Honors English I Syllabus 2013-2014

Teacher: Katy Hebert

Room: C-207


Telephone:849-2830 ext. 23954

Extra-Help Appointment Hours: Tuesdays 7:45-8:15, Thursdays 7:45-8:15, all lunches (EXCEPT WEDNESDAYS—MUST arrange ahead of time), and by appointment

Course Description

This course is designed to prepare students for the rigorous expectations of college-level English courses while addressing the South Carolina English and Language Arts Curriculum Standards. Instruction and activities will focus on reading, writing, communication,grammar, vocabularyand research. Students will be encouraged to make connections between English and Global Studies themes and topics in order to create a deeper understanding of the humanities.

Instructional Philosophy

Every effort will be made to actively engage students in the learning process. Modes of instruction may include discussion boards, cooperative learning groups, apprenticeship and modeling, class workshop, computer-lab activities, Socratic seminars, application activities, journals and learning logs, mini-lessons, peer reading, peer editing, think-alouds, web-quests, independent study, discussion, and lecture as appropriate.

Course Goals and Common Core State Standards

Throughout this academic year, students will

  • develop an appreciation of the timelessness of themes in literature
  • develop an awareness of how literature and its themes are affected by historical events and circumstances
  • read a broad range of texts and utilize appropriate strategies for comprehension and analysis
  • write and respond to writing in multiple formats with attention to purpose and audience
  • recognize and rehearse the skills required for effective communication
  • develop skills related to effective research and accurate documentation

Major Assignments and Projects

Students will complete various MLA formatted essays, projects, presentations, and exams throughout each quarter and instructional unit. Each unit will also include minor assessments and practice activities as needed to ensure adequate mastery and progression of common core standards.

Assessment and Grading

Semester grades will be weighted in the following categories:

Major Assessments 60% Minor Assessments 30% Practice and Daily Grades 10%

The end of course exam will count as 20% of the overall grade for the year. Letter grades will be assigned according to the South Carolina Uniform Grading Scale.

Major and minor assignments and projects will be penalized 10 points for each day they are late.

Every school day homework is late students will be deducted 25 points on the assignment. For example, on a Wednesday a student does not have his or her homework when the teacher collects it. Thursday, if the student submits the late homework to the teacher, grading will start at a 75%. If the student brings the homework on Friday, grading will start at a 50%. For homework turned in on Monday, grading will begin at 25%; homework will not be accepted after that.

From this point forward, students are responsible for knowing what “type” of assignment on which they are working. Students must understand the late work policy regarding major assessments, minor assessments, and homework assignments. Signing this syllabus indicates understanding of the policies for all parties involved.

Required and Recommended Reading

Primary Texts: Elements of World Literature(distributed at registration and schedule pick-up)

**Directions for access to the online version of the textbook will be distributed to students at a later date**

Students will read numerous short stories, poems, novels, plays, essays, and other non-fiction selections during their study of themes associated with world literature. Units include but are not limited to summer reading, MLA format, mythology, Greek tragic drama, Shakespeare, anddiverse selections of ancient literature from around the world.

Students are required to complete self-selectedreading (SSR) over which they will be assessed. Students will be able to select their own reading material; at other times, students will be asked to select from a pre-approved list of novels created by Honors English 1 teachers. Students are required to have their SSR novels with them at all times.

General Policies

Students are expected to follow all rules outlined in the Wando High School Student Agenda and the Charleston County Code of Conduct. Students and parents should pay close attention to rules involving attendance, tardiness, ID’s, and academic dishonesty.

