BIOL 255 SI, Molly

Unit 5 Exam Review


1) The adenohypophysis is the ______pituitary gland, which is made up of ______tissue and is more part of the ______system as it synthesizes and secretes______. It is inhibited or stimulated by the ______.

2) The posterior pituitary is actually part of the ______with neural connections to the ______, which is referred to as the ______-______tract. It is the nuclei of the hypothalamus that synthesize ______and ______(ADH) and these hormones are transported to the ______pituitary to be released.

3) The anterior pituitary gland secretes seven major hormones and ____of the seven are ______hormones which stimulate other ______glands or cells to secrete other______.

4) Another anterior pituitary hormone is the ______-______hormone (TSH), which is made by the ______cells and these ______thyroid hormone production, which control the ______rate. Another hormone is the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which is made by the ______cells that control the adrenal cortex’s ______production.

5) The posterior pituitary gland is made of ______of the hypothalamic ______and it _____ and releases ______as the axons travel through the ______in the hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract. Hormones are stored in the axon ______of these neurons in the posterior pituitary and when these neurons are ______, the axons release the ______into the bloodstream, so the posterior pituitary is not an ______gland as it is the ______tissue releasing the______.


6) Mechanical digestion is the ______act of______, mixing, and ______of food, while chemical ______is the ______breakdown of food ______into monomers which can be absorbed from the GI tract into the ______or______.

7) The mesenteries consist of a double ______peritoneum which attaches the______intestine to the posterior ______cavity. The greater ______is referred to as the “______”, draping from the stomach and ______colon.

8) Hepatic ______vein collects nutrientrich ______blood from the______tract and delivers this blood to the______for metabolic processing and storage, while the ______Vein drains the liver.

9) The crown of a tooth is covered by ______which is the ______substance in the body, while the root of the tooth is covered by ______which is ______connective tissue and attaches the root to the ______ligament that anchors the tooth in the jaw ______and forms the fibrous joint referred to as the______.

10) Dental caries are the gradual ______of enamel anddentin by ______action, while ______is a serious gum disease resulting from an ______response in which results in carving pockets around teeth and dissolving______.


11) In the stomach, ______digestion of ______begins and food is churnedand converted to______.

12) Epithelial lining contains ______cells that produce ______mucus to protecting ______lining from digesting itself. Whereas, the glands of stomach which are the _____ glands of fundus and body contain mucous ______cells that secrete ______mucus, and the ______cells that secrete HCl and ______factor for Vitamin _____absorption.______cells produce ______which isactivated to ______by the ______in the stomach and ______itself, in which protein is digested into ______and finally ______cells that secrete the ______into the blood.

13) The functions of the Stomach are to ______ingested food, ______food, physically and______, to ______chyme to small intestine, enzymatically digests ______with ______, and secrete ______factor required for vitamin B12______.

14) The inner surface of the small intestines contains ______which are deep circular folds of ______and ______which increase ______area 10 fold, which are made up of ______that are______extensions of mucosa into ______which also ______surface area 10 fold, and finally ______which are tiny projections of ______mucosal cells’membranes into lumen which also increases surface area 10 fold.


15)Thestructural and ______units of kidney are the______, and the blood is ______in the renal ______which is made up of the ______and the glomerulus______, also referred to as the ______capsule.

16) Every nephron has two capillary beds, the ______and ______capillaries. Each glomerulus is fed by an ______arteriole and then drained by an ______arteriole which are ______than the afferent. The afferent is ______to accommodate the ______blood pressure so fluids and solutes are______fromblood through the ______.

17) Filtrate contains no______, but does contain all ______components except______. Water, ______, and essential ______are reabsorbed as filtrate and become ______which contains water, ______wastes, and unneeded substances.

18) Ureters have a______wall of ______epithelial mucosa, ______muscle muscularis and fibrous connective tissue______. The ureters actively propel urine to bladder via ______at intervals of 3to 4 minutes. Ureters enter bladder base through the______wall and their ______ends close as bladder pressure ______which prevents ______of urine into ureters.


19) In the testes, the ______tubules produce ______and converge to form tubulus ______which convey sperm to ______which then leave via ______ductules and enter the ______.

20) ______cells produce androgens which in the male is ______and the sustentacular cells form the ______barrier.

21) Spermatogenesis takes place in the ______tubules that produce______, which are in variousstages of cell division. Mitosis of______, forms spermatocytes, then Meiosis forms ______from spermatocytes which are ______and ______and in the final phase, spermiogenesis therethe spermatids lose excess ______and form a______, becoming______.

22) Blood-testis barrier of the ______cell is made up of ______junctions that prevent sperm ______from getting into the______, because sperm are not formed until______, and their antigens are absent during ______education. ______which are recognized as “self”, are influenced by ______prompting spermatogenesis.


23) The ______tubes receive ovulated ______and provide the ______site, then move the ______to the uterus via the ______, then expands distally around the ovary forming the ______.If there is scar tissue in the uterine tubes’ endometrium, it may not allow the fertilized ovum to pass to the uterus and an ______pregnancy may result.

24) The Corpus ______is the ruptured ______after ovulation which produces ______and ______, then degenerates into the corpus______.

25) The ampulla ends in the funnel-shaped ciliated ______containing ______projections referred to as______. The uterine tubes have______contact with the ovaries. The ovulated ______is simply castinto the ______cavity and the beating ______on fimbriae create ______that carry the oocyte intothe ______tube.

26) The Oocyte is carried to theuterus by ______and ______action while the ______cells keep the oocyte and sperm ______and______.

27) In oogenesis at puberty, one activated ______oocyte produces two ______cells: the ______oocyte and the First ______body. The ______oocyte is arrested in ______II, ovulated, and if ______by sperm, the secondary oocyte completes ______II and becomesone large ovum referred to as a functional______. Then the______(pro)nucleus fuses with the ______(pro)nucleus and becomes a______.

Courtesy: mbmadsen