Greece Test Part 1

Study Guide

6.46 On a historical map of the ancient Mediterranean area, locate Greece and trace the boundaries of its influence to 300 BC/BCE. On a contemporary map trace the current boundaries of Greece. Compare and contrast the sphere of influence of Greece in those two different eras.

  • Review the Physical Feature map of Greece-Aegean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Asia Minor, Ionian Sea, Crete
  • Review the City-States map-Athens, Sparta
  • Before the year 300 Greece consisted of several independent city-states with separate governments.
  • Review the modern boundaries map-Greece

6.47 Explain how the geographical location of ancient Athens and other city-states contributed to their role in maritime trade, their colonies in the Mediterranean, and the expansion of their cultural influence.

  • How did the water influence the development of Greek civilization?
  • How did the mountains of Greece influence life for the Greeks?
  • How did living on a peninsula influence life for the Greeks?
  • How did the climate influence life for the Greeks?
  • The Greek city-states established colonies to assist in their ability to trade.

6.50 Compare and contrast life in Athens and Sparta.

  • Polis is another word for city-state.
  • Helots were slaves in Sparta.
  • Review the characteristics of Athens and Sparta.

6.51 Compare and contrast the status of women and slaves between Athens and Sparta.

6.52 Analyze the causes, course, and consequences of the Persian Wars.

  • Cause-The Athenians sent support when the Ionians rebelled against the Persians. (Persian War handout)
  • The Athenian fleet lured the Persian fleet into the Strait of Salamis near Athens. They defeated the Persian fleet. (Persian War handout)
  • The Persians won the battle, but 300 Spartan soldiers remained and fought to the death. (Persian War handout)

6.53 Analyze the causes, course, and consequences of the Peloponnesian Wars between Athens and Sparta.

  • In 487 B. C. the Greek city-states joined together to form a defensive league known the Delian League.
  • Causes-1. The Delian League failed. Athens was extremely powerful 2. Other city-states feared Athens 3. This conflict is called the Peloponnesian War. (War between Athens and Sparta handout)
  • Course-Athens attempted to fight exclusively by sea, Sparta tried to fight by land, Athens brought the people inside the walls that resulted in a plague, after several decades Sparta won the war.
  • Consequences-After 27 years of fighting the war the Greek city-states were weak.