Oral Communication Foundation Test-Out Application/Information Form

Students entering Viterbo University with these backgrounds will be considered to have met the OC requirement, provided that they can provide written documentation of this experience:

  • A student with one or more years of formal high school debate, forensics, or individual events experience (extemporaneous speaking, impromptu speaking, communication analysis) will have satisfied theFoundation requirement.
  • A student with one or more years of high school oratory, moot court, model United Nationswill have satisfied the Foundation requirement.

If you do not meet either of the above requirements but still wish to test out of the Oral CommunicationFoundation requirement, you’ll need to pass both a written exam and give persuasive speech that meets Foundations requirements in Oral Communication.

Supporting documentation

Oral Communication is defined as “a prepared, purposeful presentation designed to increase knowledge, to foster understanding, or to promote change in the listeners' attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors.”

In a brief letter, explain how your experiences or prior training justifies a proficiency waiver for the Communication Foundational Skill. In your letter, address the specific learning objectives for the Oral Communication Foundational Skill:

1. Convey a central message (the main point/thesis/”take-away” of a presentation).

2. Employ effective delivery techniques, including posture, gestures, eye contact, and use of the voice.

3. Use appropriate language, including vocabulary, terminology, and sentence structure.

4. Organize material strategically by grouping and sequencing of ideas and supporting material in a presentation.

5. Convey appropriate supporting material, such as explanations, examples, illustrations, statistics, analogies, quotations from relevant authorities, and other kinds of information or analysis that supports the principal ideas of the presentation.

Attach your supporting letter and a signed copy of this form to an email addressed to the Chair of the Communication Studies Department.

Online Exam

You will be scheduled for a 25-item online test designed to assess your understanding of the material in the following textbook:

Lucas, S. (2008). The art of public speaking (10thed.). Boston, MA: McGraw Hill.

There is a study guide at the same Blackboard site where you will take the exam. Once you start the exam, you will have one hour to complete it. You must score at least 85% on the written exam to be eligible to present a persuasive speech.

Persuasive Speech Guidelines

  1. The speech must be a persuasive speech of 8-10 minutes.
  2. It must be given to a panel of 1-3 faculty members.
  3. The speech must include a minimum of two visual aids.
  4. It may be videorecorded beforehand and will be videorecorded in being evaluated.
  5. Presentations will be evaluated using the OC VALUE rubric.
  6. Students must score 15 or better on the rubric to earn exemption of the OC requirement.

To apply for the Communication Foundational Skill proficiency waiver, complete this form mail it with a check for $25, payable to Viterbo University, to Dr. Raymond Preiss, Chair, Department of Communication Studies, Viterbo University, 900 Viterbo Drive, La Crosse, WI 54601-9904.

Submitting this form constitutes a “reservation” for the test-out. It is used to provide some information to the judges and to determine if you qualify for the test-out process.

Name: ______Student ID#: ______
Phone: ______E-mail: ______

Major: ______Advisor: ______Classification: Fr., Soph., Jr., Sr.

High school attended: ______

Speech-related courses taken in high school (Public Speaking, Theater, etc.) : ______


Other speech or performance-related experiences (4-H, job, university organizations, etc.):



My signature given below verifies that I have given correct information on this form. I have read and understood all of the Test-Out information.I understand that I can receive a study guide for the test by email by contacting the Chair of the Communication Studies Department, Ray Preiss,().

Signature: ______Date:______

C:\General Education\LIVE, Gen ed revision 2008-10\Foundations\Oral Communication\Oral Communication Testout from Ray Preiss 6.25.12.docx