MAT135 Intermediate Algebra & ApplicationsMERCER COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE

Prerequisite: MAT 037 or MAT 043 with a minimum C grade or placement test score

Topics include: function notation; linear, quadratic, and absolute value functions and equations; rational expressions and equations; rational exponents and equations; radicals and radical equations; graphing of linear and quadratic functions; polynomial and rational inequalities. [grade of B- or better is strongly recommended to proceed to MAT 146]

Instructor: ______

Email : ______
Office: ______
Office Hours: ______

Feel free to stop by during my office hours if you have any questions about any part of the course. You may also get help in the Learning Center (2nd floor - Library Building)on the West Windsor Campus or in the Learning Center on the James Kerney Campus.

Required Materials:

Software: ALEKS (18 or 11 week license with or without the ebook)

Scientific or graphing calculator(required)

Textbook: Algebra for College Students, 7th edition, Mark Dugopolski (optional)


You are responsible for all of the material covered.There are no make-ups in this course.

Tests:There are two instructor-graded tests, a department midterm, and adepartment final exam. The final exam is cumulative.

-Test1 covers textbook sections 2.2,2.3,2.5,2.6,3.3,3.5

-Midterm exam covers all sections from Test 1 AND 4.1,4.2,5.7,5.8,6.1,6.2,6.3

-Test2 covers textbook sections 6.4,6.5,6.6,6.7,7.1,7.2,7.3,7.4

Final exam covers all of the above sections and 7.5,7.6,8.1,8.2,8.3,8.4,8.5

Unit Tests (2)……………………20%
Midterm exam…………………..20%
Final Exam*………………………35%
**Must receive a 60% on Final to pass the course. / 93%-100%...... A
90%-92%...... A-
87%-89%...... B+
83%-86%...... B
80%-83%...... B-
77%-79%...... C+
70%-76%...... C
60%-69.5%...... D
<59.5%...... F

Academic Integrity Statement:

Under no circumstance should students knowingly represent the work of another as one’s own. Students may not use any unauthorized assistance to complete assignments or exams, including but not limited to cheat-sheets, cell phones, text messaging and copying from another student. Violations should be reported to the Academic Integrity Committee and will be penalized. Please refer to the Student Handbook for more details.

Mercer County Community College is in compliance with both the ADA and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. If you have, or believe you have, a differing ability that is protected under the law please see Arlene Stinson in LB 216{570-3525 {} for information regarding support services.

DAY / DATE / TOPICS / Sections
1 / 2.2 Formulas and Functions/
Online ALEKS Diagnostic taken @ home
2.3 Applications / 2.2
2 / 2.5 Compound Inequalities / 2.5
3 / 2.6 Abs. Value Eq. & Ineq / 2.6
4 / Review Material on Graphing/3.3 Equation of Line
3.5 Functions & Relations / 3.3
5 / Review for Exam I/Catch-up
EXAM I in class – Release 3/21
6 / 4.1/4.2 Systems / 4.1/4.2
7 / Review Material on Factoring/5.7 Factoring
5.8 Solving Equations / 5.7
8 / 6.1 Prop. Of Rational Functions/ 6.2 Mul & Div Rat Fcts / 6.1/6.2
9 / 6.3 Add & Sub Rat Functions / 6.3
10 / Midterm Review – Deadline: 4/16
6.4 Complex Fractions / 6.4
11 / 6.5 Dividing Polynomials
6.6 Rational Equations
6.7 Applications / 6.5
12 / 7.1/ 7.2 Radicals & Rational Exponents / 7.1/7.2
13 / 7.3 Add, Sub, Mul Radicals
7.4 Quotients, Powers, Rationalizing Denom. / 7.3
14 / Review for Exam II / Catch-up
EXAM II in class – Release 4/29
15 / 7.5 Equations with Radicals & Exponents / 7.5
16 / 7.6 Complex Numbers / 7.6
17 / 8.1/8.2 Factoring, Completing the Square, Quad. Formula / 8.1/8.2
18 / 8.3 More Quad. Equations
8.4 Quad Functions & Graphs / 8.3
19 / 8.5 Quadratic and Rational Inequalities / 8.5
20 / Review for Final

Important dates:

Course begins_____ Final Exam date _____

Last day for withdrawing from the course to get a "W" grade:______

Grades available online: ______

Mercer County Community College is committed to ensuring the full participation of all students in all activities, programs and services. If you have a documented differing ability or think that you may have a differing ability that is protected under the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, please contact Arlene Stinson in LB 216 for information regarding support services.

If you do not have a documented differing ability, remember that other resources are available to all students on campus including academic support through our Academic Learning Center located in LB 214.