Activities of the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition since its establishment

Activity title / Date / Locality
Course in Food and Nutrition Therapy of Diabetes / 20-22/9/2004 / King Khalid University Hospital, King Saud University, Riyadh
Course in Food and Nutritional Therapy of Diabetes / 16-18/5/2005 / King Fahad Center for Medical Research, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah
First Meal Planning Session / 20-21/12/2005 / King Fahad Specialty Hospital, Dammam
Training in Food and Nutrition / 9-10/5/2006 / Training Center Dept. of Student Exchange and Training, Health Affairs Dept., Jeddah
Fungal Toxins and Food Safety / 2-3/9/2006 / Department of Laboratories and Environmental Research, AlMadina Almonawara Municipal
Second Meal Planning Session / 3-5/3/2008 / The Saudi German Hospital, Riyadh
The 4th Symposium on Nutrition / 16/4/2008 / Dept. of Nutrition, Dept. of Health Affairs, Jazan
Third Meal Planning Session / 5-7/5/2008 / The Saudi German Hospital, Riyadh
The Informative Meeting on Food Irradiation Technology / 16/7/2008 / In cooperation with the National Advisory Committee for Food Irradiation and Cooperative Agricultural multi purpose Society in Almadina Almonawara
The 4th Saudi Conference on Food and Nutrition / 10-12/12/2006 / King Fahad Cultural Center, Riyadh
The 1st International Conference on Nutritional Therapy / 28-30/10/2008 / In cooperation with Saudi German Hospital, Jeddah
Health Control Monitoring of Food Services Establishment / 4-14/7/2009 / For the benefit of Female Nutritionists working in Price Noura University, Riyadh
The 5th Saudi Conference on Food and Nutrition / 9-11/2/2010 / Madarim Crown Hotel, Riyadh
Nutrition Session for Renal Disease Patients / 3/6/2010 / Saudi-German Hospital under the umbrella of the society, Jeddah
Food borne Health Hazards Training Course / 18-19.4.2011 / Prince Noura University, Riyadh
Good Manufacturing Practice Training Course / 24-27/4/2011 / Prince Noura University, Riyadh
An Introduction to HACCP Training Course / 1-3/5/2011 / Prince Noura University, Riyadh
The 6th Annual Meeting / 19/3/2012 / Saud Al-Babtain Center for Heritage and Culture, Riyadh
Diabetes Control and Food Planning Training Course / 8-9/5/2012 / Riyadh Care Hospital in Rabwa, Riyadh

General lectures:

-Dr. Khalid Ali Almadani – deputy of the chairman of the council administration of Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition – in behalf of the society delivered a research paper about obesity and he also delivered an introductory lecture about the society as contrition in celebrating the world day of diabetes between 28-29/11/2004.

-Two lectures about obesity and its risks and ways of body weight reduction, one lecture form men delivered by Dr. Khalid Almadani – nutrition consultant and other lecture for women, delivered by Dr. Nawal Albader – Associate Professor of Nutrition, department of Food Science and Nutrition, King Saud University – In collaboration with Prince Sultan Social Center in Riyadh, on 17/3/1426JH.

-Dr. Abdulaziz Alswailim (the supervisor of Natural and Environmental Resources Research Institute at King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology delivered a lecture about the genetically modified foods and their affects on 10/11/1425H at the main theatre, college of Medicine, King Saud University.

-A lecture about the physiological and health aspects of osteomalacia delivered by Dr. Marzoug Albadi – consultant of Internal Medicine and Rheumalism at Security Forces hospital, Riyadh, and member of Saudi Society of Osteomalacia, on 10/11/1425H at main theatre, College of Medicine, King Saud University.

-Lecture about: Role of Nutrition in prevention and treatment of osteomalacia, delivered by Dr. Khalid Almadani – deputy of the chairman of council of administration of the Saudi Society and supervisor of Nutrition department at Makah region on 10/11/1425H at the main theatre, College of Medicine, King Saud University.

-A general lecture on Weight Reduction Diet: Facts and Claims delivered by Dr. Adnan Bajaber on 26/8/1427H.

-A lecture titled "Application of Hand Technology in Food Technologies by Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Shethry – Faculty of Food & Agricultural Sciences, King Faisal University on 20/1/2008 at King Fahad Cultural Center, Riyadh.

-A lecture delivered by professor Kamal Aldeen Hussain Eltahir – Faculty of Pharmacy, King Saud University on Medical Effects between Food, Drugs and Medicinal Herbs on 20/1/2008 at King Fahad Cultural Center, Riyadh.

-A lecture on Migration of Contaminants from Food Packages by Professor Bakri Hussain Hassan from Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, King Saud University at Madarim Crown Hotel, Riyadh on 13/1/2009.

-A lecture titled "Obesity: Causes and Diagnosis: delivered by Dr. Nahla' Abdulwahab Khalifa – King Abdulaziz University at Madarim Crown Hotel, Riyadh on 13/1/2009.

-A lecture entitled: Why dietary educational and extension programs do not affect the change in dietary habits?, delivered by Dr. Abdulrahman Musaiger – Chairman of the Arabian Center of Nutrition – Bahrain, 25/11/1426H at main Auditorium, College of Medicine, King Saud University.

-A lecture entitled: problems of nutrition of the elderly and the handicapped and the role of education, delivered by Tala’t Hamza Alwazna – Director of Department of Medical Services Ministry of Social Affairs, at 25/11/1426H at main Auditorium, College of Medicine, King Saud University.

-A lecture entitled: Reasons for success or failure of educational campaigns, delivered by Dr. Abdulaziz Attia Alzahrani – Information department – College of Arts, King Saud University, on 25/11/1426H at main theatre, College of Medicine, King Saud University.

-A lecture entitled: Macrobiotics from Brosely to Mariam Nour, delivered by Dr. Adnan Salim Bajabir – Food Science and Nutrition department, King Saud University, on 25/11/1426H at the main theatre, College of Medicine, King Saud University.

-A lecture on "Technology of Extraction in Dates Processing by Dr. Al-Hussain Mohd. Asseri Abdullah Al-Hamdan – Department of Agricultural Engineering, King Saud University on 25/11/1426H at Main Auditorium Faculty of Medicine, King Saud University.

-A lecture titled "Modern Technologies for Production of Frozen High Quality Rutab (Dates) on an Industrial Scale" Abdullah Al-Hamdan – Department of Agricultural Engineering, King Saud University on 25/11/1426H at Main Auditorium Faculty of Medicine, King Saud University.

Other Activities:

-Workshop about/on Problems of Dates Processing convened in College of Food and Agricultural Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh on 27-28/12/2005.

-Scientific Meetings "Hazard Analysis by Critical Control Points (HACCP) in Food Processing and Food Services in cooperation with Commerce Trade and Industry Chamber in Eastern Region on 14/8/1425H and Jeddah on 20/8/1425H and Riyadh on 25/8/1425H participant I all three meetings were outstanding specialists.

-Participation in organizing a seminar on "Flavor Compounds" in cooperative with Gevodan Company on 23/5/2005 in Riyadh.

-Participation in "The Milk Week" convoked in Jeddah by Tetra Pack for Industry and Processing Ltd. on 22/4/1426H – Jeddah.

-Participation in the Exhibition on the Occasion of the International Day of Diabetes launched by Dept. of Nutrition, King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh 3-4/11/1428H.

-Participation in the Educational Exhibition for Healthy Food under the Slogan/Logo "Our Healthy Food" convened by Dept. of Health Sector Bekeria Province on 19-21/10/1429H.

-Participation in the Exhibition of Scientific Society Meeting held by Dept. of International Cooperation and Scientific Societies in King Saud University on 10-11/1/2011.

-Participation in Food Beverages and Entertainment Exhibition organized by Max Company for Exhibitions and Occasions at Four Season Hotel on 25-27/12/2010.

-Participation in Food Beverages and Entertainment Exhibition – Horika organized by The Saudi Company for Exhibitions and Marketing Semark at Riyadh International Center for Conferences and Exhibitions on 12-15/6/2011.

-Participation in the Exhibition of Scientific Society Meeting held by Dept. of International Cooperation and Scientific Societies in King Saud University on 2-4/1/2012.

