Week of:11/4-8/2013 & 11/11-15/2013 Teacher: Ms. Barnes American Sign Language

Monday / Objective: Students will be able to explain key points of Deaf history.
Agenda: Finish documentary movie guide, Start the journal entry, and review fundamental signs(numbers and fingerspelling)
Materials: Journal entry sheet, movie guide, index card, homework fingerseek
Homework- If students did not finish previous homework, work on and turn in late.
Tuesday / Objective: Students will be able to explain key points of Deaf history.
Agenda: Assessment over the Documentary Through Deaf Eyes
Materials: Assessment document, journal entry sheet, and pencil.
Homework- Study vocabulary sheets and Complete Journal Entry.
Wed/Thur / Objective: Students will be able to show their understanding of animal signs, colors, and basic conversation signs by using their receptive and expressive skills.
Agenda: Review Conversation vocabulary, animal signs, Learn colors
Materials: PowerPoint on animals, worksheets, Interactive journals, and pencil.
Homework- Study vocabulary sheets and Complete Journal Entry.
Friday / Objective: Students will be able to show their understanding of animal signs, colors, and basic conversation signs by using their receptive and expressive skills.
Agenda: Vocabulary assessment, New vocabulary packet, Journal Entry. Re-explain the notes of Deaf culture/history.
Materials: Assessment paper, Vocab Packet, Interactive Journal, Journal Entry
Homework- Study vocabulary sheets

*Note, these lessons are subject to change by class.

Monday / Objective: Students will be able to explain key points of Deaf history. Students will be able to understand noun/verb pairs and learn to start using facial expression as their grammar.
Agenda: Re-take of Deaf culture Film, Vocabulary, Grammar Packet: Noun/verb Pairs, and start with NMS/Facial Expression grammar
Materials: Vocabulary Packet, Grammar Packet, Re-take paper
Homework- Study vocabulary sheets
Tuesday / Objective: Students will be able to understand noun/verb pairs and learn to start using facial expression as their grammar.
Continue with Facial expression, Go over Deaf Devices(show in person items), Deaf Labels (appropriate and inappropriate ), Vocabulary practice
Materials: Grammar Packet, Vocabulary Packet
Homework- Study vocabulary sheets
Wed/Thur / Objective: Students will be able to understand noun/verb pairs and learn to start using facial expression as their grammar. Students will be able to label the parts of the ear.
Agenda: Practice sentences(using gloss format), Ear Worksheet, Facial expression challenge, Vocabulary packet practice.
Materials: Grammar Packet, Vocabulary Packet, Ear label worksheet
Homework- Study vocabulary sheets
Friday / Objective: Students will be able to understand noun/verb pairs and learn to start using facial expression as their grammar. Students will be able to label the parts of the ear.
Agenda: SWAT,Directional Verbs, Agent suffix/Agent marker, Sentences with Predicate Adjectives (the use of a closing signal)
Materials: Grammar Packet, Vocabulary Packet
Homework- Study vocabulary sheets

*Note, these lessons are subject to change by class.