February 13, 2018



Goal #1: Enhance legislative activities to include state and federal advocacy for Emergency Management.

Number / Lead Committee / Supporting Committee(s) / Objective Statement / Objective
1.1 / Legislative / --- / Leverage partnerships with IAEM to enhance legislative activities. / August 1, 2016
Task Number / Task Statement / Task Deadline / Progress Report / Additional Comments
1.1.1 / Work closely with IAEM Legislative Policy Advisor and Region IV President to stay abreast on national, as well as regional, issues they may be following. / 5/1/2016 /
  • A strong relationship already exists between several members of the Legislative Committee (including myself) and Martha Braddock, Legislative Policy Advisor for IAEM. Through this collaboration we are able to dovetail into many of the same initiatives that they are undertaking.
  • Martha Braddock and I have worked closely on Legislative Issues for years. Additional; she communicates regularly with other committee members to keep the flow of information going. More effort will be made to reach out regularly with the Region IV President.

  • The Legislative Committee is currently focused on the May 2016 trip to Washington, DC. They will turn their attention back to assigned Strategic Plan activities once the trip has been completed. At that time; the committee will move forward with their assigned objectives; based upon experiences gained as a result of May 2016 trip. In addition; the committee also believes they have accomplished several of their assigned objectives; and, will report these items closed as part of their next report.

  • I believe that our Association has a very strong relationship with IAEM in particular its Legislative Policy Advisor Martha Braddock. I would consider this project to be complete.
  • Completed (June 2016)

Goal #1: Enhance legislative activities to include state and federal advocacy for Emergency Management.

Number / Lead Committee / Supporting Committee(s) / Objective Statement / Objective
1.2 / Legislative / --- / Structure future Washington D.C. legislative trips to ensure long term continuity. / July 1, 2016
Task Number / Task Statement / Task Deadline / Progress Report / Additional Comments
1.2.1 / Begin a mentoring process by taking an additional person along on the trips to Washington DC to familiarize them prior to the existing Committee Chairman’s retirement. / 06/01/2016 /
  • Preliminary plans are already in motion to include this additional person for the 2016 Legislative visit to Washington DC in May of this year.
  • As Committee Chair, I will bring this before the Executive Committee at the Spring Conference to secure the Associations approval before implementation.

1.2.2 / Allow the potential replacement the opportunity to learn “from the ground up” what it takes to plan and execute a trip. / 06/01/2016 /
  • Offer them the opportunity to assist with scheduling the meetings and developing the travel schedule.
  • We can begin this mentoring program this year; if the Executive Committee approves.

The Legislative Committee is currently focused on the May 2016 trip to Washington, DC. They will turn their attention back to assigned Strategic Plan activities once the trip has been completed. At that time; the committee will move forward with their assigned objectives; based upon experiences gained as a result of May 2016 trip. In addition; the committee also believes they have accomplished several of their assigned objectives; and, will report these items closed as part of their next report.
  • John Ford, EM Coordinator from Carteret County, has agreed to assume the responsibility of coordinating the trips to Washington DC after Brian Short retires in a few years. He was able to accompany the group on their annual trip this year and was an asset to the group. He has years of experience working in the DC area; as he worked with FEMA at their Washington headquarters for five years. Brian will work with him over the coming years to assure a smooth transition. In my opinion this objective has been completed.
  • Completed (June 2016)

Goal #1: Enhance legislative activities to include state and federal advocacy for Emergency Management.

Number / Lead Committee / Supporting Committee(s) / Objective Statement / Objective
1.3 / Legislative / TechComm / Engage membership to make contact with state and local legislators for relationship building and lobbying. / August 1, 2016
Task Number / Task Statement / Task Deadline / Progress Report / Additional Comments
1.3.1 / Encourage local EM’s to reach out to newly elected legislators on the importance of Emergency Management. / 6/1/2016 /
  • An Emergency Management “background paper” has been developed by the legislative Committee for the Washington DC trips and could easily be adapted for local use.
  • This will have to be an ongoing effort by all local EM’s and the Association with emphasis place on newly elected legislators.

