Youth in Government Day


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Huntington Beach Civic Center


Students, Executive Team, and Council Members will meet in Rooms B-7 & B-8 for breakfast and registration.

Everyone relocates toCouncil Chambers

8:15-8:45 a.m.Introduction

  • Students and Staff seated in Council Chambers
  • Welcome by Mayor Carchio
  • Introduction of City Council Members
  • Introduces Fred Wilson, City Manager
  • Fred welcomes students to city hall, introduces video featuring role of each department
  • City’s Partnership with the MVB
  • Introduces Alison Baskin, Youth Board Chair
  • Alison instructs students and staff to meet at orientation areas
  • Exec Team takes roll, make necessary adjustments
  • City Council, City Manager, City Clerk and City Attorney remain in Council Chambers for further orientation by Jill Hardy

8:45-10:30 a.m.Student Internship

  • Staff walks students to job area
  • Explain functions of department, opportunities, education, etc.
  • Overview of current projects or a typical day
  • Tour of offices, introduce staff
  • Q&A
  • Escort students to Council Chambers for Mock Council Meeting at 10:30 a.m. (Encourage students to participate in Public Comments during Council Meeting)

10:15-10:30 a.m.Mock Staff Meeting (only for departments with assigned RCA) - Community Services Department

  • Walk students to department meeting room
  • Department head runs discussion session with students on pre-selected topic (see Council Agenda and RCA)
  • Discuss and have RCA finalized by 10:25 a.m.
  • Escort students to Council Chambers at 10:30 a.m.

10:30-11:30 a.m.Mock Council Meeting

  • Department heads will sit with student counterpart in City Council Chambers at specified seats (Council Chambers)
  • Order:
  • Student City Council
  • RCA – Community Services, presentation by Student Dept Head
  • Student Public Opinion (3 min each)
  • Student Council Member Comments
  • Motions, Actions
  • Adjournment
  • Council Member makes closing remarks, Alison announces lunchtime

11:30-1:00 p.m.Luncheon *Staff participating are invited to lunch*

  • 15-20 minutes to go through buffet line, take a seat
  • Youth Board starts program
  • Introduction of Youth Board
  • Distinguished guests introduced (Council, District, Principals)
  • Guest Speaker – Sandra Morgan, OC Human Trafficking
  • Explain Project Self Sufficiency canned food donation
  • Awards for Essay Contest and Youth of the Year
  • Closing remarks

1:00 p.m.End of Day

  • Students and staff turn in survey forms
  • Department heads dismissed
  • Students board buses; HBHS students assemble at flag pole for roll call

***Day ends***