嘉義市立玉山國中101學年度第一學期 三年級 第三次月考 英語科試題 P.

一、文意字彙 20%(每題2分)

1.  ______Mom bought some fresh vegetables, i g lettuces, tomatoes, and carrots.

2.  ______What’s w g with the machine? It doesn’t work!

3.  ______Before you take the m e, please consult your doctor first.

4.  ______The shopkeeper always keeps his promises so he has many regular c rs

5.  ______Some students feel under too much s s and lose their interest in learning.

6.  ______I don’t feel well today. I have a terrible headache and a sore t t

7.  ______You look pale. What’s the m r with you?

8.  ______Many hotels o r free service, such as wireless Internet access or airport shuttle.

9.  ______After graduating, he decided to study a d and left for the U.S. for further education.

10. ______Breakfast is important. Don’t go to school or work on an empty s h.

二、單題: 請依據題意選出一個正確或最佳的答案 40% (每題2分)

1. ( ) We have ______the salt. Buy some on your way home.

(A) not at all (B) run out of (C) begun with (D) blown out

2. ( ) He has three different part-time jobs at a time ______save more money.

(A) in order to (B) had better (C) according to (D) as soon as

3. ( ) They have been ______having a 30-minute walk after meals. They really enjoy it.

(A) in the shape of (B) away from (C) afraid of (D) in the habit of

4. ( ) Enough sleep is important for teenagers like you. Don’t ______.

(A) stay up late (B) kill time (C) slow down (D) cry for the moon

5. ( ) The bag is ______hard paper. Recycle it after your use.

(A) proud of (B) in the middle of (C) made of (D) ready for

6. ( ) Janet’s husband forgot _____ her a gift on their anniversary again. No wonder she looked so upset.

(A) buy (B) to buy (C) buying (D) brought

7. ( ) Please let me know ______.
(A) who didn’t show up last night (B) when will you call back

(C) how many books are there in the case (D) how much do you spend every month

8. ( ) We are not sure ______.

(A) where will the game be (B) when is the test

(C) how tall the boy with big eyes is (D) why didn’t he join the party

9. ( ) I’d like to go to the movie tomorrow. I wonder ______Tina can go with me or not.

(A) that (B) where (C) whether (D) what

10. ( ) She tried her best but still failed. She had no idea ______

(A) what should she do (B) what she to do

(C) how to do (D) why her plan didn’t work
11. ( ) People didn’t know Barack Obama ______he became the first African-American president.

(A) that (B) who (C) whether (D) until

12. ( ) For Cathy, there are still many tough problems to solve, ______?

(A) isn’t she (B) aren’t there (C) are they (D) doesn’t she

13. ( ) Children who joined the summer camp can get a free picture book, ______?

(A) can’t they (B) can they (C) did they (D) didn’t they

14. ( ) Jenny has to hand in her homework on time, ______?

(A) hasn’t Jenny (B) hasn’t she (C) doesn’t she (D) does she

15. ( ) I have nothing to lose, ______?

(A) have I (B) do I (C) haven’t I (D) don’t I

16. ( ) ______is the best way ______both your eyes and mind.

(A) Read; open (B)To read; opens (C) Reading; to open (D) Reading; open

17. ( ) The boy missed his girlfriend ____ much ______he couldn’t eat anything.

(A) such; that (B) very; but (C) too; to (D) so; that

18. ( ) He is ______a considerate person that he is popular with his friends.

(A) so (B) quite (C) even (D) such

19. ( ) You can take cake, pudding, bagel, or muffin for your dessert. ______, you have a lot of choices.

(A) By the way (B) In other words (C) On the other hand (D) In the long run

20. ( ) A: Thanks for showing me the way to Wen-hua Night Market.

B: ______

(A) My pleasure. (B) You bet. (C) You’d better watch out. (D) Pardon?

三、題組: 請依據選文或所附圖表資料,選出一個正確或最佳的答案 20%(每題2分)


1. ( ) (A) as soon as possible (B) in time (C) at once (D) at low prices

2. ( ) What does the word auction mean?

(A) Look for information. (B) Recycle. (C) Sell things. (D) Make friends.


Late one night in New York, a taxi picked up a woman. The woman got into the cab and told the driver (3) . Halfway through the trip, the woman tapped the driver on the shoulder. The drivers let out a scream. He (4) the car and drove onto the sidewalk. The driver stopped right before he hit a store window.

He turned around to face the woman and angrily said, “Don’t you ever do that again!” The woman apologized, “I didn’t know (5) a little tap would scare you.” The driver calmed down and said, “It is not your fault, madam. I am the only one that has to say sorry. Today is my first day as a taxi driver. I have been driving a hearse for the last 25 years.”

3. ( ) (A) what to buy (B) where to go

(C) how to get on the Net (D) when to leave

4. ( ) (A) was proud of (B) pulled over (C) got rid of (D) lost control of

5. ( ) (A) if (B) that (C) as (D) what


6. ( ) Who can enter the exhibition for free?

(A) John, a junior high school student.

(B) Judy, a 4-year-old kid.

(C) Ms. Lin’s class, 35 persons.

(D) Mr. Bryant, 69 years old

7. ( ) Which of the following is false?

(A) You can not visit The Art of The Brick on Chinese New Year’s Eve.

(B) You can get a clear picture of the exhibition by visiting the Website (www.BRICKART.tw)

(C) At Pier-2 Art Center, you can visit The Art of The Brick all year round.

(D) CNN recommends Nathan Sawaya’s works, which are based on building bricks.


8. ( ) What is true about PSY?

(A) It is the name for a Korean cowboy.

(B) He becomes a celebrity in pop culture after his sudden success of the single “Gangnam Style”

(C) He is as slim as other Korean pop stars.

(D) He and Britney appeared on the video “Gangnam Style.”

9.  ( ) Who does PSY make fun of in his video “Gangnam Style?”

(A) His fans in many countries.

(B) Typical Korean stars who are not only slim but fancy.

(C) Rich people in South Korea who try too hard to be cool.

(D) People who dance like they are riding horses.

10. ( ) Which of the following is true?

(A) Gangnam is the name of a real place.

(B) Most rap videos are meant to be funny and ridiculous. (圖片來源: wmoov.com )

(C) PSY earned money by teaching fans his fun dance.

(D) “Gangnam Style” has been popular for more than one year.

四、依提示作答 10% (每題2分)

1. I am too tired to clean the house. (用so ...that …改寫句子)

2. Who is the man in blue jeans? (以She has no idea …開頭,改寫句子)

3. Are they interested in playing chess? (以I want to make sure開頭,改寫句子)

4. Allen doesn’t know how he can win Jessie’s heart. (用wh-不定詞片語 改寫句子)

5. They are going to take a three-day trip.

Ashley is going to take a three-day trip, too. (用not only…but also..合併句子)

五、翻譯填空10% (每格1分)

1. 如果你開始抽菸,有可能你將無法戒掉它! (翻譯填空)

If you start smoking, it is (1) that you won’t be (2) to stop.

2. 台灣的夜市充滿了香味和色彩。

The night markets in Taiwan are (3) (4) smells and colors.

3.  直走兩個街區,那麼你會看見在右手邊有個郵局。

Go (5) for two blocks, and you will see a post office (6) your right.

4.  Amanda告訴Peter要規劃預算,這樣才能聰明理財。

Amanda told Peter to set a (7) in order to use his money (8) .

5.  記錄下你至少一個月的花費狀況。那會幫助你不再浪費金錢。

Record your spending at (9) one month. It will help you stop (10) your money.


M 班級: ______座號: ______姓名: ______

答 案 卷

一、文意字彙 (20%)

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

二、單題: 請依據題意選出一個正確或最佳的答案 (40%)

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20

三、題組: 請依據選文或所附圖表資料,選出一個正確或最佳的答案(20%)

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

四、依提示作答 (10%)

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

五、翻譯填空 (10%)

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

M 班級: ______座號: ______姓名: ______

答 案 卷

一、文意字彙 (20%)

1 / including / 2 / wrong / 3 / medicine / 4 / customers / 5 / stress
6 / throat / 7 / matter / 8 / offer / 9 / abroad / 10 / stomach

二、單題: 請依據題意選出一個正確或最佳的答案 (40%)

1 / B / 2 / A / 3 / D / 4 / A / 5 / C
6 / B / 7 / A / 8 / C / 9 / C / 10 / D
11 / D / 12 / B / 13 / A / 14 / C / 15 / B
16 / C / 17 / D / 18 / D / 19 / B / 20 / A

三、題組: 請依據選文或所附圖表資料,選出一個正確或最佳的答案(20%)

1 / D / 2 / C / 3 / B / 4 / D / 5 / B
6 / D / 7 / C / 8 / B / 9 / C / 10 / A

四、依提示作答 (10%)

1. I am so tired that I can’t clean the house.

2. She has no idea who the man in blue jeans is.

3. I want to make sure whether/if they are interested in playing chess (or not).

4. Allen doesn’t know how to win Jessie’s heart.

5. Not only they but also Ashley is going to take a three-day trip.

五、翻譯填空 (10%)

1 / possible / 2 / able / 3 / filled (full) / 4 / with (of) / 5 / straight
6 / on / 7 / budget / 8 / wisely / 9 / least / 10 / wasting