Ride Risk Assessment and plan

This form is to help you think through the activity in advance of the day to ensure it is well planned, everyone has a great time and isn’t put at any unnecessary risk.Use an additional blank sheet of
paper if this has insufficient space to record details. / Description of planned activity
What / Big Bike Ride
Where / Minver Sports Centre to Wollaton Hall and Deer Park
When / 31st August 2013
Coordinator / Andy Parkinson, Will McCrory

*If the risk, after the plan, is unlikely to happen or will not cause serious injury then it is an acceptable risk. If the risk, after putting together the plan, is likely to happen or cause serious injury then this is an unacceptable risk and an alternative plan must be made. This could be changing the route or some other precautions. Contact the TravelRightCoordinator if you are unsure.

Delete if not applicable / Who could this affect?
volunteers (V)
riders (R)
children (C)
path users (PU) / What can you do to lower the risk?
Consider these suggestions and use them where appropriate with anything else that occurs to you. / Plan to manage this hazard
E.g. what will be done, when, where and by whom? When will you tell people and who must be told? / Volunteers & Cyclists briefed? / Risk after plan *
(Acceptable / unacceptable)
Condition of route e.g. glass, dog mess, potholes, vegetation, steep drops / All / -Check the route beforehand, identify problem areas
-Clear vegetation, broken glass and other hazards which can be easily removed,where possible
-inform participants of any hazardsin advance (safety briefing) / -Route pre-ridden on 14/08/13 and 29/08/13
-Route largely on council maintained roads which are in a good condition. Route will be ridden the morning of the ride to ensure that the led ride is dynamically assessed / yes / Acceptable
Busy roads/
Busy crossing points / All / -Avoid busy roads where possible
-Consider limiting numbers taking part
-Busy road crossings: cross in batches, with marshal looking out for traffic
-Take particular care at sharp bends and on hills. You could post a marshal to warn traffic and or riders
-Ride single file / -Route advice sought from various websites and experienced, fully qualified cycle instructors
-Route follows quiet minor roads and on road cycle paths
-Numbers limited by Event manager
-Appropriate staffing in place to handle tricky junctions
-Tricky junctions have been identified and marshalls/police will be used if necessary
-main crossings are walked, where there are weak cyclists or young people. The instructor responsible will use discretion to make this decision / yes / Acceptable
Road works / All / -Monitor and review the planned route at all times and, where necessary, adjust route or implement other controls, such as walking round road works / -No road works present at the time of writing (29/08/13) / yes / Acceptable
Access points / All / -Consider all participants; tandems users, trailers etc – help people through if necessary / -The route is suitable for all participants and all types of bicycles. / yes / Acceptable
Canals and rivers / All / -Seek permission of landowner if necessary e.g. British Waterways
-Be careful if passing near water, keep a safe distancefrom the edge and watch out for anglers / -N/A / yes / Acceptable
Hazard / Who? / What can you do to lower the risk? / Plan to manage this hazard / Briefed? / Risk?
Bikes or other equipment
Un-roadworthy / All / -Tell adults/parents of children participating in rides that they are responsible for ensuring that bikes are roadworthy and safe. Send out ‘M-check’ and guidance on correct positioning to participants, where possible.
-Ride leader to check safety & set-up of bikes before departure. A cyclist with an un-roadworthy bike should not participate unless it can be repaired
-Where adequate immediate action cannot be taken, a rider/bike must be excluded from the event. Consider having a spare bike in support van / -A Dr Bike will be present before the ride for any quick, minor repairs
-Otherwise, users who have an un-roadworthy bike will be offered a Citycard cycle loan bike to use / yes / Acceptable
Bike breakdown/ puncture / All / -Ensure leader & back marker can communicate with each other if required e.g. by mobile phone
-Marshals and back marker to carry puncture repair kits
-Consider a contingency plan for recovering a bike following a breakdown or injury of a participant / -Ride Leader is a qualified Instructor and able to deal with minor bike problems / yes / Acceptable
Young or vulnerable people / All / - DBS policy must be applied
-Identify under 18’s and ensure that aparent/guardian is present and will supervise them (unless activity is taking place in a controlled environment and/or is taking place in partnership and the partner organisation is represented and is acting as guardian)
-Ensure that consent forms are provided for any unaccompanied under 18’s
-Under 18’s must always wear helmets and hi-visibility clothing
-Identify other participants with special needs e.g. adapted cycle users; ensure needs are met / -Families and young people are involved.
-All instructors are full DBS checks
-All under 16’s who wish to attend on the ride require parental consent if they wish to come alone / yes / Acceptable
Health and fitness / All / -Inform participants in advance of length and difficulty of event, stopping points for refreshments, toilets etc
