


I. VOCABULARY: Define the following words and understand them when they

appear in the play.

lament ______

shroud ______

dismal ______

vial ______

loathsome ______

II. LITERARY TERMS: Be able to define each term and apply each term to the play.

protagonist: ______

Example from the Act and explain why. ______

antagonist: ______

Example from the Act and explain why. ______

III. QUESTIONS: answer the following questions.

Scene 1:

  1. What is the irony of Paris speaking to Friar Laurence about the wedding?

2. What does the Friar mean in his aside, “I would I knew not why it should be slowed”?

3. How does Juliet avoid lying to Paris?

4. What does Paris mean when he says, “Thy face is mine, and thou hast sland’red it”?

5. How does Juliet’s monologue sound just like Romeo’s monologue when he was with Friar Laurence?

6. “...this bloody knife/Shall play the umpire...” is an example of what literary term?

7. Why does Friar Laurence think Juliet may be interested in his idea? Why does he think she may not be able to do it?

8. Juliet makes it clear that she does not want to marry Paris. What 6 things would she rather do?

9. What is Friar Laurence’s plan for Juliet?

10. What is Friar Laurence’s plan for Romeo?

Scene 2:

11. What does Juliet say that makes her father happy?

12. How does Capulet change the wedding plans? What implication does this have?

13. What is Capulet busy doing in this scene?

14. What is the servant’s test for the quality of the cook’s cooking?

15. What does Juliet tell her parents after she returns home from confession?

16. In his excitement, what does Capulet do?

Scene 3:

17. Why does Juliet ask the Nurse to leave?

18. Why does she ask Lady Capulet to leave?

19. Why does she really want them to leave?

20. Name 3 things Juliet becomes afraid of right before following the Friar’s “remedy.”

21. What does Juliet plan to do if she wakes up and Romeo is not there?

Scene 5:

22. Describe the imagery Shakespeare uses in describing Juliet’s “death”?

23. What does Friar Laurence say to comfort the Capulet family?

24. When Nurse is trying to wake Juliet, what odd thing catches her attention?

25. What makes Friar Laurence’s comment, “Come, is the bride ready to go to church,” so ironic?

26. Whom does Capulet say has “married” Juliet?

27. How do Lady Capulet and Capulet feel about Juliet now? How are their feelings different from their feelings in Act III?

28. Shakespeare ends this act with a comic scene between Peter and the wedding musicians. Why do you think Shakespeare used comic relief at this point in the play?