Assignment #1 (Thought Log)

The purpose of this assignment is to expose you to one of the techniques used in cognitive therapy (30 points).

According to cognitive theory, events in our lives are followed by cognitive appraisals (thoughts). These thoughts impact our emotional state which then impact future events (see the chart below). Because of this cycle it is important to monitor ones thoughts and eliminate any thoughts that are negative since they will negatively impact ones emotional state and actions. This assignment is often given to clients to assist them in becoming more aware of their negative and automatic thought patterns. Awareness is the first step to changing thought patters (cognitions) that lead to negative emotions (anxiety and depression). You will be required to complete the same process a client would be asked to do. You are to become aware of your thoughts and emotions for the next week. Review the example sheet provided below and then chart at least 3 events and their resulting thoughts and emotions, etc. over a five day period. You may print out the blank chart provided below or simply draw your own on some lined paper. You can type it or handwrite it but it needs to be legible. Remember to focus on your thoughts. The directions then include the following.

1) Print out a copy of the thought log at the end of this document.
2) Maintain a thought log for 5 days.
3) For each of the 5 days you need to record at least 3 events, the resulting thoughts, emotions, actions, and
some alternative or balanced thoughts.
4) Turn the completed log in by the due date.

Event or Situation (anything that occurs in your day that impacts your thoughts and emotions

Thoughts (Auto & Neg)

As we discussed in class many of our thoughts are automatic reactions based on past experiences. Our thoughts become so automatic that we seldom stop to even consider them. I want you to write down the automatic thoughts that are negative. This will require you to attend to the thoughts you are having following events in your day. Sometimes it is easier for individuals to attend to their emotions first and then consider the thoughts that may be leading to those emotions.


Make sure that the emotions you list are actual emotions. If it can’t be described in one word it is probably a thought and not a feeling. Whenever you say I feel like…. you are describing a thought.


How do you respond to the emotions you are having. Do you withdraw socially? Do you hit something? Do you scream at someone? Do you avoid? Etc...

Balanced Thought

Take the thought to court. That is, consider if the automatic negative thought is real. Are their alternative thoughts that you can think to replace the negative automatic thought?

Example of Thought Log

Event / Thought
(Auto & Neg) / Emotion / Action / Balanced Thought
Client reported they wanted to discontinue therapy / I am a poor therapist.
I offended them.
I will never be a good therapist. / Sad
Hopeless / I am afraid to confront other clients in session.
I am studying to become a plumber because I will never be a good therapist. / Maybe the client has no more resources to continue tx.
I seldom have clients drop out of treatment
Some drop out is normal.
Maybe they aren’t ready to change.
My wife didn’t give me a hug this morning. / She is mad at me.
She doesn’t love me anymore.
Maybe she is having an affair.
I am not a good husband.
She doesn’t find me attractive anymore. / Hurt
Sad / I work more hours to avoid being around her and feeling rejected.
I don’t answer her phone calls when I am at work.
I flirt with other girls to see if I still have it. / She was preoccupied with getting the children ready for school.
Perhaps she was tired.
She is worried about her sister’s drug addiction.
She was worried about her morning breath.
Event / Thought (Auto & Neg) / Emotion / Action / Balanced Thought