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Biology Core Test Questions Ch. 20 (1-2)

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

3. A difference between a Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells is:

a. Prokaryotic cells are heterotrophs and Eukaryotic are autotrophs

b. Prokaryotic cells have DNA like a singular rubberband and Eukaryotic cells are like many separate spaghetti noodles.

c. Prokaryotic cells have different organelles and Eukaryotic have only ribosomes

d. Prokaryotic cells have cellulose and Eukaryotic have peptidoglycan

4. Sexual reproduction in the Protista is called:

a. copulation b. mitosis, c. conjugation, d. fission

5. Protista are all:

a. single celled, sexual/asexual b. multicellular, heterotroph/autotroph

c. eukaryotic, paracitic d. mobile, pathogenic

e. all of these charecteristics

6. Protozoans are classified by:

a. structures used for movement

b. color, structures, compounds

c. life cycle of the cell, reproductive structures

d. size and how they get their food

7. Which of these groups are all the organisms single cellular (no multicellular.)

a. Slimemolds b. Algae c. protozoans d. clorophytes e. all of them are

8. Some Protista live inside of another animal and actually help them. In fact, they help each other live. These are called:

a. paracites, b. symbiotic c. plasmodium d. vectors

9. Phagocytosis is when an amoeba:

a. gets rid of the excess water in its body

b. surrounds a food particle and makes a food vacuole around it

c. makes many pseudopods

d. bursts open and dies

10. Due to many protozoans living in a water environment, the water enters into their bodies by means of osmosis. To get this excess water out, they must pump it out with the help of an organelle called:

a. pseudopod b. pellicle c. oral groove

d. phagocytosis e. contractile vacuole

11. Some scientists propose that the kingdom Protista should be broken up into several kingdoms. Which of these statements accurately supports this idea?

a. Protists are all very similar and easy to confuse.

b. Protista contains very diverse organisms that do not fit into the other kingdoms.

c. Protists are the most numerous organisms on Earth.

d. Protista evolved before any other kingdom.

12. In an amoeba, a small cavity within the cytoplasm that stores food is called a

a. gullet. c. food vacuole.

b. pseudopod. d. contractile vacuole.

13. To which phylum do amoebas, foraminiferans, and heliozoans belong?

a. sarcodines c. sporozoans

b. ciliates d. pseudopods

14. Which structure of a paramecium is analogous to a “reserve copy” of all the cell’s genes?

a. the micronucleus c. the trichocysts

b. the gullet d. the macronucleus

15. Which substances allow algae to harvest and use the energy from sunlight?

a. cilium and fucoxanthin c. phycobilin and flagellum

b. chlorophyll and accessory pigments d. oogonium and antheridium

16. The population of small, photosynthetic organisms found near the surface of the ocean is called

a. chrysophytes. c. phytoplankton.

b. pyrophytes. d. diatoms.

17. What characteristic of plants is shared by green algae?

a. cell wall composition c. multicellularity

b. photosynthetic pigments d. all of the above

18. The phylum of multicellular algae most likely to be observed at great depths is

a. Chlorophyta. c. Phaeophyta.

b. Rhodophyta. d. none of the above

19. Why are algae considered one of the most important groups of organisms on our planet?

a. They are rich in vitamin C.

b. They produce chemicals that are used to treat health problems.

c. They produce much of Earth’s oxygen through photosynthesis.

d. They produce chemicals that are used to make plastics, waxes, and paints.

20. Some products derived from algae include

a. drugs for stomach ulcers and high blood pressure.

b. thickeners for food.

c. chemicals in plastics, waxes, paints, and lubricants.

d. all of the above

21. Funguslike protists get nutrients by

a. photosynthesis.

b. living as an animal parasite.

c. absorbing them from dead or decaying matter.

d. none of the above

22. The funguslike protists that thrive on dead or decaying organic matter in water, some of which are plant parasites on land, are

a. water molds. c. cellular slime molds.

b. acellular slime molds. d. true fungi.


a. Chlorophyta b. Sporozoans

c. Sarcodina d. Euglenophyta

e. Chrysophyta

23. Moves by pseudopods and some have shells

24. Has a shell of silica and stores food as oil

25. Has a flagella and can be heterotrophic or autotrophic

26. Causes malaria, has no means of movement

27. plant-like, stores food as starch


a. Myxomycota b. Phaeophyta

c. Ciliophora d. Oomycota

e. Flagellates

28. has yellow-brown accessory pigments

29. multinucleate, plasmodium

30. Moves by means of cilia, heterotrophic

31. hyphae, no plasmodium, found on dead fish