Blackwell Middle School 2017-2018 Edition

Blackwell Board of Education Goal Statement

By 2020, 90% of Blackwell Public School students will score at proficient levels (80%) on ACT College Readiness Tests, OCCT Assessments, and county common assessments.

Blackwell Middle School Mission Statement

The mission of Blackwell Middle School is to provide a safe, nurturing, and academically challenging learning environment where students prepare to become responsible citizens.

School Calendar


August 8Teachers Report

August 17 Classes Begin

September 4Labor Day (No School)

September 18Prof. Dev. (No School)

October 16 & 17 Parent/Teacher Conferences

October 19-20 Fall Break

November 17 Prof. Dev. (No School)

November 20-24 Thanksgiving Vacation

December 21-January 2 Christmas Vacation

January 3 Classes Resume

January 15Prof. Dev. (No School)

February 19 President’s Day (No School)

March 13 & 15 Parent /Teacher Conferences

March 16-23 Spring Break (No School)

March 30Good Friday (No School)

May 17 Last Day of School

May 18 Prof. Dev. (No School)


The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986 required the inspection of all buildings within the Blackwell Public School District for parents in the assignment notebooks.

The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986 required the inspection of all buildings within the Blackwell Public School District for the presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACM). In compliance with the above act and related state and federal regulations, the buildings were inspected by licensed personnel and a management plan was prepared to safely maintain and monitor the ACM found to exist within our school buildings. Copies of this plan and related inspection reports are available at the administrative office.

The asbestos identified in our management plan is checked regularly by our staff and a certified asbestos company for any changes that could pose a potential health hazard. If and when changes occur, the district asbestos coordinator will notify the designated authorities as prescribed by law. Notification of asbestos-related activities planned or in progress will be made by public announcement, posting, or handout as required.


While attending assemblies and/or extracurricular activities, students are to conduct themselves as they would in the classroom. Students who are tardy or disruptive shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to, but not limited to, banishment from subsequent assemblies and/or extracurricular activities. Students are expected to behave appropriately at school-sponsored events held both on and off campus. Failure to do so will result in the students being asked to leave by the administrator in charge.


It shall be the policy of the Board to encourage regular school attendance by all students. Any student receiving more than five (5) absences during a semester will be required to meet with a school attendance review committee and may face failure or retention. Three tardies or partial days of attendance will be considered as one absence. It is requested that parents or guardians attend the review meeting with their child, should a conference with the attendance review committee become necessary. Notes from a physician may be presented for consideration by the parent during the review committee meeting. Decisions made by the review committee may be appealed to the superintendent. A request for an appeal must be presented in writing to the superintendent’s office within five school days of the review committee’s decision. Decisions made by the superintendent may be appealed to the Board of Education. An appeal to the Board of Education should be made in writing to the president of the Board within five school days of the superintendent’s decision.

Students, who receive more than five (5) absences per semester without valid excuse as determined by the building review committee, will be referred to the Kay County District Attorney for compulsory attendance violations. It shall be unlawful for a parent, guardian, or other person having custody of a child who is over the age of five (5) and under the age of eighteen (18) years, and who has not finished four (4) years of high school work, to neglect or refuse to cause or compel such child to attend and comply with the rules of some public, private, or other school, unless other means of education are provided for the full term the schools of the District are in session or the child is otherwise excused as provided by law; and it shall be unlawful for any child who is over the age of sixteen (16) years and under the age of eighteen (18) years, and who has not finished four (4) years of high school work to neglect or refuse to attend and comply with the rules of some public, private or other school, or receive an education by other means for the full term the schools of the District are in session. Parents will be contacted, by school personnel, about any and every unexcused absence.

Any parent, guardian, custodian, child or other person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction may be fined up to one hundred dollars ($100).

i.First offense results in a referral to the school attendance officer and the parent or guardian is notified. The student may be assigned a consequence.

ii. A second offense will result in the student being referred to a school counselor and a consequence may be assigned. The principal or his or her designee will give written notice to the parents or guardian concerning the truancy and that any further violations will be reported to the district attorney for possible criminal charges. The student will be assigned a consequence.

iii. A third offense will result in the school reporting the unexcused absence to the District Attorney. The principal will also notify the parents or guardian of the truancy by certified mail. A conference with the parent or guardian, the attendance officer, and the counselor will be arranged. The student will be assigned a consequence.

iv. The fourth offense will result in the Kay County District Attorney being notified by letter of the students continued truancy. A copy of the letter will be sent to the parent or guardian by certified mail and a conference shall be requested with the school principal for a final warning concerning truancy violations. The student will be assigned a consequence.

v. On the fifth offense, the district attorney will be notified of the continued truancy and an affidavit for criminal charges will be filed. All further unexcused absences will be reported to the district attorney for additional criminal charges. The student will be assigned a consequence for each unexcused absence. Tickets may be issued by law enforcement for any subsequent absences. Any additional absences will be required to be made up by the student. 2 additional hours = one absence.

* The attendance review committee will consist of a school administrator and one school employees.

Activity absences will be held to a minimum, caused only by necessity. Activity excuses from class must be secured through sponsors from the office in advance of the absence. Assignments for activity absences should be collected the day before the activity. Assignments should be handed in the day following the absence (variance from this rule is at the discretion of the teacher).


Academic Adventure/Advisory is a class in which every student will be enrolled.The class is structured to offer remediation to students who have not yet mastered state mandated objectives and enrichment opportunities to students who have mastered state mandated objectives. The structure of this hour will change throughout the year to adjust to the needs of the students, with the focus remaining on remediation and academic growth. Also, focus will be on assisting students with organizational skills, character education, and team building. As noted previously in this handbook (see Student Planner section), students will be given a student planner in which to write all classroom assignments on a daily basis. The student planner will be checked daily for completion by the Academic Adventure/Adv. teacher. Students are required to bring the student planner, reading material, and/or study material to Academic Adventure/Adv. on a daily basis. The grade for Academic Adventure/Adv. is determined by the daily student planner check and the participation in activities.


Bicycles must be parked in the racks provided on the playground and have locks and a license. The school is not responsible for loss, damage, or theft of parts while bicycles are parked in the racks. Bicycles are not to be ridden on school grounds.


Each morning before class, students must place bookbags, backpacks, and purses in their assigned lockers until the end of the school day. They will not be allowed in the hallways or classrooms. Purses may be removed from lockers during the day to be taken to the restrooms only. Purses are not allowed in the classrooms. The bag room on the first floor is available ONLY to 7th and 8th grade athletics students for athletics bags. 6th grade PE students will keep PE clothes in their school locker or in a gym locker. Students must provide their own locks for gym lockers. Valuables should not be kept in bags in the bag room.


The policy of the Blackwell Public School District is to transport any child whose residence is 1½ miles from his/her school as determined by school officials. This policy will be strictly followed. The BMS bus stop is on the west side of the building. Students should wait on the sidewalk outside of the gym for the afternoon bus. A teacher will be on duty at the bus stop daily to supervise students and school rules apply to the bus stop. Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds while waiting for a bus and students will not be released from detention early to meet the bus. Bus discipline procedures are as follows:

First Offense:Conference with the principal; parents notified

Second Offense:Suspended from bus for 10 school days

Third Offense:Suspended from bus for 45 school days

Fourth Offense:Suspended from bus remainder of year

*Consequences for serious offenses at the discretion of administration and transportation director.*


BMS cheerleaders are selected through tryouts in the spring of each school year for the following school year. They practice for uniformity and will lead yells at 7th and 8th grade athletic events and pep assemblies. Cheerleaders may wear uniforms to school.


All forms of electronic communication (i.e. cell phones, tablets, iPods, etc.) must be kept in the student’s locker and be turned off during regular school hours (8:15 am – 3:35 pm).

Students are not to call or receive cell phone calls or other forms of electronic communication during the school day, except for in emergency situations, with the permission of a teacher or school administrator. Headphones and earbuds are also not allowed during regular school hours.

Students found to be using their cell phone for such purposes or to have such electronic communication devices on their person or outside of their locker during the school dayor during after school detention will forfeit their cell phone or other electronic devices to the BMS campus administration. Students who have electronic devices forfeited to BMS campus administration are subject to the following:

1st Offense:Parent picks up device from BMS office after school hours & conference with administrator

2nd Offense:Parentpicks up device from BMS office after school hours & 3 days after school detention

3rd Offense:Parentpicks up device from BMS office after school hours & 2 days in-school-suspension

(following the 3rd offense, the student may not have a phone at school for any reason)

4th Offense:Parent picks up device from BMS office after school hours & 2 days out-of-school-suspension

Any student who refuses to give their cell phone to a teacher/staff member upon request will be subject to strong disciplinary measures.


The computer lab/library computers will be utilized for educational purposes only. All students and parents must sign an Acceptable Use Contract and parents must give permission for their student to use the Internet. Students will not be allowed to use the Internet to receive or send e-mail or correspond through chat rooms. Students must have teacher permission before connecting with web sites. Violation of any of these regulations will result in suspension from the computer lab and use of the Internet for the remainder of the year.


