Student Lesson Guide Chapter 14 – Light Day 1

Name: ______

Answer the following questions on your own paper. Be sure to label them by chapter and section on your paper. Then number each answer.


Chapter 14 section 3 – Producing Light

  1. Explain how incandescent and fluorescent bulbs work.
  2. What is the difference between a neon light and a sodium vapor light?
  1. What creates the color in a neon light?
  2. Why do tungsten-halogen lights last so long?
  3. After examining Figure 18 on page 433 answer the following:
  4. In a laser, what is the purpose of the energy source?
  5. What is the effect of allowing only 1% of the light waves through the partially reflective mirror?
  6. Why does a laser beam transfer more energy than ordinary light?

6. What is the difference between coherent light and incoherent light?

  1. How does a CD work?

Chapter 14 section 4 – Using Light

  1. Describe polarized light and the uses of polarizing filters.
  2. How are holographic images produced? How might these be used in the future?
  3. How do fiber optics work?
  4. Draw the graphic organizer on page 447 including only the production and use section – then fill in the blanks.
  5. Define the following terms
  1. Coherent light
  2. Polarized light
  3. Index of refraction
  4. Translucent
  5. Mirage
  1. What type of light is produced by heating a filament until it glows? What is the disadvantage of this type of light?
  2. How would you describe an object that you can see through?
  3. What process makes it possible for optical fibers to transmit telephone conversations over long distance? Explain.

Student Lesson Guide Chapter 15 – Mirrors and LensesDay 2

Name: ______

Answer the following questions on your own paper. Be sure to label them by chapter and section on your paper. Then number each answer.


Chapter 15 Section 1

  1. How does the shape of a mirror determine the object you see? Explain and draw examples of differences.
  2. Explain how a candle looks upside down in a concave mirror. Draw the example from figure 5 to help explain.
  3. What is a focal point?
  4. What is the difference between a real image and a virtual image?

Chapter 15 Section 2

  1. How do lens affect images?
  2. Define convex lens. Define concave lens. Draw a description of each.
  3. What is farsightedness?
  4. What is nearsightedness?
  5. What is astigmatism?
  6. Describe and draw figure 14 and figure 16 to describe how vision correction works.
  7. After reading and studying figure 15, answer the following:
  8. How do retinitis pigmentation and macular degeneration affect vision differently?
  9. How might an artificial retina change a person’s life?

Chapter 15 Section 3

  1. What is the difference between a refracting telescope and a reflecting telescope?

2. Draw and label the illustration of a microscope on page 471.

3. What is the difference in a wide angle lens and a regular lens in a camera?