-Ask participants in advance if they have any health problems that you should be aware of e.g. heart problems, epilepsy (ask new participants to complete a cfh questionnaire, where appropriate)
-Inform participants they are responsible for any necessary medication they require
-Take into account people’s abilities and ensure the tail end Charlie remains behind the slowest person / -All healthy / yes / Acceptable
Hazard / Who? / What can you do to lower the risk? / Plan to manage this hazard / Briefed? / Risk?
Competency/ capability of participants / All / -Assess competency/capability of participants
-If cycling participants are vulnerable, consider running a Level 1 session in a controlled environment prior to the activity / -all participants are reasonably regular cyclists / yes / Acceptable
Injury to participants / All / -All to be made aware of hazards of route at the outset, and how to approach these (safety briefing)
-Ensure first aid kits are available appropriate to the number of participants
-First Aiders (where present) and those carrying first aid kits should be identified to all participants
-Ensure Leader have phone numbers of tail end Charlie, in case of emergency, and always inform RideWise Office if there is an accident
-Complete an Incident Report Form / -Leader will phone for ambulance if required / yes / Acceptable
Lost/missing / All / -If route is signed, check in advance and put up additional signs if necessary
-Ensure you have a list of participants at the start
-Travel at a pace suitable for all participants
-Ensure leader and back marker are identified to all
-Ensure no one goes ahead of leader or falls behind back marker
-Agree on stopping points for leader & back marker to re-group and count numbers - check numbers regularly
-Provide maps of route for participants if appropriate
-Ensure leader & back marker can communicate with each other if required e.g. mobile phone, two-way radio
-Encourage participants to carry a mobile phone and provide leaders number / -All stay in a group between leader and designated rear rider
-If any go missing, the group is to stop. Each instructor will have a list of names and contact telephone numbers / yes / Acceptable
Other route users
Congestion or collisions with participants and other cyclists and walkers / All / -Plan route to avoid high traffic levels
-Ensure good management of ride and supervision of riders. Consider splitting large groups into two or more smaller groups each with front and back markers
-Children shepherded by outriders. Single file on roads
-Let people behind you know if you are stopping or changing direction
-Give other riders plenty of space
-Give pedestrians priority and keep cycle speed down
-Warn them you are approaching / -Only quiet routes used.
-Participants will walk in pedestrianised areas / yes / Acceptable
Cars and other motorised vehicles / All / -Warn them you are approaching
-Keep in single file on busy or narrow roads
-Cyclists keep left, walkers keep right
-Front and back markers should be used / -Minimal contact with traffic / yes / Acceptable
Hazard / Who? / What can you do to lower the risk? / Plan to manage this hazard / Briefed? / Risk?
Horses / N/A / -Keep cycle speed low when passing, remove flags before passing / n/a / yes
Anglers & dogs / All / -Leader to warn participants to proceed with care / -n/a / yes
Adverse weather and darkness
Rain/snow/cold/ sun/heat/dark / All / -Check forecast and prepare in accordance
-Ensure everyone is wearing suitable clothing
-Ensure sufficient sunscreen and water are available
-Provide adequate rest stops and monitor group
-Contingency plan in place - be prepared to cut the activity short or make a detour if weather conditions deteriorate. In extreme conditions you may need to cancel the ride
-Avoid riding in darkness where possible
-If part of the ride is likely to be in the dark ensure riders have hi-viz clothing & lights before setting off (and recommend a helmet)
-Use lit routes/roads where possible / -appropriate clothing
-ride leader dictates pace and can cut ride short in inclement conditions / yes / Acceptable
Hazard / Who? / What can you do to lower the risk? / Plan to manage this hazard / Briefed? / Risk?
Other (anything else you have identified)
Remember to check the risks throughout the ride to make sure they have not got worse, or that new risks have not emerged. If during your planned activity something changes that affects the validity of this assessment, stop! Think about what has changed and what may need to be done to manage any new or additional risks. Record any changes on this sheet and tell everyone about the changes.
Emergency Arrangements
nearest hospital etc. /


First Aid
Location of kit(s)
Names of First Aiders / Lead Instructor
Contact Details
Name / Role / Responsibilities / Mobile Number

Andy Parkinson




Event Manager



Will McCrory




Lead Rider



Ian Hutchinson




Lead Instructor



This section is to help you record what you have done – so you can tell participants, Police and RideWise Office It also helps us to improve things for the future. / Summary of the activity
How successful was it? What went well?
Did anything go wrong?
This risk assessment and plan was written by: / Andy Parkinson
Date: / 29/08/13

The RideWise Office may request a preliminary copy of this plan before the activity can take place, please talk to them to establish if this is the case.