/ IECQ-H Schedule of Scope, Rev 3
For IEC use only



IECQ HSPM Template for Schedule of Scope

As previously advised a new Standardised look Certificate Format, as agreed during the 2008 IECQ meetings, is being introduced across all IECQ Schemes we are pleased to now inform you that as at today, the new format IECQ HSPM Certificate format is operational from the IECQ “On-Line” certificate System.

To support the new Schedule of Scope attachment feature of the IECQ HSPM Certificate, the Secretariat has prepared a standardised IECQ HSPM Schedule of Scope template to be used by all IECQ CB’s when attaching a Schedule of Scope to a Certificate. It is most important that all attachments are based on this format and are attached in PDF file format.

The new look Certificate Templates now in use, can be viewed from the IECQ ‘On-Line” certificate system at http://certificates.iecq.org/ .

Should you have any initial questions or require assistance with this new template, please feel free to contact Steve Allan at the IECQ secretariat via e-mail at:

Kind regards


IECQ Secretary


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covering Electronic Components,
Assemblies, Related Materials and Processes
For rules and details of the IECQ visit www.iecq.org
Schedule of Scope to Certificate of Conformity
Hazardous Substance Process Management
IECQ Certificate No.: IECQ-H
CB Certificate No.:
Schedule Number: IECQ-H IECQCB 11.0002-S / Rev No.: / Revision Date: / Page 1 of 2
This schedule is only valid in conjunction with the referenced Certificate of Approval
This approval and any schedule(s) may only be reproduced in full.
This approval is not transferable and remains the property of the issuing body.
The Status and authenticity of this approval and any schedule(s) may be verified by visiting the
Official IECQ Website. www.iecq.org
IECQ CB Full Name (as listed on Certificate), IECQ CB address details as listed on Certificate / Insert IECQ CB LOGO here

IECQ-H Schedule of Scope Rev. 03