Grasby Parish Council

c/o Old Blacksmiths, North Willingham, Market Rasen, LN8 3RA

Telephone (01673) 838151Email:

Minutes of the Council Meeting held 17th January 2018, at 7.30 pm in the Parish Room at the Village Hall.

Present: Cllr R. Bennett,Cllr. J Brown,Cllr. Forbes, Cllr Dolby, Cllr. Strange, Cllr. Turner & Clerk

01.18 Apologies:– Cllr Haswell-accepted.

02.18Declarations of Interest–Cllr J Brown- member of the village hall committee

03.18The Minutesof 15th November 2017- wereapproved and signed as a true record.

04.18Lincolnshire County Council Matters:-Cllr Turner stated that if the Council need any help with any issues including they should contact him.

05.18West Lindsey District Council Matters:-Cllr Strange reported that there will be a rate rise for the coming year. WLDC do have a capital account and are looking at ways to invest the money from this account to create an income stream. He also reported that a new dry sports centre is going to be built in Market Rasen.

06.18Clerk’s report-Nothing to report

07.18To discuss progress on speed petition-The clerk reported that highways have confirmed that the Archer Survey will not be re-done. Resolved Clerk to contact highways to discuss ways forward and also question the number of units on A1084. Graeme Butler from the Road Safety Partnership is still awaiting the results from his bid for funding to improve the A1084. The Council resolved to wait for the final outcome of the consultation with highways before consideringother traffic calming measures such as reactive signs.

08.18Finance and accounts for payment- Resolved to pay:

C. Wright, salary and expenses £177.30

09.18Final precept request- Resolved torequest £6230

10.18To review the Code of Conduct- Resolved to adopt the new Code of Conduct

11.18To adopt a grievance and disciplinary policy-Proposed Cllr Forbes. Seconded Cllr Bennett. All agreed. Resolved to adopt the grievance and disciplinary policy. A committee of 3 members will be appointed as and when the need arises.

12.18Correspondence-Relevant emails have been circulated. Mr L Walker has resigned from his position of councillor. Clerk to inform WLDC. A volunteer is needed to take over the Grasby Parish Council Facebook page.

13.18Planning applications and decisions- None received.

14.18To discuss War Memorial-A public meeting was held and not very well attended. The parishioners who did attend favoured a bench style memorial. It was agreed that the memorial should be easily accessible to the public. Lincolnshire co-op have kindly offered to donate a memorial and Mr Dolby has also kindly offered to make one. Costs to be investigated further. Cllr Bennett to contact the church to discuss the possibility of positioning a memorial bench in the church yard and Cllr Brown to discuss with the village hall committee the possibility of placing a memorial bench outside the village hall. Item to remain on the agenda.

15.18Review and update Grasby Parish Council Website- Cllr Brown now has all the relevant, up to date information and will begin updating the website.

16.18Highways matters- (i) Gritting on Station Road- Clerk reported that a member of the public had been in touch to ask about the gritting of Station Road. Cllrs Strange and Turner confirmed that highways do not grit this road. However, there is a grit bin on the road which the public can access and use to grit the area themselves.

(ii) Parking issues- Cllr Bennett to write to the school to request a meeting to discuss parking issues.

17.18To discuss the maintenance of the trees in the church yard-Cllr Bennett has a meeting arranged with the church to discuss.

18.18Additional items for the next agenda-recruiting new parish councillors

19.18Date and time of next meeting- Wednesday 21st March 2018, 7.30pm in the Parish Room

Meeting Closed – 9.49pm

These minutes are draft until approved at the above meeting.