Format Paragraphs

  1. Open the document called Declaration from
  2. Select the entire document by holding the ctrl key and tapping the “a” key.
  3. On the Home ribbon, under the Paragraph group, click on the Launch button in the bottom right corner.
  4. In the Indentation area under Special, click the drop down arrow and select hanging.
    Note the MS Word creates a reverse indentation where the second, third, and all other lines are indented, but the first line is not. This appears as though the paragraph is “hanging” under the top line.
  5. On the Page Layout tab, Paragraph group, in the Spacing section, change the Before to 12 pt.
    Note that MS Word puts extra space between each paragraph without putting spaces between each line. This is different tha double spacing the document.
  6. On the Home ribbon, under the Clipboard group, click on the Launch button in the bottom right corner. This will open the Office Clipboard.
  7. Select and cut the paragraphs in the following order:
    Make sure you triple click on each paragraph to select the whole thing. If you don’t triple click to select, the document will have errors.

  1. Title (The Declaration of Independence)
  2. Sub-title (June 7, 1776 to August 2, 1776)
  3. June 7
  4. June 11
  5. June 12-27
  6. June 28
  7. July 1-4
  8. July 2
  9. July 4
  10. July 5
  11. July 6
  12. July 8
  13. July 9
  14. July 19
  15. August 2

  1. At this point, your document should be blank and all the text should be in the Office Clipboard. Use the paste all feature in the clipboard to paste the paragraphs in the correct order.
  2. Select the title. Change to Font to: Arial Black, Size: 20, UPPERCASE, and centered.
  3. Select the sub-title. Change the Font to: Ariel, Size: 16, Centered.
  4. Open the Header. (Insert Header & Footer, Header 3 column)
  5. First and last name on the left
  6. Class period and class name in the center
  7. Declaration on the right
  8. Save on your drive as Declarationxx
  9. Peer check your document
  10. Dropbox