OCCG Weekly Bulletin
Wednesday 4 October 2017
Included in this bulletin:
  • Gynaecology Referral Issue
  • Data Protection and Communications with Planned Care Email
  • Winter Indemnity Scheme for Out-of-Hours GPs – 2017
  • School Based Immunisation Programme Update from the School Health Nurse (SHN) Team
  • Keep Well This Winter
  • Illegal Money Lending – A Guide for Health and Social Care Professionals
  • Thames Valley Police – Hidden Harm Campaign
  • Manifesto Videos - Dr Kiren Collison and Dr Paul Park
  • FREE Tissue Viability Skills Day – 26October 2017

Information for Practices
Gynaecology Referral Issue:
Important referral information for GPs. Please see the attached letter regarding capacity issues and waiting lists with Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
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Data Protection and Communications with Planned Care Email:
Please see the attached informationabout communication with the OCCG planned care team about identified patients. Please also note that Datix is the appropriate and secure route for raising concerns about commissioned services and including patient identifiable detail.
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Winter Indemnity Scheme for Out-of-Hours GPs – 2017:
NHS England has announced a winter indemnity scheme to offset the additional indemnity premium for GPs who wish to work additional sessions for their out-of-hours (OOH) providers. This will run from 1 October 2017 until 2 April 2018. More details available on the
NHS England website.Please share this with all GPs in your practice.
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School Based Immunisation Programme Update from the School Health Nurse (SHN) Team:
The School Health Nursing team have reviewed their delivery of the school based immunisation programme and would like to make you aware of some changes to the flu and HPV immunisations administered by the School Health Nurse teams of Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust. The changes are for the programmes commencing this academic year. For more information please see the attached letter.
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Keep Well This Winter:
As you all know winter can be seriously bad for our health and a challenging time for the NHS, particularly urgent and emergency care services. A joint national initiative from NHS England and Public Health will start on 9 October 2017 until 23 October 2017 aimed at the following groups:
  • All children aged two to nine on 31 August 2016
  • All primary school-aged children in former primary school pilot areas
  • Those aged six months to under 65 years in clinical risk groups
  • Pregnant women
  • Those aged 65 years and over
  • Those in long-stay residential care homes
  • Carers
The campaign is not about preventing those that need urgent care from going to hospital, but aims to help those that are most vulnerable to falling seriously ill with winter ailments,avoid needing hospital treatment by providing simple advice to protect them including:
  • Getting a flu vaccination
  • Heat your home to at least 18 degrees (65f), if you can
  • Seeking immediate advice and help from a pharmacist as soon as they feel unwell, before it gets too serious
  • Keeping an eye on elderly or frail friends, neighbours and relatives
  • Getting prescriptions before Christmas Eve
Further to the Influenza Briefing dated 6 September 2017, OCCG would like to draw your attention to a letter attached regarding the district nurse influenza vaccination service. A FAQ document regarding the children’s influenza vaccination programme is attached hereto encourage all practices to sign up to Immform to allow monitoring of their own influenza vaccination uptake. A user guide provided by NHSE is attached here.
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Illegal Money Lending – A Guide for Health and Social Care Professionals:
You can download a guide for health and social care professionals
published by National Trading Standards as part of their Stop Loan Sharks campaign.
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Thames Valley Police – Hidden Harm Campaign:
Thames Valley Police are asking health care providers to support their new campaign on modern slavery, child abuse and FGM by displaying some of the campaign materials on waiting room screens. Please see the attached briefing for more information and a link to the online resource pack.
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Manifesto Videos – Dr Kiren Collison and Dr Paul Park:
As part election to the post of Clinical Chair at Oxfordshire CCG the two candidates standing in the election have each made a short video to promote their manifestos.
You can view the films here:

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FREE Tissue Viability Skills Day – 26 October 2017:
The skills day is aimed at all nurses involved in managing patients with wounds (registered and non-registered), community nurses, practice nurses, community hospital nurses, care homes, prison staff (mental health wards).
For more information please see the attached flyer hereand a booking form.
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To give us your feedback please email: