John F. Kennedy High School
11254 Gothic Ave, Granada Hills, Ca 91344
Phone: 818-271-2900 Fax: 818-368-9527

CC Algebra 1 - Syllabus

Teacher: Mrs. NituleasaRoom B 205
Course: CC Algebra 1`Contact Information: 818-271-2900

Description: The fundamental purpose of the Algebra 1 course is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the middle grades. This course includes standards from the conceptual categories of Number and Quantity, Algebra, Functions, and Statistics and Probability.

Instruction will focus on four critical areas: (1) Deepen and extend student understanding of linear and exponential relationships;(2) contrast linear and exponential relationships with each other and engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions;(3) extend the laws of exponents to square and cube roots; and (4) apply linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend.

Goals/Standards: This course is designed to meet the guidelines set forth by the state ofCalifornia and the Los Angeles Unified School District. It is aligned to the new California standards, or Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and requires the teacher and student to follow a strict and fast-paced agenda.
Students will also continue to engage in the eight mathematical practices employed in previous mathematics courses.
Requirements: Students are required to be on time, have a positive attitude, and be respectful of the teacher and their peers. Students will be required to keep a notebook and bring supplies to class on a daily basis.

Late assignments: Per California Educational Code, students are required to submit documentation when they are absent. Students are permitted to make up any late assignments provided that they have cleared the absence with a note submitted to the admissions office. The instructor is not required to give students credit for assignments that were due on the date of an uncleared or truant absence.

  • Textbook: Big Idea Math: Algebra 1, Ron Larson
  • Internet Resources: Virtual Nerd, InteractMath
  • Pencil with eraser or mechanical pencil. Four colored pens (red, green, blue, black) and highlighters.
  • Notebook plus loose leaf paper, and graph paper.
  • 12 inch ruler with both metric and U.S. markings.

**All materials are required to be brought to class withyou every day!

Grading Policy:Overall Grade:

Quizzes/Tests 50% A 90-100%

Classwork 20% B 80-89.9%

Homework 10% C 65-79.9%

Final Exam 20% D 55-64.9%

F below 55%

Quizzes will be given at least once a week and may or may not be announced ahead of timeand may be given any day on current topics and/or basic skills practice. If students choose to talk/whisper during quizzes or tests, test papers of students involved in misconduct will be discarded.

All homework assignments will be due in completion at the start of the next class meeting and each HW is valued at 5 points.

Student participates in class discussions and is active in daily lessons. Student comes prepared to class with all necessary materials and keeps a positive attitude throughout class period. Students will earn 100 points for completed notes in their notebooks.

Absentees:If a student is absent from class, it is his/her responsibility to check the HW/CW (under Classes/ Homework and then click on Math, find your class) on website.

Tardy Policy:

Tardies will not be tolerated at Kennedy HS. Tardy is defined as students not sitting in their seats before the tardy bell rings.

Third tardy: Contact the parents, either by note or phone call.

Classroom Expectations:

  • Students should be in their seat at the beginning of class and ready to learn with all necessary materials.
  • Students should raise their hand to ask for permission to leave their seat.
  • Students should have their homework assignments completed at the start of the class period on the day it is due.
  • Respect yourself, your peers, and your teacher!
  • Keep a positive attitude!!


Consequences will be given to students who misbehave during class.

1st Warning: Verbal Warning

2nd Warning: 10-minute detention

3rd Warning: 20-minute detention and parent contact

4th Warning:Administrative referral

Math Assignments: Math assignments will be done in pencil. The goal of math is not simply right answers but learning processes and logic. Therefore, each math problem must be written on the paper, the calculations and formulas written out showing the logic and answers circled. Papers with just answers on them will NOT be accepted.

If you are struggling with your assignment, ASK for help soon. Math always builds upon itself and if you have not mastered the current operations, you will continue to fall behind. There will also be tutoring after school set up by the math department atThe Learning Center. Don’t hesitate to go.
Parents:Please make sure you have signed up with Jupiter to be informed of your child’s grades in all his classes. This is a TEAM EFFORT on our part to make sure your child succeeds in this course.During this 20 week semester, progress reports and report cards will be sent to you every 5 weeks so markyour calendars! Use the school website to help keep you updated.

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I feel it is important that you are familiar with the classroom expectations and policies. I have already gone over the expectations with your student. In order to make this school year a success it is important to work together. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school or email me through the website. I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you very much and look forward to a great school year.


Mrs. Nituleasa


Please sign and return this slip indicating that you have read and understand the classroom expectations and policies. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Student Name______Student Signature______

Parent Name______Parent Signature______

Parent Email ______

Contact Phone Number Parent: ( ) ____ - ______

Parent Comments: