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The Georgia Society, SAR presents the Silver ROTC Medals and Certificates each year to the 12 Senior ROTC Programs in the state. A total of 15 Silver ROTC Medals and Certificates are purchased each year. The Georgia Institute of Technology receives three awards, one for each of its three programs, the University of Georgia receives two awards and the remaining institutions receive one award each. Many colleges and universities have ROTC; however, most fall under a designated HostSchool and are referred to as a Cross-town Program. As appropriate letters are mailed by the State ROTC Awards Chairman to the individual schools:
- Letter 1 - A general letter to the schools ROTC coordinator telling them that the Georgia Society is happy to participate in their awards programs and to forward a request for the Silver ROTC awards to the State ROTC Awards Chairman for handling,
- Letter 2 - A response letter to the schools indicating that their request for an award has been received and that it will be forwarded in time for the school ceremony. This letter may not be necessary if the medals and certificates are on hand and letter 3 can be sent to the school together with these awards,
- Letter 3 - Letter to the school together with the medal(s) and certificate(s) plus the name of the local Chapter that will provide a representative to present the SAR Silver ROTC Medal at the School’s Award Ceremony. Copies of this correspondence are also sent to the local SAR Chapter President for his use. A copy of these letters may be found in Section of this document.
College ROTC ProgramCitySAR Chapter
ArmstrongAtlanticStateUniversity (A) Savannah Edward Telfair, Savannah
AugustaStateUniversity (A)AugustaWilliam Few, Augusta
ColumbusStateUniversity (A)ColumbusCowetaFalls, Columbus
FortValleyStateUniversity(A)FortValleyOcmulgee, Macon
GeorgiaMilitaryCollege (A)MilledgevilleJohn Milledge, Milledgeville
Georgia Southern University (A)StatesboroMill Creek, Statesboro
GeorgiaStateUniversity (A)AtlantaSons of Liberty, Hiram
Georgia Inst. of Technology (A, AF, N)AtlantaSons of Liberty, Hiram
NorthGeorgiaCollege and Dahlonega Lyman Hall, Gainesville
StateUniversity (A)
SavannahStateUniversity (N) Savannah Edward Telfair, Savannah
University of Georgia (A, AF)AthensAthens
ValdostaStateUniversity (AF)Valdosta Valdosta
JWG ‘96