-Participation in the Exhibition accompanying the First International Conference for Monitoring of Hala Food Launched by the Saudi Authority for Food and Drug at Intercontinental Hotel, Riyadh on 12-15/2/2012.

Education and Cultural Pamphlets:

Educational and cultural pamphlets have been issued on purpose of educating people in some issues related to Food and Nutrition and which are questionable and bothering to public as follows:

1-A pamphlet containing the opinion of the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition on the Dietary Microbiotic System prepared by Dr. Khalid Almadani.

2-A pamphlet containing the opinion of the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition on Energy Drinks prepared by Professor Hamza Abu-Tarboush and Dr. Hamad AlKanhal.

3-A pamphlet containing the opinion of the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition on Avian Influenza prepared by Professor Mansour Faris Hussain.

4-A Book Professor Mansour Faris Hussain and Dr. Abdalrahman Jar AlNabi.

The society has won the Arabic Center for Nutrition Prize as the best non-governmental establishment / organization concerned with nutritional activities in the Arab World – Abu Dubi. 1/12/2007.

Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition prize for the Best Educational Handout

With pleasure, the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition announces its regulation of a prize for the best educational handout published within its issues during period from 2009 to 2013.

Prize Amount

It shall not be less than SR2000, to be awarded on the occasion of the general assembly meeting.

Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition prize for the Best Published Research

With pleasure, the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition is declaring its regulation of a prize for the best published research, during the period from 2009 to 2012.

Prize Amount

It shall not be less than SR2000, to be awarded on the occasion of the general assembly meeting.

The Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition Scientific Excellence and Community Service Prize

With pleasure, the Saudi Society for Food and nutrition is marshaling (arranging) it's scientific excellence and community service (pertaining food and nutrition issues) prize. Conditions and requirements

1-Applicant/s must be currently active enrolled members of the society.

2- Applicant/s should have an articulate contributions and participations in serving the community as regards food and nutrition, in the last five years; such as:

* Published patent (on an invention). (30 points).

* Published books and translations in Arabic language. (20 points).

*Publishing pamphlets, guidelines and educational materials. (10 points).

*Delivering of scientific lectures or participation in constructive training courses and/or workshops. (10 points).

*Participations in society activities or efforts devoted to nation service (in food and nutrition). (10 points).

* To win, an applicant should score at least not less than 80%, and above.

The Prize First tier award will include at least SR 15,000 cash prize, the society will choose a guardian/sponsor and will determine the amount; beside that, the winner will be gifted the society shield and presented with a gratitude and appreciation letter on the occasion of the general assembly meeting.

Selection of the Winner

The society will nominate/candidacy a panel of specialists to sort out applicants documents and appoint/pinpoint the winner. (It is possible to veil/conceal the prize whenever it's conditions were not fulfilled by any one). The society have the right to choose from within it's members who deserves the prize (in case he did not apply and present his essentials).

Application Applicants should submit their documents to the society secretary at it's location in the Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Food and Agricultural Sciences or on the following address:

Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition Award for Scientific Excellence and Community Service. Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition P.O. Box: 2460 Riyadh 11451 K.S.A. Closing date of submission 29/2/1434-31/12/2012.

Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition Subsidy for Scientific Journeys

The Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition have issued a bylaw/draft controlling it's contributions aiming at supporting scientific trips. Regulations

*To be a trip for students having an ongoing active membership.

*It should be a scientific journey/s addressing the specializations of the society.

*Demonstration that the journey/s is/are attended by the students.

Amount of the Monetary Support and Timing Aid is SR-500; to be paid on fulfillment of the conditions outlined above, and the annual support shall be for the first 10 scientific journeys taken by different members.

Financial Support for Research Projects

The Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition have released a regulation for it's financial support to research projects (Researches and scientific translated and/or written books). Regulations The Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition have sent out the following regulations in order to stand by research projects:

*The research/s should be ISI original.

*The researcher/s should be active members.

*The research/s should be related to food and nutrition sciences.

*There should be mentioning and acknowledgement to the society support of the research project/s Amount of the Monetary Support and Timing The society is committed to support each research project by SR-2000 after it's publication or acceptance for publication and if it met the requirements stated above; the annual aid shall be for the first five researches forwarded by different members.