to ….. for our company’s further business activities in ….
After concluding his/her master’s degree and internship through the ABE Initiative, he/she is expected to…
(Signature of Presenter)
From xxx (Name of Presenter)

*Please provide the following information.

  1. Presenter
/ Name:
Job title:
  1. Type of Presenter’s Organization

/ Please choose your organization type.
□Local or foreign (non-Japanese) organization
□Japanese company (Japan HQs or Japan Domestic Office)
□Japanese company (Overseas Representative or Branch Office)
□Japanese affiliated company (Locally incorporated)
(日系企業(現地法人) ※親会社が日本企業
□Local company established or owned by Japanese (Not incorporated in Japan)
□Foreign (non-Japanese) company but incorporated in Japan
□Japanese government
□Other organization ( )

*Please explain about the recommended applicant / nominee.

  1. Recommended Applicant
/ Name:
  1. Relationship with recommended applicant
/ Please choose the relationship with the applicant
□Employee of my organization
□Ex-employee of my organization
□Employee or ex-employee of the partner organization
□My student or ex-student
□Other ( )

*If the letter is issued within Japan, please tick below and kindlysend the PDF file to the applicant and send the original letter to JICA HQ.


□The original Letter will be sent to JICA HQ / オリジナルレターはJICA本部に送付

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