Because of the potential dangers, knives, matches, fireworks, lighters, and other nuisance items are not allowed at school or at school activities. In addition, video games, laser pointers, games, recorders, collectable cards, etc. are not permitted at school. The district is not responsible for loss or damage to any personal property even if the property is lost, stolen, or damaged on school grounds.


As students, you are responsible for every action you make. There is a consequence for every action you take, whether it is a positive consequence or a negative consequence. Teachers will handle most minor offenses that take place in the classroom; however, students may be referred to the office for administrative intervention should irresponsible behavior persist.

The following is a list of POSSIBLE consequences for office referrals:

Lunch detention

After School detention

Loss of Electives

In-school Suspension

Out-of-school Suspension

Citation issued from the School Resource Officer(i.e. fighting)

Note: All discipline is at the discretion of the campus administration

When a student commits a major offense and violates board policy or a school rule or regulation, the principal may impose a short-term (10 school days or less) or a long-term (greater than 10 days) suspension as a disciplinary action measure. Suspended students are not allowed on school grounds or to participate in school activities during the day(s) of suspension. A student and his/her parents have the right to appeal the principal’s decision to impose a short-term suspension to a suspension review committee composed of administrators and/or teachers or, alternatively, the right to appeal directly to the Board of Education. The composition of the committee shall be reserved to the district’s discretion. A student with a short–term, out-of-school suspension and his/her parents shall be informed by the principal of this right and method of submitting an appeal. The student and parents shall also be informed of the right to go directly to the Board of Education. However, the decision to appeal to the committee shall automatically, and without further notice, waive any right to appeal the student’s suspension to the Board of Education.The following behaviors exhibited while at school, on school vehicles, traveling to and from school events, or attending district-sponsored events will result in disciplinary action which may include in-school placement options or out-of–school suspension:

1. Arson

2. Bullying (physical or verbal)

3. Cheating/Plagiarism

4. Conduct that threatens or jeopardizes the safety of others

5. Disruption of the educational process or operation of the school

6. Extortion

7. Failure to attend assigned detention or other assigned placement

8. Failure to follow rules of in-school detention

9. Failure to comply with state immunization records

10. False reports or false calls

11. Fighting

12. Forgery

13. Hazing (initiations) in connection with any school activity

14. Immorality, inappropriate behavior, gestures, or public behavior

15. Indecent exposure

16. Obscene language or profanity

17. Possession of a caustic substance

18. Possession of obscene materials

19. Possession, threat, or use of a dangerous weapon/related objects (i.e. bullets, shells, powder, pellets)

20. Possession, use, distribution, sale, conspiracy to sell or possess, being in the chain of sale or distribution, or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages, low point beer (as defined byOklahoma Law, i.e. 3.2 beer) and/or controlled substances

21. Profanity

22. Public Display of Affection (PDA) – Physical Contact, Holding Hands, Kissing, Etc.

23. Sexual or other harassment of individuals including, but not limited to students, school employees, volunteers, etc.

24. Theft

25. Threatening Behavior (whether involving written, verbal, or physical)

26. Truancy/Skipping School or Class

27. Wearing or displaying clothing or accessories with profane, vulgar or repulsive words/pictures,wearing unacceptable attire dealing with beer, alcohol, drugs or tobacco, orwearing clothing that is non-compliant with the school dress code.

28. Use or possession of tobacco in any form

29. Use or possession of missing or stolen property if property is reasonably suspected to have been taken from a student, school employee, or the school

30. Using racial, ethnic, or sexual epithets

31. Vandalism

32. Violation of Board of Education policies, rules or regulations or violation of school rules and regulations

33. Vulgarity

34. Willful damage to school property

35. Willful disobedience of a directive of any school official (i.e. administrator, teacher, secretary, custodian, café worker, etc.)

36. Conduct occurring outside of the normal school day or off school property that has direct and immediate negative effect on the discipline or educational process or effectiveness of the school


All aspects of school-sponsored newspapers and/or yearbooks are completely under the supervision of the sponsoring teacher and the campus principal. Written materials, handbills, photographs, pictures, petitions, films, tapes, or other visual or auditory materials may not be sold, circulated, posted, or distributed on the BMS campus by a student or non-student without the approval of the principal.


Students are expected to dress and be groomed in such a way to be a credit to the school and the student body. The following is a guide for students, both on and off campus:

A. The guiding criteria relative to the appropriateness of student dress shall be whether or not the particular student’s dress and/or grooming is or is not offensive to others or disruptive to the learning process as determined by school staff and administration.