An Added Comment AboutAssessments…

We truly believe that all students are capable of succeeding at a very high level of achievement. Not all students, however, learn in the same way or at the same pace. As the semester continues, we would like to ask for your support in reinforcing the following ideas:

1. Effort leads to success, but effort alone will not be rewarded with grades. Perhaps you have heard your child say, “I spent SO LONG working on this project and I only got a B,” or a C, or sadly, perhaps an F. Students should not pass or earn high grades because they are good workers. Students are expected to complete daily classwork and homework assignments not for points, but because the work will deepen their understanding of the content. Successful performance is rewarded with high grades. Please understand that your child’s teachers are not grading the amount of effort invested in a project or assignment; they are evaluating the degree to which your child has mastered the instructional standards that are being taught and tested at that time. Not all students need to invest the same amount of effort to reach the desired level of achievement.

2. No “re-takes” will be allowed for major assessments. Teachers have the discretion to use as many minor classroom assessments as needed to make sure their students are learning. If a significant portion of the class performs poorly on a specific assessment, the teacher may choose to reteach that content and administer another similar assessment. At the beginning of each six-week unit, your child will receive a list of target dates and specific information about the content and skills that will be assessed during the unit. Please encourage your child to create a plan to be ready to take or turn in the assessment on the scheduled day. Extra help opportunities will be available before school, after school, and often on Saturday mornings; if your child is struggling with concepts during the unit, PLEASE encourage him/her to put in the additional time and effort needed BEFORE the target assessment date.

Wando’s Honors English I teachers are working as a team to provide the highest level of instruction possible. As a team, we will often share resources, create common assessments and grade papers collaboratively to ensure consistency in both instruction and assessment. We are committed to creating a positive yet challenging environment for your child and we appreciate your continued support throughout the school year.

Contact Information

Parental involvement positively influences a child’s success in school. Parents are encouraged to visit class, participate in extra help sessions, help with homework, read with their child, and communicate with the teacher. While it is the child’s responsibility to contact the teacher with questions/concerns, parents may also email or call with questions, concerns, and/or to schedule an extra-help session for your child.

Classroom Rules

  • Be present

-Daily attendance is important and necessary

-Pay attention during class

-Actively participate

  • Be prepared

-Show up to class with the necessary materials

-Be ready to work

  • Be polite

-Treat others with respect

-Treat classroom and Ms. Allegretto’s materials with care

-Return borrowed items

-Throw trash in the trash can

  • Be positive

-A good attitude will improve the classroom atmosphere and enhance the learning for all

  • Be punctual

-Show up to class on time

-Turn assignments in on specified due dates

Consequences of Breaking Rules—instructor reserves the right to adjust the order of the following if deemed necessary

1st time offense: Verbal warning

2nd time offense: Conference with the teacher

3rd time offense: Lunch detention

4th time offense: Lunch detention and principal referral

Severe clause: Principal referral and phone call to home—conference call with parents

Classroom Procedures

  • Every student must be in the classroom when the first bell rings or the late arriving student will be counted tardy
  • There will be no passes permitted within the first or last 15 minutes of class. The instructor has the right not to issue a pass during class
  • Students must sharpen pencils at the beginning of class or when the teacher is not instructing
  • When students enter the classroom, they are expected to go straight to their seats and take out their supplies, homework, and prepare for the journal

Required Supplies

  • Three ring binder and tab dividers (minimum of 6 dividers; consider a large binder to combine ELA materials with Global Studies)
  • USB/flash drive (have on you at all times; put name on it and attach to lanyard)
  • Wide or college ruled loose leaf paper
  • Pencils
  • Pens (blue/black)
  • One or two pens of “different” or unusual color (purple, orange…something that stands out)
  • Composition book (for journal writing)
  • Highlighters
  • 3X5” index cards
  • Student agenda
  • Self-selected reading material (novel of choice)


Please return this portion of the syllabus to the teacher at the beginning of the second class session. Both student and parent signatures required.

I have read the above information and will do my best to adhere to the class rules and procedures. I understand the consequences should I fail to follow such rules.

Print Name: ______Student Email: ______

Student Signature: ______Date:______

I have read and reviewed the above rules and have checked with my child to make sure he/she understands and will comply with such rules. I understand the consequences should my child fail to adhere to the rules.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent email address/phone number: ______