1.3.2 / Encourage local EM’s to develop ongoing personal relationships with elected leaders and their staff. / 6/1/2016 /
  • Take advantage of opportunities to showcase local and regional EM centric accomplishments. Successful grants that demonstrate tangible results and improvements are a great way to do this.
  • Possibly develop a 2018 Spring Conference general session (????) that provides “how to” information to local emergency managers on engaging legislators.
  • Develop a handout providing further detailed information on this process for distribution during above presentation and for further distribution to local emergency managers.

The Legislative Committee is currently focused on the May 2016 trip to Washington, DC. They will turn their attention back to assigned Strategic Plan activities once the trip has been completed. At that time; the committee will move forward with their assigned objectives; based upon experiences gained as a result of May 2016 trip. In addition; the committee also believes they have accomplished several of their assigned objectives; and, will report these items closed as part of their next report.
  • This project is ongoing but will remain ongoing indefinitely. Our Association and local Coordinators have been encouraged to do this but more work is needed.

Goal #1: Enhance legislative activities to include state and federal advocacy for Emergency Management.

Number / Lead Committee / Supporting Committee(s) / Objective Statement / Objective
1.4 / Legislative / Executive / Increase the ability for NCEMA to monitor state and federal legislative policies and create position papers when needed. / August 1, 2016
Task Number / Task Statement / Task Deadline / Progress Report / Additional Comments
1.4.1 / Provide a direct avenue to IAEM and make sure that our Association is aware of any issues that they may be following. / 5/1/2016 /
  • As Legislative Committee Chair; I have begun forwarding along any and all emails that I receive from IAEM Legislative Policy Advisor Martha Braddock.
  • This will be an ongoing effort. For now these emails are being forwarded to the NCEMA President, the NCEMA Executive Director and the Legislative Committee members.

1.4.2 / Networking directly with our Region IV President and staying up to date on any regional or national topics of interest. / 6/1/2016 /
  • The Legislative Committee has assigned an individual to collaborate directly with the Region IV President to stay continually informed.
  • In a sense this has already been put into place, however it may take a couple of months to get an established “Rhythm” on this.

The Legislative Committee is currently focused on the May 2016 trip to Washington, DC. They will turn their attention back to assigned Strategic Plan activities once the trip has been completed. At that time; the committee will move forward with their assigned objectives; based upon experiences gained as a result of May 2016 trip. In addition; the committee also believes they have accomplished several of their assigned objectives; and, will report these items closed as part of their next report.
  • We have long had a firm grasp on Federal legislative issues; but may fall short at times on State issues. Zach Smith (Guilford County EM Coordinator and Legislative Committee member) has agreed to assume the role of monitoring State legislative issues and has done really well. I would consider this objective to be complete
  • Completed (June 2016)

Goal #1: Enhance legislative activities to include state and federal advocacy for Emergency Management.

Number / Lead Committee / Supporting Committee(s) / Objective Statement / Objective
1.5 / Legislative / --- / Increase engagement with the state legislative process. / July 1, 2016
Task Number / Task Statement / Task Deadline / Progress Report / Additional Comments
1.5.1 / Assign an individual on the Legislative Committee the responsibility of monitoring the state legislative process. / 0/1/2016 /
  • This has already occurred. As of now there is a Committee member who is actively monitoring state legislative activities.
  • This has only recently take place; but we believe this will greatly improve our knowledge of state initiatives.

The Legislative Committee is currently focused on the May 2016 trip to Washington, DC. They will turn their attention back to assigned Strategic Plan activities once the trip has been completed. At that time; the committee will move forward with their assigned objectives; based upon experiences gained as a result of May 2016 trip. In addition; the committee also believes they have accomplished several of their assigned objectives; and, will report these items closed as part of their next report.
  • Zach Smith (Guilford County EM Coordinator and Legislative Committee member) has agreed to assume the role of monitoring State legislative issues and has done really well. We continue to need to be a stronger voice in the legislative process at the State level; but I feel we are on the right track.
  • Eric Griffin (UNC-W) and Zach Smith (UNC-G) will share the responsibility of monitoring the Raleigh Legislature’s activities.
  • E. Griffin and Z. Smith are working together to develop recommendations on how best to further our Association’s engagement with the state legislative process.

Goal #2: Enhance the quality of the member experience and perceived membership value.

Number / Lead Committee / Supporting Committee(s) / Objective Statement / Objective
2.1 / All Committees / --- / Provide membership with more frequent and relevant opportunities for participation in Association activities. / Various
Task Number / Task Statement / Task Deadline / Progress Report / Additional Comments
2.1.1 - Nominate / Work directly with Executive Committee, in particular the Branch representatives, to be actively involved in providing potential candidates for vacant association elected positions. / 5/1/2016 /
  • We will discuss at the Executive Committee meeting at the Spring Conference.
  • Brief Association Membership at the Spring Conference on the role of the Nominations Committee and the importance of their involvement.
  • Complete (May 2016)
  • No changes to by laws required.
  • Committee chairman briefed the Association’s general membership during their 2016 Spring Conference meeting on the role of the Nominations Committee and the importance of the membership of the Association to take an active part in the nomination process.

2.1.2 - Nominate / Ensure timely meetings of the Nominations committee and ensure timely solicitation of nominees for vacant positions. / 6/1/2016 /
  • New Chair of committee will meet with members to discuss and ensure this task becomes a priority within the committee.
  • Complete (May 2016)
  • No changes to by laws required.
  • Committee met during the 2016 Spring Conference; and, will conduct a conference call during the month of June 2016.

2.1.1 - Training / Provide meeting updates via NCEMA website of committee activities. / 6/30/2016 /
  • Complete (May 2017)

2.1.2 - Training / Hold quarterly conference calls to discuss activities, strategic plan implementation, etc.… / 6/30/2016 /
  • Conference Call scheduled for May 12, 2016
  • Complete (May 2017)
  • Held Conference Call May 12, 2016
  • Held Conference Call August 16, 2016
  • Fall Conference Meeting scheduled.

2.1.1 – C&BL / The Constitution and Bylaws Committee will communicate as appropriate with the entire Association membership when changes to the Association bylaws have been recommended including relevant background information. / Ongoing /
  • Complete (May 2016)
  • These same procedures will be followed whenever there is need to update/modify the NCEMA Constitution and Bylaws.
  • The comments below in 5.4, 6.1 and 6.2 reflect the thinking of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee for inclusion and opportunities for the Association membership.
  • Proposed changes to the NCEMA By-Laws were provided to Association membership prior to the 2016 Spring Conference and were discussed and approved during the conference’s general membership meeting.

2.1.1 - Member / Recommend that the EM Association approach the NCSFA to see if we could jointly participate in their “Legislative Day” This would be an opportunity to discuss core issues with our representatives / 6/1/2016 /
  • This would be an activity for the executive committee to discuss.
  • Complete (September 2017)
  • Regional training events, regional meetings with low cost factors. Most budgets will not support many overnight excursions.

2.1.2 - Member / Do more to promote participation in committees and have an open process. / 6/1/2016 /
  • Complete (September 2017)

2.1.1 - Program / Include more conference sessions that offer a local perspective. / 6/1/2016
(and on-going for each conference) /
  • Included Local Perspective sessions in Spring Conference Program on Tier II & EPlan, Winston-Salem State University Shooting and Exercise Development.
  • Complete (May 2017)
  • Poll Branch Managers for potential local perspective sessions prior to first planning meeting for every conference.

2.1.2 - Program / Continue to recruit new Program Committee members / 10/11/2016
both Spring and Fall) /
  • College/University EM representative added to the committee.
  • Announcement will be made during the Program Committee report at the General Membership meeting that we are always looking for new members.
  • Complete (May 2017)

Goal #2: Enhance the quality of the member experience and perceived membership value.

Number / Lead Committee / Supporting Committee(s) / Objective Statement / Objective
2.2 / Legislative / --- / Provide information to membership on legislative activities; to include benefits of the annual Washington D.C. legislative visit. / 11/1/2016
Task Number / Task Statement / Task Deadline / Progress Report / Additional Comments
2.2.1 / Provide direct feedback to the entire Association, and the Fall Conference, each year following the annual trip to Washington DC.
  • Develop a formal presentation that would involve the entire Legislative Committee that could be shown each year at the Fall Conference that showcases the accomplishments of the trip that particular year.
/ 11/01/16 /
  • This is typically done in some form at the annual conference and has also been done through the Association Newsletter. That pattern will continue; however we have discussed the development of a formal presentation or power point that would outline the trip in detail to ensure that the entire Association is kept well informed.
  • The Legislative Committee is currently focused on the May 2016 trip to Washington, DC. They will turn their attention back to assigned Strategic Plan activities once the trip has been completed.
  • Scot Brooks’ trip report (and photos) have been posted to the Association’s website; and, was also referenced in a recent newsletter article.
  • Completed (July 2016)……see “Additional Comments.”
  • This could of course be accomplished through an executive summary if that is preferred.
  • Executive Director Comment: Scot Brooks plans to develop a report/article concerning the May 2016 trip to DC (with photographs) that will be distributed directly to all Association members; and, is also planned to be posted to the Association’s website.
  • While the Washington DC trip will be discussed during the Legislative Committee report (during the NCEMA General Membership meeting) at the 2016 Fall Conference; we no longer propose to develop a separate (i.e. “formal”) conference session presentation on the Washington DC trip. We believe the newsletter article and website posting will provide a wider distribution of the trip information than a conference presentation would; and, the trip will still be discussed (and member questions can be asked) during the Legislative Committee report.

Goal #2: Enhance the quality of the member experience and perceived membership value.

Number / Lead Committee / Supporting Committee(s) / Objective Statement / Objective
2.3 / Executive / --- / Coordinate regional meetings for NCEMA discussions autonomous of the Branch Meetings during the NCEMA Conferences. / 10/1/2016
Task Number / Task Statement / Task Deadline / Progress Report / Additional Comments
General Comment / It is the opinion of the Executive Committee that such meetings would be easy to implement; if/when the need were to present itself. However; apart from a future situation developing where it was imperative that only local emergency managers were to be in attendance at a particular meeting; it would be easier for the President and the two Vice-Presidents to request a short period of time at the close of each of their separate conference associated Branch Meetings in order to lead a short discussion of “regional concerns” among the local emergency managers in attendance. In addition; the newly implemented “Branch Forums” also affords an opportunity for a short discussion of “regional concerns”……as necessary.
2.3.1 / President and two Vice-Presidents confer among themselves to decide if such a “regional concern” discussion is needed; and, if it should be included as part of a Branch Meeting. / 9/15/2016 /
  • Entire Objective “closed out” on March 12th, 2017.
  • NOTE: This whole Objective may be able to be closed……..discuss this with Executive Committee.

2.3.2 / If discussion is to be part of the Branch Meeting; President and two Vice-Presidents contact their NC/EM Branch Managers to coordinate adding their “regional concern” discussion to the Branch Meeting agenda. / 9/20/2016
2.3.3 / If discussion is to be held separate from the Branch Meeting; President and two Vice-Presidents contact Program Committee Chairman to schedule one (or more) separate “regional concern” meeting(s). / 9/20/2016 /
  • Program Committee Chairman will coordinate with Site Committee Chairman to determine the date/time and location of any necessary the “regional concern” meeting(s).

Goal #2: Enhance the quality of the member experience and perceived membership value.